I'm going to start this thread off by saying that last night and during todays' IC2 site downtime I took some time to 'educate myself a bit' on matter's that apply here... ...and it did NOTHING to cause me to doubt myself. Reinforces my opinion if nothing else... See, as part of my education I stumbled upon the back story of FlowerChild. The fact that FlowerChild left Forge pretty much for the same problem's with Eloraam as I've been trying to point out. That said...
(1) - Antics like this do nothing more than sour Eloraam's interest in modding... ...Is your position so important that you'd rather be "right" than have RedPower to play?
(2) - Because if it is, don't expect me to stand behind you on it.
(3) - Imagine what the game would be like without RedPower.
(4) - Or say she decides that Forge was a bad idea, and the mods you currently use are no longer compatible with one another.
(5) - Then take a good, hard look at what you're contributing to that possible outcome.
(6) - I'm talking about originality.
(7) - One needn't be a copycat to improve one's skills and technique.
(8) -And you can hardly compare Immibis' derivative work to what Forestry and especially Logistics Pipes have introduced.
(9) - and poorly chosen examples to try and defend your point.
(10) - but it wouldn't be done her way.
(11) - She's trying to make the mod that she wants to play.
(12) - Immibis' add-on didn't free up time she could have used to add those Forge hooks - but you can be sure that the time she had to spend defending her work could have been used in that fashion. So I counter that Immibis unauthorized release actually hindered the chance of her completing what ChickenBones needs.
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(1) - As this has been alluded to previously, I'll go ahead and address it now. I've been reluctant to because I know it won't gain me any friends... well, maybe like... 3.
So... how would I feel if Eloraam packed up her mod and told us all to go to hell? Honestly, I'd view it as a child throwing a tantrum and taking her toys home with her. ...It would suck, she has some really cool toys to play with, but I'm sure we'd all get over it eventually (I mean, I would... I'm left to assume for the rest of you...). And who knows, maybe a new kid will move into the neighborhood with the same toys. A cooler, fairer and more willing to let us actually play with their toys kinda kid. Like I said, a child packing up her toys and throwing a tantrum.
(2) - I don't expect you to stand behind me if I say the sky is blue. Pretty sure you'll be there to say it's teal.
(3) - THE game, or MY game? THE game will still be the same. Minecraft will still be Minecraft... MY game?... pretty much the same. I'd miss the redstone wiring but that's about it. And if she left the 'scene' I'm pretty sure there'd be a new one of those along shortly.
(4) - Forge is more than Eloraam. Forge is primarily maintained by LexManos these days, or so I hear. If nothing else the Mojang API should be along shortly.
(5) - Now, with (1), (3) and (4) having been said... I'd really prefer it not come down to that... I'd prefer she modifies her attitude, plays nice and everyone lives happily ever after.
(6) - You REALLLLLLY..... really, really, really don't want to talk originality after what I learned today. Just... trust me, you don't.
(8) - It was his first mod, again, give the kid a break.
(9) - Only when taken out of the intended context. I was using them as examples of improvement when given the chance.
(10) - But hers WOULD BE done her way once she got around to it. As I've said before... had she allowed immibis' it would not have prevented her from continuing with her planned converter. At All.
(11) - And that's great... SHE wouldn't HAVE to install immibis' conversion mod if she doesn't want to. It's not like he was trying to get his version COMMITTED into RP2.
(12) - Had she allowed the mod then there would have been no need for a defense. ChickenBones has been waiting since... I don't know when... sometime after 1.8.1, I doubt the three days this has been going on would have had any effect there. As far as the time she's spent defending herself... I've not seen anything here so that tells me that she's been defending herself against other people. Good to know I'm not the only dissenter.
Quote from BlueHorazon
Again, Eloraam is not a forge maintainer, but only a contributor. Everyone is able to add hooks to forge since it's an open-source project. Most things are done by LexManos though. Eloraam does work on Forge, but LexManos does the overall maintaining and obviously the porting.
I'm going off of what it says in ChickenBones' EAQ on his MCF thread. It names Eloraam specifically.
Quote from 'BlueHorazon
She allowed the use because they had spoken with each other, but disallowed it later, since Computers are on her own Todo-List.
So what, first she allowed it but then retracted her earlier permission?
Quote from 'BlueHorazon
No... she never plans a TC-Conversion. And the difference is she allows it to the creator of TC, not a third person.
The comment that you are replying to there is a response to you saying that this is about her not liking people 'messing around with unfinished code' and I was saying that if it WAS about how complete the code is then her rules would have been across the board, Not stopping at where HER plans ended. If it was about the state of the code as you suggested then it would apply to a ThaumCraft converter same as it applies to BC and IC.
Quote from BlueHorazon
It should behave according to the original plans. The problem is that a converter could create situations which are not meant to be created by normal means and cause bugs.
Again... Support comes from the maker of the (sub)mod and those 'situations' and bugs will be up to the converters' maker and the users of the conversion mod to sort. A conversion mod will not create issues for Eloraam or RP users that don't use the mod. It will only create issues for people that decide to install the mod. (aside from stupid users that go to the wrong place for their support issues- A problem no matter the mod or situation.)
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