Posts by GregoriusT

    Battery out of Gunpowder? Hmmm, sounds like you want a nondestructive use for it unlike you really want magnetical triggered "Metal Storm" ammunition.

    Here something, you all should know:

    Theres more than one recipe for Superfuel, based on Gunpowder, yes Gunpowder, really.
    This Thread in the Engineeringsection could be very intressting for you.
    It's Spoilered if you don't want the information...

    Fruitbatteries? Burning Fruits is more effective!

    That way you would need only a 128 EU/t source to power it properly or you set up

    Redstonetorch - Chargingbench Mk II - Energylink - Quarrycontroller

    adjacent to each other and put a few Lapotrons in it.

    Yeah 2 Pages of talking about mining instead of Oregeneration!!!

    If you use Powerconveters you can hook up every BC-Engine/MFSU to ONE Energyconverterblock to convert it 1:1 and in realtime without any kind of buffering.

    With BCIC²-Crossover you have to put more then one petrochemical Generator (25 EU/t each) that converts BC-Pressure or BC-Fuel into IC²-Electricity. It can also burn directly Oil at 8-EU/t-ratio.

    The electrical Engines are selfdescribeable, but the larger ones needing Watercoolant to work most efficient (if they are Blue) and they are never Exploding by themselves, because they are not using flammable Fuels.

    Theres also an Oilmaterializer, but i have disabled it in the config, because it is too OP to create Oil out of UUM.

    Size of EU packet directly means maximum cable length. With improving it you will get even larger solar fields.

    This way you will get a great collection of "idiots".

    Nope, no larger Arrays, because these Solarspammers don't want to lose energy for their expensive shit. These Arrays will still have the same size as usual.

    This was only to prevent Idiots from spamming "hey it would increase the Solaroutput massively, so we get even more Solarspammers".

    And you didn't thought about the fact, that these abusive Solarusers knowing that they will lose Energy on long distances and making their Arrays like before, so i can take you for my "great collection of Idiots". :D

    BCIC²-Crossover is not the same as Powerconverters-Mod from Powercrystals (The maker of Minefactory Reloaded).

    With OP i meant that the direct conversion is way too fast and imagine if you have a steamengine that pulses every tick (Generator + Energylink).

    All conversions of Powerconverters-Mod are measured by the energy you can get from Coal, which is in some cases abuseable.

    The time for the answer has taken so long because the new Direwolf20-Video was finally buffered.

    Did i said that the BCIC²-Crossover petrochemical Generator can also convert BC-Energy to IC-electricity, and as i said it has electric Engines.

    The Powerconverters from Powercrystals are balanced with an 1:1 ratio but they convert it immidietly, so don't need some time to convert the Energy and they have no Energyloss trough the conversion.

    For Redstoneengines you can simply switch off the Particles, then they are causing nearby no lag. Also Redstoneengines causing lag per second or less if they are cold, but Solarpanels causing lag per tick, which is 20 times more laggy.

    Buildcraftwaterproof Pipes causing massive Lag too, so place not much of them or use Teleportpipes.

    Yeah, i'm the first viewer and i say "download Railcraft". They have fixed the collisionbug of furnacecarts, so you can use them to push your carts. Also Furnacecarts are now stronger then in vanilla. And before i forget, whats about Boostertracks?

    but as GregoriusT said, Alblaka is going to complete rework illuminators in the near future.

    "illuminators", i think you mean Luminators or is Alblaka really working on Illuminati? :huh:

    Oh and i said that with the Luminators three times including that above, and everytime it was a newbie, that asked something like that here. X(

    We should put these ideas to the Compendium marked as denied. :cursing:

    quick question for you, well 2 actually, 1 have you used the IC2/BC power converter, and 2 is it less strain on a server to use Redstone Engines or Solar Panels? lol

    1. No. i'm no longer using it because it is to OP, if you mean Powercrystals Mod. I'm using BCIC²-Crossover to get fuelbased Generators and electric Engines.

    2. Redstoneengines are less laggy (on the server), but their Particleeffects causing clientside Lag if the Particleoption is not set to low. Solarpanel + Energylink is much more lagging then that.

    all you need is your lapis and a massfab and then you can make everything you'll ever need, except uranium *epic sadface*

    Yes the only stuff i need is Lapis for the Massfab, but i don't need more Uranium. I have a very large Mine for it and i know, where is more of it. And since my mainenergysource is that Huge Oildeposit right next to my Base (BCIC²-Crossover Petrochemical Generator), i don't need a CASUC now.

    Yep, Scrapboxing is not much efficient and could be a bit better, maybe two times more Uranium as Diamonds from Scrapboxing to keep it balanced, even if i don't really need more Uranium than i have now. And less Wooden Tools since there are not only Hoes.

    I've installed Better Veins for my new modded 1.1. Today i've started playing it the first time and the FIRST resourcedeposit i found was URANIUM, AGAIN. I'm a living Uraniumdetector. No matter where my Base is, theres ever a very large amount of valuable resources right there and when i'm going far away from my Base i find less than nothing. :D

    You people and your config files, i swear if you could put world peace in a config file you people would be asking for it >.>

    That's not only a config in the Serverproperties, it's also an option and named "Peaceful".
    Oh and a configoption for this would cause more then these much two lines of code.

    And don't forget these huge two lines must be added to the Windmills and to the Watermills too. :D

    i think they are a bit looking like this:

    if (this.getStoredEU()>=5.0)

    Don't know the IC²-Code but this way it could work.
    Oh moment the "this." can be removed from the Code, because it's java. 8o

    if (getStoredEU()>=5.0)

    Yes, these are very large lines of Code, and it was very difficult for me to implement it. :P

    And the "it shocks people"-part is a pro and not a contra. :D

    Yesterday (ca. 12 hours ago) i came here in the Forum to an Idea, that will reduce the Lag of all these regenerative ULV-Generators, and will "shock" all the people who use Tincables. :D

    Why are all these energysources not outputting in 5-EU-Packets? I don't mean that they have to produce 5 EU/t, only that they are storaging the Energy until it reaches 5 EU and then they will output that 5-EU-Packet. Tincables will still be usable because they have a 5-EU-Limit, but they will shock the shit out of you if they are connected to a ULV-Generator.

    This new behavior will reduce the Energynet-Lag of Solarpanels, Windgens and Watermills massively AND it will cause that these Solarspammers are Fryed form their fucking Panels if they come to close to it. :D

    positive Results of this Idea:
    Less Energynet-Lag from Tincables
    Tincables are not only shocking if they are connected to a high placed Windgenerator.
    Less Solarspammers (or for other regenerative energyforms), because they are afraid to get Fryed.

    negative Results of this Idea:

    No negative Results!!! I can't be wrong!!! 8o

    I know this is a good Idea, everyone who not confirms that is an Idiot, or has not checked that the average EU/t's are still the same and is therefor an Idiot.

    So i see you only want to have a way for powering Luminators with ULV.

    I say that very often, but Alblaka will rework the Luminators completely, so that would be useless.

    Result: Bad Idea, that will also cause eight times more Lag as normal Wires, if people abuse that, what they will do, just to say that.

    :Matter: :Matter: :Intergrated Plating:
    :Matter: :Intergrated Plating: :Intergrated Plating: = 48 Clayballs
    :Matter: :Matter: :Intergrated Plating:

    :Matter: = Matter even if it don't looks like it.
    :Intergrated Plating: = I'm ever using them for Empty Fields on a GUI.

    Looks like the C for Clay if you can't remember it (That Logic applies even to Lapis Lazuli and Iridium).