Now, the question: how do you get antimatter? Definetely via particle accelerator. But what do you need to process in order to get antimatter? I'm thinking UUM is a pretty good point. Like you need to accelerate UUM [making it unstable and able to potentially explode during the process of acceleration], squeeze it, [do all that scientific stuff] and you get antimatter as a end-product. Antimatter is going to be used as a ingredient in more advanced machines (and items) coming up in LevelStorage. What are these items? Stargate. No more spoilers. For now, could anybody with a bit of scientific knowledge describe me how you get antimatter step-by-step?
How you could get Antimatter ? Theoretically, the way you create both Matter and Antimatter, the "first" one (which probably created the matter in the Universe, even though we don't know why the Antimatter disappeared mostly) is by sending 2 phtons of 511 MeV (aka High-energy gamma rays). That way you can get one electron and one posit(r)on/anti electron.
Antimatter is basically the opposite of matter in all (spin which you don't care about, electric charge you care about since it makes each particles attracted by its antiparticle if it has an electric charge) but mass.
But if you want a more efficient way, especially to fit with your UUM Idea, it happens that some particles contains antimatter quarks (quarks are the base of every single baryon, such as Proton (2 Up and 1 down if I' not mistaken) or Neutron (1 Up and 2 down, hence the electric neutrality, since Up = 2/3 e [e=elemental charge] and Down = -1/3e). Hence the LHC sometimes generate antimatter. So you could say that UUM + Particle accelerator = antimatter.
But, why JUST antimatter ? What about hypothetic materials with heavier quarks/particles ? It could be like, the longer the accelerator, the higher the level of the particle ou can get (with probabilities and energy consumption increasing).