Since nobody answered my question about a wiki page on mining levels needed for different ores, I did my own checking, though only of the standard small and mix ores defined in WorldGeneration.cfg, and found some surprising results, including that cobaltite ore can actually be mined with a tier 1 pickaxe (e.g. flint, stone). I'm attaching a text file with my results, in case someone wants to add them to the FTB wiki for GregTech 5.
Posts by MauveCloud
By putting a Roof above them. That was the whole purpose of the explosion condition.
Hmm. I thought I'd read somewhere that GT machines were safe in desert/savanna, rather than inferring it on my own from the rain and lightning explosion settings, but now I can't find it. On the other hand, I haven't found documentation (other than this thread) that explicitly states a roof is required, and a roof wouldn't be sufficient to protect against sandstorms in the desert. I also just found a related hazard that apparently hasn't been implemented: water blocks, either source or flowing, even directly above the machine, don't cause explosions, and can even protect the machine from rain/lightning hazards.
Sandstorms. That is the Reason. Now shut up, i don't have to justify myself with reasons for reducing the probability of exploding Machines in Deserts, where other people might think it shouldn't explode at all instead of having just a significantly reduced risk of it happening.
I beg to differ. If conditions for machine explosions aren't explained or at least documented, how can I know that I've taken sufficient precautions against them? Creative testing shows that Blood Asp's latest version no longer has machines exploding in the desert, but your response leaves me more inclined to just disable explosion-related options in GregTech.cfg.
Thunderstorm != Rain
Thunderstorms are causing Explosions for different Reasons than Rain.
True, but thunderstorms include rain, except in dry biomes like desert, and the Minecraft wiki specifically states that lightning strikes don't hit blocks in dry biomes either. Also, I'm fairly sure I didn't see lightning strike the machines when I was checking in creative mode. The FTB wiki page on GT5 electricity has no mention of these other reasons, so could you please provide (either directly or by linking) an explanation of them?
Sorry if this is answered somewhere, but couldn't find any information. Is there any way to pull liquids out of storage (tank) during steam age?
Without buildcraft, pure gregtech.What tank do you mean? The tanks in the steam age boilers output to fluid pipes attached to the sides or top automatically, and the lowest-tier quantum tank isn't craftable using steam age machines.
Edit: I think there is something wrong with the checks for rain and lightning - in my survival world, I set up my machines a few steps into desert biome (where the rain doesn't fall, and lightning doesn't strike according to, and two of my machines exploded when the weather was "thunderstorm". I've checked in creative mode, and a GT machine can randomly explode during a thunderstorm even deep enough in desert biome that rain in adjacent biomes doesn't even render, at least if it has power (e.g. from an IC2 re-battery, so that no cables were connected) and is open to the sky. That doesn't match up with the documentation at…ricity#Machine_explosions .
Self imposing requires you to know if a design would explode or not. When placing 2 different voltage lines, if they touch all machines on the lower voltage line will explode. Self imposed explosions wouldn't have anything happen, defeating the point as you'd not TNT all your machines because of one misclick intentionally.
Yeah, I just got a lesson in how easy it is to forget details of what causes machines to explode - I finished making a GT wiremill, then I found a small crater where my lava boiler and basic steam turbine had been, and realized I'd forgotten to put a roof over them to keep the rain off.
I miss explosions
Wait, you want your machines to blow up in your face? If you just want to take precautions against explosions, can't you self-impose similar restrictions without having IC2exp enforce them via explosions?
You could create heavier atoms by a so called r-process, a thermonuclear explosion would be enough to created very heavy elements like einsteinium and fermium. You don´t need much stuff to create a thermonuclear bomb, but controlling the explosion could be a bit... difficult.
That would only produce microscopic amounts of the heavier atoms, though, right? iirc, naturally-occuring elements heavier than iron are considered to have come from supernova explosions.
According to the old planner, it gets up to 8524 heat (shown as a tooltip where it says "Mark V EA*") before the time limit stops it (or 9172 according to my newer planner), which is enough for the "lava" effect, which according to the wiki is:
QuoteBlocks within a 5x5x5 cube have a chance of burning or turning into lava ('moving' lava only, no source blocks).
