2gb for 32 bit and 4-32 for 64bit
due OOP JVM rules, getting more memory then 32 but less then 64 useless.
2gb for 32 bit and 4-32 for 64bit
due OOP JVM rules, getting more memory then 32 but less then 64 useless.
247 MB for server with multiple mods is joke.
i will update it to latest version and post again soon.
ok you won.
you can get complete list from source code.
also i posted mod sometime ago that open all recipes by default, you can find it if you want.
bag of holding embedded into steave, answer is simple.
but now, explain maggots.
some things can be explain by ingame logic, others not...
lets discuss tekkit now!
what do you thing about addition of lightning rods to tekkit (as part of soul shards!)
what about new multiblock reactor and energynet rework? do you need any help with logic\code?
copse bacteria source of process, maggots and other "stuff" just take part of energy for themselves without any positive impact on product.
ic2e have no use for refined iron and have no recipe for it.
IC2 registered everything inside forge dict.
this issue of other mod that not registered it's stuff.
you always can implement your wild ic2 dreams self, java for dummies and gogo coding.
shout down your internal perfectionist.
not everything shoud have use, minecraft is not console game.
what about maggots and compost?
who need guns when we can add lightsaber to chainsword!
only in soviet internet wiki updates you, everywhere else wiki updated by you.
no go and update wiki youself.
i decided to abandon any updates due stupid tradition of hayo, maybe you will enjoy it.
go thaumcraft.
QuoteIn tekkit
shoud be
Quotein soviet tekkit HV solars better then reactor!
Lets discuss balance of soul shards!
if you want single power source for some reason, attach transformator to every luminator...