Posts by Adien_Alexander

    Fresh World, Fresh Install, Fresh (Crafted) Pair of Rubber Boots. Jumped from a height of 50 blocks exactly:

    Note: The Fall has used up 50% of the Boots Durability, and I'm standing there with 1/2 a heart remaining.

    Edit: Seems Player has already fixed it.

    Was messing around with testing the rubber boots and I jumped down from a height of approximately 50 blocks. When I landed, the game froze and went to a "Saving Chunks" Screen.

    This is the Error that was given:

    Set up a small test area with a Few Furnaces connected to an MFE, which lead to an Ind. Furnace. Everything seems to be working fine there, but when I replaced the Higher voltage cable (gold) with a lower one (Copper), it promptly melted with a "Pssssth", the game locked up, and went to a "Saving Chunks Screen".

    This is the error that occured:

    Also tested with ULV cables, same result, same error.

    IC Squared version 1.00

    Im having a problem with the textures. My Rubber trees are made of furnaces. My iron furnace is made up of dirt and the side of a stone slab.

    If you need any information please ask. I did install this on a brand new installation of 1.7.3 and i am not using texture packs.

    What versions of the prerequisites do you have?


    NAME: Redstone Output Luminator
    (Call me old school, but...)

    - When powered with EU, gives off a redstone signal
    -Otherwise, same as original luminator

    So you're wanting to combine the Energy-O-Mat and a Luminator into one block? I'm not really seeing the point of this one besides it lighting up when it receives power, which you can already do with an E-O-M, a few Redstone and a Redstone torch (When the E-O-M gets implemented in the SMP version).


    escription: MY LIGHT SENOSORS WILL BLACK OUT THE...wait a minute. They won't block the sun, but they will sense it! Or light levels, more specifically. The sensor is located on top of the block, and the output goes on the other 5 faces of the block, which can be re-orientated like a MFSU etc. with a wrench. [When you right click with the wrench, the sensor faces you.] Maybe out puts
    Now, i dont know how output would work, but these things will [somehow] tell you the level of light! [Binary switches? 4 switches can represent a maximum value of 15, which incidently is the max light level! BINARY FTW] This might use a whole row of textures...

    Why are we trying to detect minimal changes in light? We already have a Daylight sensor (Solar Panel + E-O-M = Daylight Sensor when the E-O-M gets implemented), so I'm not exactly seeing the point of this one either (Sans an underground cave system lit up by luminators, which a right-out daft idea due to energy consumption, plus you'd be on location to see the "Binary output" and know it's dark).

    Taken from other Chainsaw Thread:


    There won't be any instant-lumbering function in IC².


    And I'm pretty sure the Bronze Axe and the Chainsaw use "Effective against block" instead of "I'm a Friggin' Axe" in their coding. Just grab Timber! and use wooden axes, it'll fell a tree in one swipe, and only use 1 point of durability.

    Compatibility with other mods

    I agree with the 'charcoal dust' idea except for the part where you can use it to make diamonds. Growing diamonds just isn't a good idea.

    So how about instead, macerating charcoal creates Charcoal Dust Scrap, which 4 of creates Charcoal Dust, which can then -ONLY- be used to make hydronated coal dust and carbon nanofibers. No diamonds, or gunpowder. (well, maybe gunpowder. Not exactly sure if it's OP to get cheap TNT.)

    I would agree with this compromise here, with the exception of the hydrated coal dust. Macerating Charcoal into a dust, then running it through some other processes to make it into Carbon plating seems fair (Then again, it would push regular coal into the Fuel/diamond creation aspect, which then actually lowers coal's value).