Little under 3 hours using geothermal. I play some hardcore Minecraft sometimes.
Posts by The Walking Glitch
Please tell me that wasn't Invedited/Neied/Tmied/mcedited/spawned in.
I would guess there is a chance that it wasn't. I have gotten crystal chests full of copper blocks before with a frame quarry pretty easily.
For the people who didn't use IC1: In IC1, rubber was made like so (
=normal log,
=nothing because cells didn't exist):
> 1
The treetap was used up.
When you made an extractor, you could insert a log, power it and get 1 rubber per log.
Ahh, the good old days of IC1.
I sell it on the black market to restricted countries in order to pay for my booze habit ever since that creeper blew up my brewery in my basement complex. Otherwise I just throw it in the void and maybe one day I will see the top of my pile before allbad sees the top of his. If all else fails I use it in violation of my iTunes terms of service to build nuclear/chemical/biological bombs/weapons.
EDIT: Kudos to you if you get the reference at the end there.
Looking over the error, it looks like buildcraft or forge (so I assume) to do something with lwjgl that the JVM didn't like. And it looks like it was a visual thing.
Its not a Windowsproblem its a Minecraftproblem. If the Game would check every tick, if a Key is still pressed, then we wouldnt have such problems (and that is not causing lag!). So its Mojangs fault to use that updatebased function.
P.S. this will also happen on Linuxderivates. And Apple uses a Nonstandard-Java, so i dont know about that.
It's not a MineCraft problem. Try updating lwjgl. -
turtletech If he bought a ton of it, some Fluorine, and materials to make few hundred centrifuges, then probably yes.
Shoot, I completely forgot the centrifuges-_-. *Goes back to order some from the "terrorists"* -
The average human consumes 1 to 2 micrograms of uranium through food each day. So the zombies were. Uranium miners?
That would make sense.:P -
That post wasn't about my design. I was pointing out that you should read a bit before posting anything. As you say, there was only 4 or 5 posts, so it shouldn't be that hard to make sure it isn't already there. Sorry for unintended smugness.
You are right there, and no need to be sorry, I was just pointing it out. Cheers mate -
I must say, I'm quite surprised at how well designed the reactors are here.
I'm most likely going to use raGan's design, as it seems to use mostly coolant cells, so that minimizes the cost, and requires no cooling at all
Thanks, everybody, for helping me get a reactor that I can plop behind the wall of my machines, and it'll work relentlessly filling the need of my MFE, until it runs out
(which I'll most likely make a piston door to reach it, as that keeps the wall looking nice).Anywho, on to uprooting the mile of glass fibre cable I laid down from my reactor room to my house, for the noise the water made annoyed me. (I never feared an explosion, the design is VERY stable, it's off the list of good reactor designs.)
EDIT: Why does it say I posted this at 1 AM, it's 4 PM where I am
Glad you found what you wanted. Have fun. -
I improved your design. Oh wait, I posted it one hour before you. Just to make sure you find it: Non-water cooled reactor.
Also passinglurker I don't think you linked what you think you linked.(this one ?)
I must admit, I only responded with my design without reading, so sort of bad eticate on my part. (There was only 4 or 5 posts, so I did not think that the perfect design had been posted at that point.) However, you don't really have the right to be that smug, yours is only better in the fact that it takes 3 minutes less of resource gathering than mine. -
Why do you need to make it automated? You already get so many with an enderman XP farm in vanilla that it's scary.:P
http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…u1fp9y95tt7uoomblsrmtxon4 You can encase it completely, no external blocks required, so this one is also moron-proof. Eff. 2, with 2 spots left. You can fill those two spots as a mirror image of the other side if it bothers you.
I already saw my Friend doing that (and then thought about, how the fuck can you get back from the Void without Teleport).
Well, if he did do that, and didn't teleport, and decided to keep falling, eventually the game would either bug out, and he would quite falling, or it would crash. I would guess the latter, since no-one at Mojang seems to know how to code. -
Sounds like a Forge bug. Would you happen to have railcraft too? If so, then please ask on the respective forums.
Yes it's a pretty awesome feature.
I discovered that back in 1.9 pre6 in creative mode. I just used a level 2 speed potion on a long ice field, with closed trap doors on the ice, and a block on top for about 500 blocks. Just start sprinting, and hammer your space bar as fast as possible with the FOV set to quake pro, and you get the same effect. It still works in 1.2.5 vanilla too for anyone interested.
I changed some things in my IC code, and the Vanilla code, and it allowed enough nukes going off in the same square to take out a bedrock block. I'll upload pics tonight, or tomorrow. It's just a tower, but it looks epic.
Quarry. I turn the hole into a mob grinder, and feed a good amount of that gravel, dirt, and cobble to my recyclers, and the scrap to my fabs, which produce even more diamonds for me. Hard to go wrong with it.
Trouble, because bukkit is good in their execution, but their design, and planning sucks really bad. They are still better than Mojang. I have more faith in Spout server itself, but it would be nice if they were MineForge compatible.