Posts by GregoriusT

    I heard someone broke an entire feature without adding a replacement for it. It is now no longer possible to place Covers onto the Sides of Pipes like it was possible before, because someone thought it was a nice idea to carelessly make the hitboxes the size of the Pipe and not fullblock sized like before.

    It's one thing to have the Hitboxes smaller, but a compeltely different thing, if that change disables the ability to place a Cover behind or on the Sides of a Pipe, just because the hitbox of the pipe isnt large enough to show the options.

    For example, would it be possible to make the hitbox full sized whenever you hold a Cover related Tool or a Cover Item in hand? That would fix this Issue and restore the ability to place Covers on any of the 6 Sides without having to de-obstruct them

    This recent change really made GT5 Pipes an even larger PITA than they already were (due to the sheer existence of autoconnect messing up Pipes before you can even paint them).

    Please make sure that there is good reasoning and careful additions to the Mod, rather than this careless "I want this, so that other useful thing has to be removed!1!1!".

    It might be a good idea to check for Links that arent hyperlinks aswell, you know, everything that has http or www in the title and or inside the Post without actually linking shit?

    okay uhhhm, that spam protection service is then worse than my idea as there is another Thread of that kind and it even had a link inside of its Title...

    Are you sure that you should do it like that? People with a new Account would get pretty annoyed by it if they have to wait for one specific human to approve their Post, instead of having Moderators do that.

    Also "your message looks like spam" is a bit mean to the real people.

    How about solving both issues with, "your first Thread contains links to other Sites and is therefore considered Spam, please remove all Links in order to proceed posting, if you want to post images there is an attachments Tab for it", which will ofcourse only show up if the Thread has any Link towards a non-forum thing inside of it, or if "http"/"www" are in the Title of it.

    I cannot enable instant Email Notifications for Conversations while having regular non-Email Notifications for Conversations disabled, despite the Settings clearly allowing me to select it (and later resetting the Value).

    imer, there is more Issues.

    1. People cannot edit their Forum Title anymore, like they could before, due to a permissions Problem

    2. Spambots still are able to randomly submit Posts at some occassions.

    It soudns dumb, but you have to edit your profile description slightly in order to change anything else

    Cable Loss doesn't work like intended. In both Versions of IC2C.

    If you have a 6 Bock long Copper Cable (extremely common earlygame case, if you don't have enough Diamonds!) and a Batbox (Packets worth 32 EU/t) you would expect it to lose 1/32nd of the EU when powering Machines on that Line, since it is Packets worth 32 EU and you lose 1 EU.

    HOWEVER, this doesn't apply. You actually lose up to 50% of the Energy if you do that! That is HALF of the Energy! I physically tested that on the Server and it has proven to be right. I was only able to smelt 3/4 the amount of Items that I could usually smelt in an Electric Furnace, because it consumes 3 EU/t, and loses 1 EU/t, reducing the Batbox output Voltage to 4 EU/t, and making the loss 25% in this Case, instead of the proper 3.125%!!!

    After thinking about that Problem I remembered that Player once left a comment in the injectEnergy Function of the IC2 Enet API specifically this comment:

    "It's highly recommended to accept all energy by letting the internal buffer overflow"

    But I know that IC2C doesn't let the internal Buffer of Energy Sinks overflow, causing Cable loss to be far more Random and very specific to the Machines. But it gets worse. Another example of an earlygame pre-fibre Tier is the setup of Advanced Machines at an MFE using Gold Cable. As in follows

    MFE + a few Gold Cables powering Redstoned Advanced Machines. Said Machines will consume exactly 1 EU/t, however thanks to Cable loss in Gold being there for very short distances, you end up losing 50%, 66.6%, or even 75% of the Energy just to keep the Machines of a regular Workshop redstoned with 1 EU/t, meaning they waste a shitload of Energy, despite the Voltage being 128, therefore the loss being supposed to be 1/128th of the Power and not more than half of it!

    This is a very common earlygame Setup, even Razzokk still has one of those at his Base. This Bug causes people to have to use twice the amount of (for example) Solar Panels or Turbines, just to keep their Adv Machines running, if they don't have enough Diamonds for Glass Fiber, or if they wanna use their Diamonds on enchanted Pickaxes instead of Glass Fiber.

    I think this happened when you and earlier also immibis tried to port the IC2 Enet over to the new API without checking what exactly will happen if you introduce Cable Loss to the broken IC2 EXP API.

    Or to be precise, "injectEnergy" may return an integer containing leftover Energy, but it is actually a boolean of "if the packet got accepted or not", and any other usage than as a "boolean" in the implementation of IEnergySink (so "accept all or nothing of the Packet") will result in a terribly huge amount of Cable loss that wasn't there in the ancient Versions of IC2 at all!

    imer, all Links to Forum Posts got busted entirely. Nuclear Control doesnt have any Links to the Posts where xbony uploaded the Versions due to that making the entire Mod hard to download

    imer the thread tag cloud needs to be cleared or something, the spambots can take it over with unapproved posts!