Posts by GregoriusT

    You know, that theres a Bugsection on the Forum? You are definetly wrong here.

    And try to install one Mod after another, because elsewise you will get massive ID-Conflicts. Or simply set all the other nonrequired Mods off in the Modloader.cfg

    IC² is a Mainmod so if you want to play it SMP you should not set it's BlockID's (and also not BC's)

    in other words, go to the nether and make a nethergate inside the nether at layer 245, then take blue or white wool and make a huge camoflauge cloud in the sky to blend your base in better, then place your solar panels at the top of the world hiding behind all the wool. i think i might do this for my secret base :D

    You must build it over an ocean, because the "shadow" of your Base is easyly visible on Land.

    Edit: Everyone, who has Rei's Minimap or similar, can see it easyly.

    ... ya its awsom but i dont care about them because they scrue up everything for moders...

    BTW be happy..

    The woodcolors are all alike as i guessed them. Thank you for the proof

    If there were not these huge Bugfixes, then this would became the content of a weekly snapshot.

    Ninjaedit: Hey i can do the NINJAGAME too. You added the changelog to your post after i quoted you.

    if you have a fish on you then they will slowly follow you, also Ocelots will naturally breed in the wild, and if you are close enough to when the baby is born then it can be as a Tamed Ocelot, but if you feed it a fish then it will change to a Cat. also supposibly cats are supposed to be afraid of dogs but i have never seen a cat run from a wolf.

    I have not even a Fish in my whole inventory, they are RUNNING around me as if they were already tamed, maybe the AI-Guy from Mojang has misplaced these two AI's accidently?

    nah it's something like 40 feet in real life.

    Use the METRIC SYSTEM, because most minecraftlers are not even knowing about that measurementsystem you are using, and even if you said that it's IRL then you should use metric System too, because it's the Minecraftmeasurementsystem.

    jungle is good :D i love this biome. really nice environment :)

    Just a question: ARE THESE GODDAMN OCELOTS FOLLOWING ME TOGETHER WITH THESE WOLVES!?! i thought these cats were shy but they are teleporting around me like tamed Wolves and these untamed Wolves are teleporting too. I found that bug on the seed 123456 where i'm spawning next to the Jungle (only 5m away).

    the only think i don't like about the muchroom growing on mushroom thing is that it turns the muchrooms into dirt/mycllieem, the situation here is that is would be turning leaves and trees into dirt and them planting trees on that, i don;t know how much i can;t about turning leaves into dirt cause that all your going to have is a massive cluster and "Sponge" like biome of dirt with holes all in it from bushes growing on the edges of bushes and other trees. not if you could alter the code and make it so sapling can be terroformerd onto dirt and Log Blocks nly then it would work perfect. and potentially create some 128+ tall Redwood trees.

    It's a bug from the terraformer, that makes Mushroomblock to Dirt if that bug is fixed, then anything will go as normally expected.

    i really don;t blame IC2 for this, i blame the idiots that complain about it when they use like 5-20 mods that all give minerals. but IC2 does add alot of minerals and almost no mod uses the other dimensions for minerals at all, so IC2 could be the first of it's kind to impliment a metal in the nether that would actually convince people to go there for a reason other then netherwort and blaze rods which don't even involve mining.

    The Netherores-Mod adds the Vanillaores, Copper and Tin to the Nether.
    It's one of Powercrystals Mods like Minefactory Reloaded or Powerconverters.

    If Al is/was making the Terraformer changing the current biome then this would be a possible way to complete the set of biomes. There also should be a Forest-TFBP to grow saplings (Out of the nowhere like Mushrooms) on the surrounding terraformed Grassblocks. These Saplings will grow by themself.

    Good Idea.