Posts by MatLaPatate

    lectrolytic Jetpack - Tier 3
    Electrolyzes water to produce hydrogen and oxygen gas to fly (Rocket fuel).
    Stores 1 Million EU, lasts for 5 minutes of flight.
    Stores 8 buckets of water, each bucket lasts for 5 minutes of flight.
    Water is refilled automatically by standing on water (will extract 1 bucket of water in the world per second) or manually with water buckets and cells.
    Special ability : Water ejection, places a flowing water block on the players head and foot, whenever the player catches fire , use 1 bucket from storage.

    Just make a Methane/Hydrogen Jetpack ^^. Or the IC² one being compatible with Methane/Hydrogen.

    He is just convinced that he is the mighty sirusking who is on IC² team, even though he doesnt code anything.

    You guys may already know that i have moderator power here, but i'm not saying that to everyone, everytime.

    Yes you do :D
    And you even complained all the time to get it!

    Remove Vanilla Furnaces, add multiblock furnace made out of Hardened clay and cobble, Fuel lasts half as long but you can cook 2 items at once, but slower then normal furnace. Also, Remove Vanilla Brick recipe and make it require Mortar, then Buff their hardness and blast resistance :D

    Great Minds thinks alike.

    On my profile, I suggested to Greg to add Stone MB Furnaces for Iron ... ^^.
    I want that as well, but MB for everything would be too much. Just because I assume MB machines are a tiny bit laggier than normal ones ^^.

    Edit: Small question though, how do you get HARDENED Clay without Furnace ? ^^
    ONE-USE-FIRE! (But cooks severals items!)

    I dont ask you , gregtech fan

    But you did realized it wouldn't have any point right ? It would just be an Overclocked Thermal Centrifuge, which already exists.
    The only Advanced Version of the Thermal Centrifuge that wouldn't be pointless would be a Thermal Centrifuge with A LONGER HEATUP TIME, but being FASTER as well.

    What would have made more sense would have been to suggest an Advanced Ore Washing machine.

    And you may throw that "GT fan" as an insult, I said nothing related with GT. Not to mention I don't mind being a GT fan, however I would mind being an OP-mods fan, like you seems to be.

    Going along with finite torches, what about making Flint&Stel required for some stuffs ?

    It would be needed for crafting torches, and why not to use furnaces! (so you would cook all your stuff at once to save your igniters ^^)

    Of course, it would need a few things, equivalent to the F&S:

    ... dunno how to call it, something with sticks, as prehumans used ^^: Craftted with 2 sticks, one use.
    Matches: 1 stick + 1 Sulfur Dust (or Phosphorus ? ^^) --> 8 Matches, one use only for each.
    Lighter: 2 Tin Casings, one Flint and Steel, 1 Methane/CoalFuel Liquid Cell. Refuelable with these cells. (And lasts way longer than the Flint&Steel, to makes it interesting).
    Some kind of an expensive Electric Lighter maybe ?

    maybe add advanced thermal centrifigue because original heat very long time

    Seriously, what's the point of Advanced Machines, if you get ridd off OP-ness ? Machines that are efficient if you use them constantly, because of their ORIGINAL SPEEDING UP TIME. So, a speeding up time so you can after that heat up faster ? That wouldn't make any sense.

    Really expensive recipes is realistic yea. But you will loose a lot of people through that. I mean the generator recipe is pathetic for the power output. Most all the recipes are beyond bad for their return.

    That is mainly to make the game "more rewarding". Actually, expensive recipies + nerfed outputs + EXTRA OUTPUTS AFTER THAT is an extremly good way to make the game enjoying longer.

    Using plates instead of ingots hardly makes an entire core aspect of a mod bad.

    No, that's just your opinion. We know that you love things when they're OP, and that most of people are against changes, but plates are actually a really good way to perform that "reward" system. Pay a lot at first, then enjoy extras.

    Lots of people may be against changes, but the new recipies are much more interesting IMO.

    Absolutely not. You only need one check for all the torches.

    Have a FIFO list of torches in the world. Every time you add/refuel one add it to the end of it with the supposed running out timestamp. Every now and again check the timestamp of the torch in the beginning of the list. If it is supposed to run out of fuel do whatever is needed and remove it from that list. That way the list is automatically sorted at all times and no calculations have to run per-torch.

    If there are different fuels with different timers just have separate lists for all the timer lenghts.

    True, that sounds smarter ^^. Then the only lag would be for light updates ...

