You are allowed to decompile it so long as you don't use any source code without permission. just crashes when I try to start it 
As far as decompiling, I presume you mean under the clause "Modifying any or all of the files of IC is permitted without limitations for private use only." I'll try that.
As far as the crashing, could one of you please post the exception details? Thanks. I developed it using NetBeans 8.0.1 and Java 1.8.0_11, but it didn't crash for me even when I ran the jar standalone outside NetBeans.
does it need to be java?
could it not be done in HTML 5 or something thats less... risky to run untrusted ( Not trying to cause anger from offence ( i do mean to offend) sorry but we don't know you as well as we know player and mojang )
for me i don't let java run in the browser and limit its connections otherwisewhen running manually.
second if you use a non java it might be easier to run ? who knows 
Technically, no, it doesn't need to be Java, that's just what I'm most familiar with. I could view this as an opportunity to learn HTML5 or whatever, though. 
It's standalone at the moment, so I'm not sure how you'd make it run in the browser. I can't really blame you for not trusting me, but I can run it just fine inside Sandboxie, in case you're concerned with security - it's almost completely self-contained, except for reading an optional user-specified (and remembered via Preferences.userRoot) path to a resource pack (I have a 4k screen, so I don't like settling for default 16x16 textures). Would it help if I posted hash codes (MD5, SHA1, etc.) so you can verify that the file hasn't been corrupted or hacked on the server?
I have a copy of Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional stowed away, but if I used that and C++ or C# (both of which I'm rusty at), the program wouldn't run (except via emulation) on Mac or *nix, and might be considered even more risky than Java
Java da bomb though. Screw HTML
if this was open-sourced and on Github, that'd be great though.
I was already planning to make this open source, but I was hoping to get some feedback and develop it a bit further first. Also, I was thinking SourceForge, mainly because I hadn't really noticed GitHub. One thing that concerns me is that Wikipedia lists "Commerical" for the "Self-hosting" feature for GitHub. Could somebody please explain what that means? Thanks.
Update: I've looked at IC2 in a decompiler, and fixed my simulator to do two passes per reactor tick (one for handling heat and one for handling energy output) instead of three (one for generating heat and energy, one for vents dissipating heat, and one for exchangers transferring heat). However, I've looked at the code for the exchangers, and I don't really understand what it's doing. I think I'd have to mostly copy the decompiled code to get those to simulate correctly, so who can I ask for permission?