Posts by Speiger

    pahimar deliberately added the possibility to make each and every item in the game impossible to pull out of the transmutation table, the list of those items can be edited by say, server owners or players who don't want dupes in the game. that is what i meant. does nobody here watch forgecraft? they talked about the stuff in EE3 there.

    I am watching forge craft way to much... And yeah i know that but i do not mention that because EE3 is still under dev soo...

    Yeah, but that would mean losing all the infrastructure everyone on my server has been working on. Not to mention, I'm using an extensively customized ore distribution, which is set up for Immibis' version. Nothing against your version, it would just be a huge pain to swap over on an established server.

    As long you can live with a extremly limited Classic version which is not supportet anymore, have fun ^^. And your trouble is simply solved: Creative Mode helps for a swap.

    What IRC channel does he hang out on? I haven't used IRC in ages.

    I think it is called Immibis. Not sure was not long there in his room.

    I did, they don't really work for what I'm doing. Also, I read back through this thread, and I didn't actually see Immibis say he was stopping anywhere, and I'd much rather see a new version from him that I can update directly to than swap over to Speiger's.

    Do not think that is directly promotion for my version...

    First of all Immibis is not working on it since he saw that i did update it. (I did tell him how to solve his problems and he said: "Do it yourself"),
    Second: My IC2 Classic version is way stabler then Immibis can ever be. (If he would update) At leaste if he continue his route. Reason? He uses a Shiftet area and Simulate a IC2 Exp. I do not simulate a IC2 Exp, i do make a close version of IC2 Exp, which is working with the api and most mods. Also i fixed a lot of his old bugs, which are at some part still in his version, still upgradeing/progressing through it and talk to other modDevs to make the compatiblity even bigger...
    There are still some bugs insisde my version (i do not deny that) but you do not need to worry that something crashes if you are not making something corretly...

    And swaping would cause not that much problems... You lose only the IC2 Blocks and Items but since every recipe is oredictionaried you can use other mod ores/ingots to work still after swaping stuff...

    But then if you use that to make something else, the "something else" would have a higher EMC value than it should, because the "something else" thinks "something" has a higher EMC value than it actually has. This would also make EMC loops possible again.

    That would be only happening if the checking way is not connected on that loop. Because as long all loops come to the same result (because of multible crafting ways) he should automaticly pick the lowest of the possebilities...

    There should be a config that says: Pick only the lowest value.
    That maybe lower the price of some stuff but remove the op loops.

    Well i would say: EE3 is still wip. So do not use it.
    Use Project E instead which seem to be very stable and much further build then EE3...
    Also it allow automation...

    So, in the mods that I'm running, I believe I have 4 types of copper and 4 types of tin. Although i might have five of each, and I have an overflow of copper and tin. Specifically, I have about 300 tin and 400 copper sitting in TiCo Smelteries and another 2 stacks of each sitting in chests. What should I do with the copper/tin/bronze? I have way too much of it!
    Apologies if this is in the wrong place.

    Well you can dissable the worldgen... Also you can make out of Tin or bronze iron... At least if you have the rights mods for it... (You need something like uncrafting table or a thing that makes minecarts/buckets back into its original things)

    Correction, AdvGenerators is originally Fallenbeast's mod.

    This is exactly why I don't come on here anymore.

    True... But the version i made you can compare as Project E (the EE1-2 for 1.7.10)
    I rebuilded the mod from scratch and used numbers from it... thats it...

    Hey, if you guys could take this conversation to another thread, that would be great, because it seems that you're jacking this thread from the original topic, which is AFSU made by xbony2.

    From there we cam to the PESU from AdvGenerators (because it is my mod) then we came to IC2 Classic, and then to cables xD So it is connected!