(1) - no one can make her do anythign with her mod that she doesn't want to do. Force her to share (not that anyone has the right to) and she'll just stop developing altogether. Would that help anyone in any way?
(2) - Because it is a perfect example of Alblaka asserting his right to determine how his content may be used. It compares perfectly, because what we're really talking about is each developer's right to share or protect their content as they see fit.
(3) - The fact of the matter is, all you know of this issue is what you've read here. You're clearly not familiar with the working relationship between the Forrge developers, nor Eloraaam's development of her mod or any other side of the story but what you see through this one narrow window. Like it or not, that's not the big picture.
(4) -
- Just because Mojang chooses to share doesn't mean Eloraam is obligated to.
- denying Eloraam the right to do the same with her code.
- This isn't "turnabout", and your attitude shows a marked lack of respect for the person without whom Immibis would have nothing to try and mod in the first place.
(5) - I'm not "being difficult"... ...What's "difficult" is trying to get you to understand that she has the right to do as she pleases with what she's created, and no one has the right to take that from her.
(6) - it may come as a shock to discover that she's probably never heard of you and honestly doesn't consider your opinion in her development plans.
(7) - What she did was explicitly permitted by Mojang's license- what Immibis did was explicilty not permitted by hers.
(8) - ...to permit or deny specific uses, and to restrict distribution of add-ons based off her code...
(9) - If you still have a problem with this, the person with whom you should be discussing it... is Eloraam. Pontificating to us will get you nowhere. If you're seeking change, take it to the source.
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(1) - It's not a question of SHARING. For it to be sharing Eloraam would have to lose something. Sharing is 'If I share my cookies with you, then I will have less to enjoy for myself.' Eloraam is not GIVING immibis code. In effect immibis made his own cookies using Eloraams' recipe. Or her oven... something. Somehow the analogy can be made to fit.
Point is there is no question of "forcing" her to share. As for the rest..? Things could be done to help modify her behavior in situations such as this. I'll come back to this topic at the end after I finish responding to quotes.
(2) - No... it's not a perfect example. Not at all. The 1.1 port was just that. A port. It was a guy taking Alblaka's ORIGINAL code, changing just the few small details he saw that needed to be changed to make it work again. immibis CREATED a new functionality where there was none before. The port STARTED with Alblaka's code. immibis started by LOOKING at Eloraams. Not a perfect example at all.
(3) - I know enough that Alblaka made a BLOG post stating 'I don't hate her. We talked- we're good.' I can't site the references but I know that nothing that I have seen in the general community thus far has done anything to change the opinion that I have started to form of her. And to be honestly honest, it kinda pains me because she is obviously a very talented developer and I think it would be quite nice to think she was a nice person as well. Ego and attitude, ego and attitude. They speak volumes about a person.
(4) -
- Again, it's not sharing. Eloraam gave immibis nothing, except a mod to mod as you pointed out. So I'll agree here, she's not at all obligated to share.
- I'm not talking about her code. I'm talking about the code of immibis' derivative work. There's a difference.
- It is turnabout. Aside from the confusion on what her power should be over derivative works, immibis uses her code much the same way she used Mojangs. Therefore, turnabout. And yes, I rank ego and attitude over programming ability when I dole out my respect. I have more respect for Alblaka, SpaceToad, and
SirSengir than I do for Eloraam. Eloraam may be the best coder of the lot, the other some of the other developers have proven to not be total dicks for the most part. As I stated earlier, it honestly kinda pains me. But that is the public image that Eloraam seems to be content to cultivate for people like me to come along and form. Don't come at me with 'respect', I know all about it and can tell you what it's about. I respect her abilities, but like I said... 'for people like me to come along and form.'
(5) - Sorry. But I feel you are. For me it's not a question of what Eloraam has created, it's a question of what immibis has created. Immibis is taking nothing from her. He, in essence, was killing time learning how to mod by making a mod that Eloraam herself has said that she plans to make obsolete anyway. Great idea if you ask me, practice making mods by making a sub-mod that you know you won't have to update and support once the original mod's maker gets around to it. Your seeming inability to grasp the preceding concept is what makes me feel you are being difficult, the concept that immibis has *taken* nothing from Eloraam.
Eloraam would still be free to implement her own conversion plans at a later date. Hell, if anything she could move her own conversion plans DOWN a bit for the time being to allow her to concentrate on more integral parts of her great mod sooner.
(6) - And it's your comments like these that cause people to "make things about you". Eloraam doesn't know me, Alblaka doesn't know me, SpaceToad doesn't know me... loads of people don't know me. Actually, nobody knows me. At least not as "Saul_Goode". That really doesn't matter to me at all though. All that matters is that the people that know me, love me. And that's good enough for me, `cause that's all that matters to me. Mm'kay?
(7) - Such as that's the case, I'm here to call attention to the fact that her enforcement of her license is crap. As I previously stated, I've not looked directly at her license, and as no one has commented to the contrary I still assume her's is a variant of what's known as Community Copyright and as such is not intended to have this effect on DERIVATIVE WORKS.
(8) - I'll give it to you. This is a sticky one. But this is also one that a bit of pressure from the community would help immensely with. If Community Precedent would hold then immibis' usage of her code would have been acceptable, as mentioned previously there are at least 3 BC<>IC2 converters. A RP2 <> IC2 (or RP2 <> BC mod for that matter) SHOULD be allowed.
While I'm here though, this is kinda my point. It has been precedent for mods such as this to be allowed, and they should be allowed. It's apparently been OK with SpaceToad and Alblaka for people to use their mods in this manner up to this point and I think it illustrates in stark contrast how out-of-tune one part, of what many consider to be a triad, is. I dunno, maybe I kinda wish the other two-thirds of that triad would lean a bit harder to get things back to a seeming equilibrium. Moving on...
(9) - I understand that and have told myself just that every time I sit down to reply to this, facts-of-the-matter are that I'm lazy and already have registered here. And two, I think I initially thought this thread might have possibly gone differently and I might have been able to suggest to Alblaka that he allows the mod to exist here and tells Eloraam that she can choose whether or not to allow it on her forums. But as Alblaka stated in his first response, he doesn't agree with her attitude but is willing to comply and enforce. Besides, I figure that there is a better than good chance that if something ends up being said here worth her reading then she will most likely be directed here by /somebody/... She managed to find the mod sub-mod in question here after all. ... Additionally, Alblaka has also proven himself to be somewhat tolerant of respectable levels of dissension... ...something I'm not %100 certain can be said to be as true in Eloraams' case...
Other than that, I know there was something else I said I'd address further down here, but I'm tired and I lightly touched on it again in (9), so good enough. I'm gonna go put my feet up for a bit before bed.
Before I go though... I'm not trying to devalue Eloraams mod at all. Just trying to give a bit of value to immibis sub-mod. He accomplished something here and it doesn't seem fair for him to get trampled under an established name like this. Look at how similar TMI and NEI are, yet NEI was allowed to continue as it was a product of ChickenBones' labor. I know it's Eloraam enforcing what she feels her license entitles her to enforce, but that brings us back to Community Precedents and Community Pressure. With that, Goodnight.