    THEN I NEED IT! ^^
    With a proper luminator as well, lol. (and consuming way less energy, 0.1EU would be fine IMO)

    As IC² Ore processing is getting completly revamped, everybody's wonder what's gonna be with GT.
    So I would like to suggest the way I think ores should be processed. Feel free to say what you think about it, and to suggest your own way.
    Just because I think Greg would do it well itself, but why not adding a few steps he might forget ? ^^

    So, I would suggest:

    Maceration 1 --> Maceration 2 --> OreWashing --> Blast Furnace --> Centrifuging --> Electrolysis --> (*) --> Plate Bending Machine --> Metal Former/Wiring Machine/nothing depending on what you want.

    Maceration 1 would be the maceration "as we know it" aka "Ore doubling". It would be exactly the same as IC² exp. one, just with the more expensive macerator.

    Maceration 2 would require a more advanced (but cheaper and consuming less EUs, because it's just making the dust smaller) Macerator, and wouldn't do anything BUT allowing the Ore Washing (because otherwhise the bits of ores are too big to be sorted by the Ore Washing Machine)

    OreWashing = exactly what is now. Just with GT recipies. AND Mercury/Others output-increasing cells.

    Blast Furnace would smelt, but also OUPUT LIQUID metals, as I suggested it many times already ^^. It would allow metals not only to be stored into tanks (^^), but also why not to get plates from a bit less than an Ingot (assuming you couldn't reverse it, it'd be like 95mB of metals for one plate when 1 dust give 100 mB). But the main point of that would be to make the Metals centrifugeable.

    So it would replace the Thermal Centrifuge thingy, being a bit more expensive but also slightly more rewarding.

    Why Electrolysis ? Because you would get Liquid thingies from the Centrifuge as well, but not only pure Metals, it would be mainly oxides. So we could assume when it cool down a special machine I don't care about, the oxide would react because of the Heat and become an almost-pure metal, which could avoid you this step of electrolyzing.
    But the point of the Electrolysis would of course be to increase the Output a tiny bit, why not with Byproducts ^^.

    * Something to cool the Metal down. Allows you to get a slight bonus of 5% on your metals, since it's no reversible.

    The rest isn't really important.

    The points of my Ore-processing system are, to me:
    1) To be more realistic. MC don't care about realism but we do with Ore Processing, as well as with Nuclear Reactors or Greengens ^^.

    2) To enhance the Tech Tree.
    How so ?

    With 3 things:
    1) Blast Furnaces would increase your output because of allowing you to get metal as liquids (and so saving 5% of them) so you could centrifuge them.
    2) It would ofc use much more machines.
    3) The Electrolysis part could IMO be much more interesting than just adding the Electrolyzer. Actually, for such a system I would suggest a MultiBlock Electrolyzer, which would basically be a BF-like machine (with Voltage increasing with the Casing Machines), but allowing you not only to get new ressources, but also to get some tiny byproducts from Ores not NEEDING Electrolysis (but ofc it would be better to use it).
    4) The double Maceration part is there for 2 reasons, the first being the fact it makes one machine more needed, and the second that it justifty ...
    THE MULTIBLOCK ORE CRUSHER, aka a 3*3*5 Macerator, doing 2 maceration at once, working with up to 8 Ores at once (because it's big, so it's funnier than just dividing the maceration time by 8, not to mention it makes interesting to macerate tons of stff at once). This would be a machine with about the I. Grinder Tier (which is gonna be removed, and also maybe a bit higher), allowing you not only to get 2 maceration at once, to process 8 Ores at once, BUT ALSO TO GET BYPRODUCTS, like the I. Grinder did! Because it reduces things in so small dust that even the tiny bits of ores hidden in the stone are usable!
    Consume 512EU/t.
    We aren't responsible for the machine breaking down if you don't maintain it, nor are we for the slow breaking down of the Grinding Heads.

    Second: allow adding more than one LESU controller to the storage system. When i tested it, it made the whole thing not work at all. Id have loved to have made the floor of my base be LESU blocks, then add controllers as if they were power outlets in a factory, then runnning cables from the controllers up to the machines that were placed on the 'floor' of LESU blcoks.

    That was at first how I suggested LESUs. But then I realised it could be used as a Wireless cable, not to mention thing I don't know about code.

    One question/suggestion: what about adding durability to items like furnaces and such? Instead of having the machine break after X uses and need to be replaced, you might have to right click it with a machine block or something. the more you overclock it, the less uses you get before you have to perform maintenance. So a normal electric furnace might run 10,000 operations (or whatever) before needing repairs, but overclocking that furnace now forces repairs every 8000 operations.

    That was an old IC² Suggestion ^^. I'd like some huge machines (like the macerator should be IMO, since IRL it would be huge, but we can just make it a better Macerator, like the I. Grinder was) with Maintenance to simulate Breakdowns :).