Posts by sprAngles
What's the best strategy for finding sub surface ores? (I'm most hard up on redstone right now but there's a few other things I'd like to hit, all below ground). I've tried sinking shafts every chunk and every 3 chunks, but came up empty on all but two shafts. I've had a touch more luck caving (if nothing actually useful). But actually finding caves is pretty sporadic.
If you're short on redstone, just head to the nether.... notably missing is Tungstate for tungsten.
That vein is really rare. I'm not surprised you haven't found it yet. -
Hey Blood, I noticed that in your setup here ( your 4 quad MOX rods are generating 3840 HU/s. However, when I tried it in my world at >50% heat in the image attached, they only generate half at 1920 HU/s (I measure heat by seeing how much heat is absorbed by a coolant cell in a second and then multiplying by 8.) Am I doing something wrong here?
I had no idea that existed. It's not documented anywhere that I could find on the web. The in-game tooltip seems fairly comprehensive, though I see it lists 2 input hatches, and clearly you need 3 if you're going to supply fuel, lubricant, and oxygen. I'm guessing the 3rd input hatch is legal and has the same restrictions as the other 2.
Yes, you'll need 3 hatches, for diesel fuel, lubricant and oxygen. Also, it's worth noting that it is legal to put additional useless input hatches or buses (or output) on a multiblock, as long as you have the minimum required structure block (e.g. minimum 24 stable titanium casing). This is a fantastic way to save on resources when building multiblocks made of very valuable or hard-to-obtain materials, like the processing array.
Is there a similar, cheap way to get hydrogen? When I originally built the water electrolysis setup, I did so because I needed hydrogen to de-sulfinate oil products (light fuel, naptha), and I wasn't prepared to sacrifice limonite to get it.
Personally I got hydrogen earlier on by electrolysing all my methane (I had a natural gas oil rig, which has the bonus of not requiring as much hydrogen to desulfurise) and also by processing bauxite to get titanium. By the time I was able to build my diesel engine I had tungstensteel production ongoing, so I built a processing array of electrolysers to get 32 buckets of hydrogen every 75 seconds.
I don't understand what you mean by a "diesel engine boosted by oxygen." Diesel generators only have a single fuel slot. The wiki says nothing about this. Are you saying you can pipe fuel and oxygen into a diesel generator?
What I'm referring to is the Large Diesel Engine, the titanium multiblock that requires a diesel fuel (usually nitro diesel) and a tiny amount of lubricant to run. It produces a consistent 2048EU/t (from 4L/t of nitro diesel or 8L/t of light fuel etc.) which puts you fully into EV power, but if you feed it oxygen as well (which you should always do) it has an efficiency of 150% and consumes fuel twice as fast, and as a result generates a whopping 6144EU/t, which catapults you straight into Insane Voltage.
Back to oil - it appears that there's no actual use in Gregtech for Heavy Fuel except as an intermediate product for things like toluene. Is that correct? It doesn't appear to burn either in diesel generators or boilers. It has an entry for the semifluid generator, but that's an IC2 machine and not useful for a Gregtech power network.I ask because I'm working on drilling that Heavy Oil source, and Heavy Fuel is the obvious product. Or I could just convert it to regular oil cheaply and feed it into my existing nitro diesel line. Which I'd do anyway to start, but I was sort of expecting that Heavy Fuel was supposed to be a better use for Heavy Oil.
What you can do with Heavy Fuel is to crack it, ideally with Hydrogen. This will give you 249L of Cracked Heavy Fuel for 128L of Heavy Fuel. Following that, run it through another distillation tower; 100L Cracked Heavy Fuel will give you 80L Refinery Gas, 10L Naphtha, 40L Light Fuel, 30L Toluene and 5L Lubricant. With the amount of Heavy Fuel that you get from Heavy Oil, plus the increase through cracking and hydrogen, you get insane amounts of nitro diesel, such that it way more than pays for the 320EU/t cracking recipe as well as having another distillation tower.
Some math for each drum of Heavy Oil:
256,000L Heavy Oil => 115,200L Light Fuel + 640,000L Heavy Fuel (Distillation Tower)
640,000L Heavy Fuel => 1,245,000L Cracked Heavy Fuel (Oil Cracking Unit + Hydrogen)
1,245,000 Cracked Heavy Fuel => 996,000L Refinery Gas + 124,500L Naphtha + 498,000L Light Fuel + 373,500L Toluene + 62,250L Lubricant (Distillation Tower)
Assuming Toluene is distilled into Light Fuel and all Light Fuel is converted into Nitro Diesel,
373,500L Toluene => 373,500L Light Fuel (Distillery)
115,200L Light Fuel + 498,000L Light Fuel + 373,500L Light Fuel => 1,233,375L Nitro Diesel (Chemical Reactor)Each drum of Heavy Oil produces 631,488,000EU worth of energy from Nitro Diesel alone. Boosted by a Diesel Engine with Oxygen this is goes up to 947,232,000EU.
I ran into a major difficulty bump, and I want to be sure I understand what's going on.The Pyrolise Oven requires Kanthal coils. A fair number of metals are gated behind needing Kanthal coils, but my primary concern right now is a ready source of renewable oil, so I don't have to keep making mining runs for Oilsand, and the oven does a wood -> oil conversion.
Kanthal smelting produces a hot ingot. The only way to convert the hot ingot to a usable ingot as a Vacuum Freezer.
