Uhhhm, your attempt at understanding how humans work does not seem really successful. Shouldn't the Mod be out and working before there is gonna be a poll on how good it is?
Posts by GregoriusT
Yeah but dont claim to be knowing a language, while also causing dead code and tautologies within the same function block.
if (meta == 1) return 3.0F;
return 1.5F;
^ THAT is the proper way or if you prefer it more compact the following is great too:
return meta == 1 ? 3.0F : 1.5F;
Are you really doing an "if (meta == 1) else if (meta != 1)" ? Why do you check for == and != at once? You said you know Java, but this is like the most horrific noob mistake I have seen in a while. Also the return after your if-else thing is literally Dead Code and never executed...
Try to always avoid using Enums, its not worth the effort.
dude its literally
public static final float[] RESISTANCES = {1.0F, 2.0F, 3.0F, 4.0F, 1.0F, 2.0F, 3.0F, 4.0F, 1.0F, 2.0F, 3.0F, 4.0F, 1.0F, 2.0F, 3.0F, 4.0F};
and then return RESISTANCES[world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z)];
You REALLY REALLY need to learn Java before modding
Yeah dont use an Enum, just use a float[] Array for that.
Ah good, was not easy to notice. So what now?
What I meant was inside Block.java there is a Function you did not override yet regarding getExplosionResistance, because the Block Class has TWO explosion resistance functions! Not just the one you overrode (btw maybe you should insert your own value there instead of returning super.getHardness / getExplosionResistance)
what is "net.minecraft.block.Block" then? You even have "extends Block" in that Screenshot!
Other Hints that might be useful, Rightclick a Function and select Open Call Hierarchy, click a Class and Open Type Hierarchy, etc. Those are REALLY useful for navigating!
How about Block.java ?
yes like that, note that getexplosionresistance has two versions with different parameters, so better override both to return the same value
That was actually just to give you an idea where to search, not for a 1:1 copypaste. I was too lazy to give proper parameter assignments, you were supposed to copy them from the corresponding Blocks functions.
@Override getBlockHardness(world x y z) {return world.getblockmetadata(x y z) == 0 ? 1.0F : 2.0F;}
@Override getExplosionResistance(world x y z exploder) {return world.getblockmetadata(x y z) == 0 ? 1.0F : 2.0F;}
somewhat like this? -
You keep updating it right after I download it and am about to start loading MC. LOL .
Maybe downlaod it more often, then we get more updates!
As I said, look for the logs of the crash, the crash report or something that tells us what is broken, nobody can EVER help you if you just say "its broken"
1.1K Views, thats 1100. People see this but they wont reply apparently.
Yeah he means GT5U, and he tries to not make that one such a huge mess like GT5U is.
Aroma, it is not okay to just delete a Post without a good reason. Just removing the Post wont fix the Issues IC2exp is for sure still having. It is not a wrong thing to point out that there is stuff broken, and that there is fixes for that broken stuff, even if that incorporates usage of examples that are tied very closely to another "product".
Your reason for deletion was "removal of propaganda", but I am very sure that most of the said things in that post are actually true, even if they have a small opinion attached to them.
Just try to disprove the wrong things instead of flat out silencing people next time.