Posts by Speiger

    Should a plugin like that also tell what special requirements the Crop has. (Like Light level and co..)?
    Or should that be dissableable by a config? (Automaticly active or deactive?)

    Well, if that is "basic math", and you know about it, you should probably know, that numbers can also have 0's in them, so it goes from 0-9, not from 1-9.
    If you meant the last part seriously, you probably didn't get the humour in my previous messages. (humour you also learn in the 6th class, even in the lowest type of school)

    yeah did misstype it... thanks for correction...
    Well i meant it not 100% seriously.. But with a little bit of it at least.
    And that what you mean counts to the Social Side which is my weak point... ^^"


    The only problem then is to convert the amount of energy back into a String.

    If you make a number between 1-9 (as chars) you do simply the first jar (right to left) gets the number and you make x10 times the chars you want further and line all numbers together...
    Basic Math Aroma that you learn in the 6th class... (Even at the lowest type of school!)

    but I think it should be something research-based, so you would, for example, have a machine called analyzer or something that figures out the crop DNA, consuming it, and you'd have to do that quite often to fully figure out the DNA, and you can figure out the mutation chances of crops you have the genome of. genomes you don't know completely might work,too, but the values are of, the less of the genome you know, the more they are of.

    How should that works with crops you do not know? But wanted to have... (I mean you never discovered it but know it)

    Edit: Also that would add a Server Requirement. Since if you play on a Server the server tells the Client how much he did already Research and stuff... So that removes the point of that thing... It should be a Helper tool not a additional mod...
    Also you can compare the atributes in the CropAnalizer to make that acutally happen.

    Yeah, there's no way that could ever go wrong. And you could have smilies.

    Funfact: IC2 since 1.4.7 had Strings (Chars) as a counter for the CropTick... How ever that would work...
    But it would be possible to make a big nuber with chars... Only problem here is: Converting a String (chars) to a Number can be pretty difficulty. Also MC do not support that much stuff... (Esspecialy the Container which do a lot of the sync, even doubles are not supportet only ints (well shorts but that could be used as limited it))...

    Demonstrate. I'm sceptical.


    Well doubles are maybe cooler, but syncing them between client and server (at a open gui) is rather painfull....
    I mean classic uses the double api but convert ints basicly to doubles... and having less problems with it...

    Also you make the Enet system a double system but everything else could be Int based so that machines that have these weird number usages can still use the enet version for charging and batteries and all the other stuff is still normal...

    A simple question. IC2 Crops are kind of hard if you do not know what todo.

    what i would like to know if you want to have a indikator how to breed crops? What kombination of Crops get the best result for another crop?

    Note: It is not possible to make 100% Result chance. But at least you can tell which combination is the best for what are you searching for...

    Let a vote here and if you want to give ideas, leave a comment.

    I do use this temperature. I use rude simulation of condenser heat exchanger. "Moving power" of condensing process is a difference between boiling point of condensating fluid and temperature of coolant. Diesel fuel boiling points is 240-350 C. Vanilla water has default tempetare of 20C. Therefore "moving power" of process is 220 C. For water with ice it would be 240. For liquid helium is 509 C. Thus you need only 5 mB of helium instead of 10 mB per tick for water. :)
    Also i cannot use nbt tags to raise water temperature, because minecraft forge fluid tanks (used by almost every modder) ignore nbt tags of stored fluid on calling "drain" function.

    Well i as far as i know i have not seen any mod that remvoes NBTTags from the fluids... So you can try Detect everything. And if modders implement the TileEntity to their FluidTank then you can even catch that....

    Edit: Yeah i get what you mean but for that you can use the GetTankInfo since its a direct copy of the original fluid... (and not a copy from the drain function)

    I'm running a semi-competitive survival server. My users are... prolific. I could not replace everything with the equivalents from your mod without WAY too much effort. I don't suppose you could release a modified version of Immibis' mod, using its mod ID, with on-tick behaviour to replace his blocks and items with yours? So that it could be installed in the place of his latest version, and whenever a block was loaded it would replace itself with the proper equivalent from your mod? That would make things a lot easier. Might be a bit of a hassle to make, though, just by volume of block classes if not by coding complexity.

    I can not make a fake simulation that my mod is immibis mod. Reason he uses a Modid and fake IC2s ModID... I do use IC2s Modid... and can not fake any modID easy...

    I have a solution for that... It is a really dirty one and create a little bit of lag... (Because it uses Retrogen)
    But i could write a SubMod that would make every block from Immibis into a Storage Container (with important data, Like facing and meta and co) and then if you remove immibis mod only these storage containers stay... Then you install my version and he converts all these Storage Containers into my version... (Note Inventories from IC2 Classic would be lost... Also Energy could be lost)
    That covers all Placed Blocks in the World...
    To the Items. I could simply go through the Placed blocks through and Exchange the Items... But they would lose all their Energy (if MC do not like my way but that would not be a problem),
    Problem here: AE Things would not work really with that... Since i can not read the TileEntity data and enxchange how it should be... So that could be solved by simply adding a Storage Chest that (Accepts infiniteItems and put them into storage)
    And then Exports everything when it is done...

    Is that an Option for you? I can not say that it will work 100% but more then removeing everything and then rebuild it...