The Vacuum Freezer requires processor boards, which in turn needs polytetrafluorethylene (aka teflon), which has a complicated refining process involving LPG, chlorine, and fluorine.
Is that correct? I figured I was pretty close to being ready for Kanthal until I discovered that I needed teflon.
I've brought this up before. A worthy solution would be to have coil tiering for the Pyrolyse Oven, with Cupronickel coils allowing for ordinary wood to charcoal smelting, Kanthal for the charcoal recipes that use Nitrogen and Nichrome for the wood to heavy oil recipe. For now, I simulate that by producing Cupronickel coils then deleting them and cheating in Kanthal ones to use.
The default chance is 1 Asteroid every 300 chunks. So, did you lower the number to get more asteroids?
I:AsteroidProbability_300=1 would result in every chunk containing a asteroid.Ok so lowering the probablity increases the chance of asteroids spawning. Always thought it was the other way round, so when testing ended up having asteroids every 5000 chunks. Thanks!
Thanks for the update! I think I found a bug though: sodium + magnesium chloride does not give back the chlorine.
Also, whenever I run an entire oil drum through a brand new distillation tower, when everything is done I seem to be missing one cycle's worth of fuel. I'm not sure if this will happen again, but does anyone get this phenomenon?
Edit: the reaction to make titanium tetrachloride with rutile is also missing chlorine as an input.
I've got a plastics line up and running, and as part of that I'm desulfinating Naphtha. This creates two H2S cells, which I then empty by creating sulfuric acid. I'd like to recycle those cells automatically, but one has to go to the fluid canning unit to fill up with hydrogen, and the other has to go to the chem reactor.
Is there a graceful way to split the empty cell output between these two machines? The brute-force method is to have 128 cells in the system. Once either machine has a full stack of 64, it won't accept any more, so the remainder will go to the other one.
If you have a piping system (e.g. Ender IO) with round robin settings you can use that. Personally I just clog the system up with 128 cells though.
Edit: ok round robin doesn't work because of the different processing times of the machines. I've never tried it but I've seen people recommend logistics pipes if you have them installed.
To be honest, I don't really see the need for the use of coil tiers higher than Nichrome. By the time Tungstensteel and the other high-end materials can be afforded, the Pyrolyse Oven will be quite obsolete, especially with the new pollution mechanic. I originally brought this issue up because I felt that Kanthal coils (which require HV recipes and a vacuum freezer) is a rather imbalanced requirement for a thoroughly MV multiblock, but feel free to add more ideas though. They spice up the game a lot!
You make a good point there. And now I notice that the Oil Cracking Unit, which has a controller made with HV components, uses rings of cupronickel Coils. WTH? The other multiblock machines that can use kanthal coils, the EBF and the Multi Smelter, can use cupronickel and nichrome coils as alternatives, with changes in functionality (different heating capacities for the EBF, and different numbers of concurrent smelted items for the multi smelter), so maybe something similar could be done for the pyrolyse oven, e.g. allow biomass and simple charcoal production with cupronickel coils, but require kanthal to get the efficiency/speed increase from adding nitrogen, and require nichrome for making heavy oil.This was last mentioned a few months ago, but I feel that it's worthy to bring up again. I think it would be a fantastic idea to introduce coil tiers into the Pyrolyse Oven (Cupronickel for normal wood to charcoal, Kanthal for the Nitrogen recipes, and Nichrome for heavy oil), which would suitably balance it at MV tier.
To disable GT machine recipes, use the Recipes config file.
May I ask, how do I complete disable a certain recipe (e.g. fusion reactor)? Do I just set the value (number of ticks/amount produced/etc.) to 0?
Are there any losses of Distilled water in a Large Heat Exchanger -> Large Steam Turbine loop, or can it run as a closed system?It should be a closed system as long as you don't choke up the heat exchanger output hatch with steam. I believe I'm correct in saying that if the output hatch is completely filled with steam, any extra steam will be voided.
Unfortunately gold plasma is currently unobtainable in survival, and will probably never be implemented as nuclear fusion into gold atoms (or any element heavier than nickel) uses more energy than it provides so there's not much point either. Though if you're at fusion stage, the currently available few plasmas should be sufficient for your needs.
I added the GT5.09 changes of the mass fabricator to the gamepedia page.A few questions about the new system though:
1) When it says the LV Mass Fab accepts up to 10 Amps, is the UUM production scaled up accordingly to 10 Amps or are the additional amps merely eaten up?
2) What happens when more than 10 Amps are provided? Does the machine blow up?
3) LV requires 8 Amps, MV requires 4 and HV requires 2. What does that mean for IV, when it becomes 0.5 Amps?
Hey Blood, how do you obtain duranium? I don't see a recipe for it. Also, the tooltip for the LuV disassembler shows disassembling with 110% efficiency, and correspondingly until UV. Is that a bug? Finally, I see you've changed the turbine tooltip for optimal gas flow, but I still believe the optimal plasma flow is incorrect; it should be twice the value of the optimal steam flow.
Edit: I thing I've found a bug. I tried to produce a UV field generator in creative using the assembly line, and after it was done processing it left one of every respective item in the input hatches, unconsumed. However, the 8 fine osmium wires, when stacked together, seemingly collapsed into one, which alerted me to buggy behaviour.