Posts by Speiger

    I will never understand why IC2 team tried to re do something that was already good... I know it's for performance, but at the end they only broke it to the point where they don't even know how to repair it... Can't we use Speiger modified version of EXP e-net and call it done at least for now ? So we have an actual release ;P

    Well next update it wont be Exp anymore since it seem to be really stable^^"

    Well a point here to classic... It rounds these numbers to solid numbers but it still uses the double API from exp...
    As long Exp has more support then classic i can do nothing agains that ^^" (Support by addon makers)

    for 45 EU (the last of your setups) or for 70 EU (the second one) you are wasting a lot of uranium...

    This setup is maybe a little bit more expensive in creation cost but running cost is needs way less uranium and you gain more energy out of it... (energy / needed Uranium)

    (that is made by myself no copieng or something)

    To your first setup with 250 EU output and a low EU Efficiency of 2,17 (which is actually pretty low) i have a way more effective setup... Creation Cost is a little bit higher (because it uses a full reactor to build)
    but the running cost is way lower... So you gain more EU out of less Uranium...

    (I have to say this is not my setup. It is the setup of one of my friends...)

    Blackpalt your setups are good for running once when you do not have much materials but high output and efficiency they are not that good...
    Also you wast a lot of Uranium with your setups...

    Edit: you also gain a lot of UsedUranium cells out of that so Plutonium production work with both... Without wasting energy xD

    SpawnX did suggest that it also should have an internal Breeding tester... (Simply you say which crops you want to combine and then it shows you the results) what do you guys think about that idea?

    I said if you make a HV solar pannel (512x) it cost a world. And my other example was the TE3 addon Solarpanels (which you can see at direwires + Pahimars sky block 2 (from jaded) series do not know the name)

    Solar panels need to be nerfed not buffed :| . Right now they are the best thing for late game power requires so little effort and thinking. Maybe they don't even need a nerf. We might just need better alternatives.

    SolarPanels are not op at all (Basic ones) the problem is that the compact versions are mostly (for most addons) are cheaper to craft... If you want a 512x Solarpannel from IC2 it cost almost a world ^^", if we go with other ones that cost maybe a 10 blocks of silver, a lot of glass and maybe some redstone but thats simply it ^^" Maybe some gold but even not that much that it is worth of mentioning it....

    Where are you seeing water in the recipe? I'm not the original poster, but even I can see that wafer != water

    However, adding 4 new items (raw silicon, purified silicon, wafers, and helium) to IC2 just for a higher-output recipe for solar panels doesn't make sense to me. Also, it seems imbalanced, since IC2 machines are generally 1 (sometimes advanced) machine casing per machine.

    Did read Water instead of Wafer... Looks realtivly the same if you fly over it... xD

    I think simply use the Config of IC2 there should be every recipe listed... So no Minetweaker really needed...

    Also nintendow131 what you request is already wrong again...
    You simply request there a Steam Pannel (Solar pannel that creates steam and make energy out of that)...
    Thats how solar pannels for showers work... (in hot countries) Not to produce electricity...

    Nope the idea was a NeiPlugin like Chocohead did say... How that will be layed out, no clue yet ^^" But you guys gave me a couple ideas what should be inside...
    Please more brainstorm xD That helps out a lot...

    Ill do that too... But i am not a person who trust and start to read everything...
    (Simpy tracking it down) and there i nodest that the things are way to complex made...
    Yeah a list of objects is helpfull... But then instead of doing two lists (fluid/items) you could have done one list with Object and you simply were easier done, because you simpy check if everything in both lists are given (input from machine and the recipe) then you say it is a valid recipe. Else you say it is not valid. That take out a lot of Code out of the current complexability and also it has still then the same functionalitiy + OreDictionary Support, because you could store Strings (not the clothing) or ArrayLists from the oredict in there too...

    Missplaced ")" symbol.

    You know, this was relatively hard to code. So, like in IRL if you put a stack of some things in furnace they will be heated together. And you not sure if this is a feature or a bug? ;(

    Why do you even make it that complex?
    Maybe it universal but it is way to complex... (To complex things get over time worse)

    Special requirements should be shown in my opinion. Whoever is using the addon is already seeking for crop information, giving him such info is a good thing.


    Someday I'll convince an ic dev to add a cacti crop (that does not like high hydration).

    Classic gains that soon. Maybe tomorrow since i started adding already mushrooms to the CropList... (Whch exp has already)

    Well i think a config should be the best solution... Everybody can choose by themselves then...