Posts by MauveCloud

    I'm not sure it's appropriate for the mining laser to have fortune iii, especially if it takes 1 less iridium plate to craft it than it does to craft an iridium drill. Also, how often do you find enough fortune-compatible ore in one line to justify using a mining laser for it?

    However, I like some of the other details, like the higher damage, energy capacity, and presumably penetration distance when used in mining or horizontal mode (scatter and explosive modes might be too powerful if scaled up).

    Okay, I came across a new confusion today: cobaltite ore, which can be smelted directly to cobalt ingots for a tier 3 pickaxe, can be mined with a tier 2 pickaxe. However, the garnierite ore above it in a Nickel vein, which smelts to nickel ingots, which make a tier 2 pickaxe, apparently requires a tier 3 pickaxe to mine it. Is there a Wiki page that documents the mining levels of different GT ores (especially counter-intuitive ones like those)?

    When I searched for the word, I found indications that it's an alternate spelling. Less common maybe, but still valid: (I got it to show in the "free" version this time, but it's usually limited to the unabridged version) and
    Also, even if it wasn't a word before, we could decide to make it a word now.

    I figured the efficiency settings already affected the fuel consumption rather than the output. As far as "balancing", it actually seems a bit more realistic to me for it to be a tradeoff, where one would choose two of the following three attributes for a power generation setup: compact, fast, efficient.

    I was kinda hoping the lines that didn't involve items from missing mods would still be applied, but I guess I was expecting too much from Minetweaker. I will edit the scripts when I have a chance (I don't want to just remove the recipes that involve items from missing mods, I want to see if I can find alternate items to use in the recipes to maintain balance; also, I didn't see anything in Buildcraft.zs for removing the Buildcraft gear recipes), but there are two things slowing me down from that:
    1. I have a migraine this morning :( .
    2. Suddenly this morning several of my existing worlds started crashing, even without changes to the mod list. The log showed something about trying to download a cape (even though afaik I haven't earned a cape, and since I only play single-player and almost always in first-person view, I wouldn't even see the cape if I had). Disabling Optifine and my resource packs allowed the worlds to load, but I'm not happy about losing either.

    Edit: #2 turned out to be a conflict with authlib (that apparently got updated independently of the main minecraft version), and Optifine has released a newer build for 1.7.10 that fixes it. Fixing the scripts from that GitHub repository turned out to be less practical than I thought. I think I'd be better off starting from scratch, but first I'm going to play my almost-pure GregTech instance for a bit, and decide whether I even need other mods to go with it.

    1. You can electrolyze 50 steel dust to 50 iron dust fairly cheaply and then turn that into wrought iron to make steel again.
    2. Uh-huh.
    3. Yep. Dust forms are easily interchangeable and solid forms are easily interchangeable, but dust to solid requires the blast furnace. So avoid going back to dust whenever possible.

    Sorry, I fail to see how that explains the logic behind the limitations. Those are some things I can do to work within (or does it count as around?) those limitations.

    2. Railcraft changed the internal names of a lot of stuff recently and GT5 never had a chance to update to them before GT6 came along. You can fix them with minetweaker.
    3. Minetweaker.

    I tried using some Minetweaker scripts from in a new instance in MultiMC, and that didn't seem to fix either #2 or #3 from my list of inter-mod oddities, though maybe I did something wrong when setting them up. I saw a lot of Minetweaker errors, though, so I've attached the log file.

    One other inter-mod oddity I noticed but forgot to mention:
    The GT scanner machine can scan Forestry bees, but seems to require fluid honey for that, which I'm not sure is actually obtainable by default (NEI showed me the fluid canning machine recipe for removing it from a cell or adding it to one, but not how to get the fluid honey in the first place).

    Unless Greg is disabling those, they are all connected in that they need steel plates, that I presume isn't ore dictionaried.

    Two problems with that explanation:
    1. With Railcraft installed, the GT processing recipes for steel plates actually give Railcraft steel plates, not GT steel plates (I've got NEI integration's "show internal names" option active, so I can tell the difference).
    2. Except for the steel tank valves and gauges, which only show recipes for dye-ing them, the devices I listed won't even show me a recipe in NEI (with fairly recent versions of NEI addons and NEI integration installed).

