Taken care of already.
Note the configs to other servers did not change enough.
Taken care of already.
Note the configs to other servers did not change enough.
I will now proceed to update K4 with the same mods minus a few :
I will update changelog once it's done.
EDIT : Seems like it has been a success as well. Updating changelogs.
I will now proceed to update K1 and K2 with the same mods minus a few :
I will update changelog once it's done.
EDIT : Seems like it was a success. I will now update changelog.
Finally IHL is getting updated to latest .563 as well. I will edit the message in the other thread.
In time and it works. You rock. Thanks.
I linked the MC crashlog. It seemed descriptive enough to me, however I can send forge log if you think it's necessary.
Ah ? Then I might wait to update. Finding the thing and posting it on your thread.
Latest IHL crashed with the latest version of GT. I will show you crashlog once I'm done with this.
I am now proceeding to update HK3. The update will include the following mods :
logisticspipes- (http://ci.thezorro266.com/view…isticsPipes-0.9-mc17-bc7/)
ModTweaker 2-0.8.2.jar
Pam's HarvestCraft 1.7.10i.jar
I will write this to changelog once it's done.
EDIT : It seems like it has been a success. I will update the changelog now.
I will now start updating all 4 servers starting with HK3.
I will update the first server in the next 30 minutes.
Why aren't the Configs on the Website too? I mean if everything else is there.
That is a good idea. I will ask my GF to do this later today.
Any change is worth writing in the official thread. Let's face someone who couldn't even log on ic2 forums for a while and suddenly was able to get back. If he checks the official thread but doesn't look here, he might not update his config if he doesn't check the date of the last config file. I'm not sure if this will happen a lot though, but still worth writing here.
Anybody who comes back after a long hiatus should update configs. It should be pure logic. I will still update it in the other thread, just in case.
I updated K3's configs. You can still log with the old one but will be kicked if using chisel. Is that worth making a post in the announcement thread ?
Server crashing problems have been fixed for good. I removed Gendustry for the time being as it is what have been crashing the server for the past few days.
So sorry for that. Everything is back up and now crash-free.
I had about that in mind. Nice you think like this as well.
Also, I won't un-WList you to avoid having to re-WList you. I'll just pester you about why you should not be here personnally. ;P
Please note he is also not the only one posting scripts. I did post A LOT as well. He doesn't have time to check EVERY script he did not do to add that. ._.
So I have this question... I'm "nerfing" IC2 and would like to know... According to you, what tier should what generator be ?
I don't know all of them so I couldn't tell. For example this Kinetic Steam thingie is new for me. Should I even add that.
EDIT : Sorry for double post.
I will make thief skeleton less frequent, less quick as well. All zombies will receive a speed debuff as well. 10% to all.
I won't touch mobs much afterwards.
at least this way they can't horde materials as efficiently. besides, there is more to progressing in GT than just gathering materials.
I enabled the compressor. I will enable the extractor as well. I will see about others. No BF. That's for sure. No Mass Fab. Only machines that can help me make better recipes.