I would not have guessed that reinforced concrete blocks could be affected that way, but the only way I can think of to avoid it is to shorten the time it's kept running, so that it doesn't get quite so hot, which should also reduce the cooldown time needed. According to the old planner, using a 25-second on/30-second off timer will be safer and give a slightly higher effective EU/t of 254.5 instead of the 252.3 of your 28/34 timer.
Imho, fluid reactors are unusable until the steam generator is reworked to produce a variable amount of stream from a variable amount of heat rather than fixed 200 hu/t bundles.
Who says steam is the only way to use fluid reactors? iirc, Stirling generators can handle variable heat, and even if they produce less EU than superheated steam, I'm fairly sure there are designs that output more EU that way than the best EU-reactor designs.
sterlings are about 1/2 of what a full steam setup can get out sadly!
I know. That's why I said "even" using Stirling generators, which are quite a bit easier to set up than a stable superheated steam setup - I've watched some of the tutorials on the latter, and still don't feel confident in my ability to do so. (iirc, using non-superheated steam produces about the same amount of power as a Stirling generator)
GT5 should work with IC2 EU and that work with Power Converters, right?
Not exactly. See…ricity#Energy_conversions, which also shows a way to take GregTech-generated power and send it into IC2 cables, which the Power Converters mod presumably still supports.
What version of Minecraft and build of IC2 are you using? The official design thread has a Mark I design that produces 420 EU/t, both active and effective, and I'd be surprised if you could get your effective EU/t that high with a Mark V. However, if you're using MC 1.7.10 and a recent build of IC2, and are willing to deal with the complications and hazards of a fluid reactor, you might be able to get higher output EU/t (even via Stirling generators) and efficiency with a Mark V design, since it continues to heat the coolant fluid even during the cooldown periods.
Let me get this straight: you want to take steam, which requires heat to generate (possibly within one block if using boilers from other mods, rather than from a separate block like IC2 does), and extract the heat back out? That's similar enough to what the LHE does that I think it would make more sense to add steam support to that block (if it doesn't already support it; it's been a while since I've used LHEs) than to make a new block to do it.
With Gregtech 5 installed, I'm pretty sure the only way to get U-235 is to centrifuge uranium-238 Dust. You get a 20% chance to get a tiny pile of U-235. It costs ~230,000 energy though in a centrifuge. (Note centrifuge, not thermal centrifuge). There may be U-235 ore, but I haven't found it yet. I haven't done much quarrying though
I checked the metadata values via NEI (and NEI Integration). Uranium 235 ore has metadata 97, but the default WorldGeneration.cfg file uses metadata 98 (Uranium 238 ) for the Uranium ores in both Plutonium veins and Pitchblende veins. However, due to the existence of Plutonium ore in GregTech, I think you can actually make MOX fuel more easily than Uranium fuel. If you're using the 5.08 version of GregTech that Blood Asp made, you even have the option of making thorium fuel rods.
Can anyone tell me how to build and use the distillation tower? What fluid goes in it?
I tried following the blueprints in the machine its self, but can't seem to get it to accept any fluids into it - I guess it would help If I knew "what" goes in and what should come out.I found this documentation on the distillation tower (presumably from an older version of GregTech):
I don't know how much Blood Asp has changed it from that, though. -
I just discovered that smelting crushed iron ore produces an iron ingot, instead of 10 iron nuggets, as it did with GT 5.07.07. I guess it's not really a big deal, but was that a deliberate change? For the "ite" ores (e.g. chalcopyrite, limonite), NEI shows me that those crushed ores also smelt to ingots, while before they would only give 3 nuggets each (unless I hammered them to impure dusts first).
I updated my almost-pure GregTech MultiMC instance to this a little while ago, and I came across a strange issue with ore textures. I'm using BDCraft textures for GregTech, and the regular ores now look like small ores. The screenshots I'm attaching are from instances with different sets of mods alongside GT, but the exact same resource pack for GregTech ores.