    Now I've gotten to HV tier and have built an IC2 mining laser (though I haven't built HV machines beyond what I needed for that yet), I don't mind the redstone centrifuging so much or wading through NEI to try to find the fastest or most material-efficient way to craft different items, but I've come across some oddities I'd like to mention:

    GregTech internal logic issues (maybe somebody can explain these, but at the moment, I don't see the logic behind these details):
    1. It takes 10 times as much time and EU to smelt steel dust in an EBF compared to smelting wrought iron to get steel (setting aside the time it takes to prepare the wrought iron and oxygen)
    2. It takes almost twice as long and more than twice as much EU to smelt one pile of aluminium dust in an EBF than to smelt three [green] sapphires or three rubies (which will provide enough nuggets for one ingot).
    3. With my current set of mods, I can use an MV-tier fluid extractor to get liquid aluminium from 101 different items, and liquid steel from 239 different items, including ingots and plates, but not from the simple dusts (unless I turn off the blast furnace requirements in the config, which also allows me to smelt the dusts in a simple furnace as well, which I'm not certain is appropriate).

    Wiki issue:
    On the FTB Wiki GregTech 5 Mining and Processing page, near the bottom, it says:


    Hammer, Forge Hammer: The simpler form of the Macerator, it smashes ores but does not double them. It's fast, but it's effectively useless after you have electric machines.

    I have to disagree. Even after making plenty of other electric machines, the forge hammer is still useful for the following:
    1. Converting crushed ores to impure dusts (faster and lower EU cost than re-macerating the crushed ores)
    2. Converting purified ores to purified dusts
    3. Getting gems from gem ores (faster and lower EU cost than smelting the ore block, though I think it produces fewer gems per ore block than processing ore blocks to dusts and then autoclaving or implosion-compressing the dusts)

    Inter-mod oddities (I presume some of these can be fixed via MineTweaker and/or ModTweaker, but it might be good if someone could edit the FTB wiki page on GregTech mod compatibility to mention them; I hesitate to do so myself):
    1. In surface craters from AE2 meteorites, I sometimes find blocks that show as "" in Waila, and when I mine one, it drops vanilla iron ore. I've had vanilla ore generation disabled in the gregtech configs since the world was created.
    2. Many Railcraft devices are apparently not craftable by default when GregTech 5 is installed: the steam oven, the engraving bench, the rock crusher, the feed station, steel tank valves/gauges (though strangely steel tank walls are still craftable), the boiler fireboxes, the void chest, and the metals chest.
    3. Buildcraft and Forestry have their own recipes for a few types of gears, which in the early game are cheaper to craft than the GregTech equivalents, and no options in their configs for disabling those recipes.

    I can think of two things to check so far, which you haven't made clear yet:
    1. Did you make sure the heat-conducting sides are facing each other? If the machines are adjacent but the heat conductors are facing other directions, the transfer won't work.
    2. Does the fermenter have biomass in it? Without biomass, it won't accept any heat.

    It might also help if you specify which build of IC2 you're using.

    That doesn't explain why the old planner seems to show them as being able to absorb over 13 million heat each.

    Anyway, I've released v1.3 of my planner, which includes the features you requested and a fix to the condensator bug I discovered while adding those features.

    I discovered a serious bug regarding the condensators: I had somehow failed to notice before that they can accept heat but not release heat (to component heat vents, exchangers, etc.), so my planner doesn't simulate them properly at the moment. However, I'm not sure the old planner handled them correctly either. Consider this design: http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…811iqu4su2k657f0r2dg4jmdc

    That shows two of them as having absorbed 13 million heat. Did the condensators get nerfed sometime after the old planner was last updated, or is it assuming I'd have something set up to exchange the condensators once they can't absorb any more heat?

    Chocohead has already posted a GitHub issue about those things, and some more, which I hope to be able to address soon. However, one part of your request could be a problem: heat per second from the fuel rods is not constant when using MOX in a fluid reactor - it depends on the reactor heat.

    I don't think you listed any of the mods that add alternate materials for level 3 pickaxes (e.g. Thaumcraft), so here are some options I can think of, roughly in ascending order of difficulty/time consumption:
    1. Find some diamonds in a chest. (e.g. desert temple, nether fortress, village blacksmith - looking at the Minecraft wiki, I think all of the vanilla generated chests except for the bonus chest have a chance to include some diamonds)
    2. Look for small topaz or small blue topaz ore, such as in the exposed stone of extreme hills, and hope for plain, flawless, or exquisite topazes.
    3. Look for small diamond ore, which by default can only spawn at layers 5-10, so you might want a hazmat suit first to protect yourself from the lava. (and again, hope for plain, flawless, or exquisite)
    4. Use an electric blast furnace to smelt titanium. (a bit crazy to do this before building a macerator, though, since you also need an ore washing plant and centrifuge to get titanium dust at LV tier)