Posts by narc


    java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: ic2.api.[...]

    *Something* in there has an old IC2 API. Indeed, it looks like Forestry still has the version of ic2.api.Direction without the toForgeDirection() method. Go right ahead and open the Forestry jar and delete the ic2 folder inside (and remember, that will make it impossible for that Forestry jar to run without IC2 being present and on the same client).

    NEI is what he meant. Also, in the log, it says a lot more about NEI than about IC2. Also, in the NEI thread, there was a great big announcement at one point about this exact specific error. That we've seen a few dozen times in this very forum in the last few days.

    So, the quarter of a tin ingot is a problem for you, too, then? Personally, I stand by what I said about two posts above, but sure, I could grab the Thermal Expansion API and ask the transposer not to give you the cell back. Check back here later today.

    Edit: Although not for a while yet. Adfocus is down and I don't feel like hunting through decompiled source to find out how to use the API properly. Those comments the API almost certainly has would be handy.

    Mm, I'm actually doing my config reading in @Init, which seems to be working quite well. The only thing I'm using PreInit for is event.getSuggestedConfigurationFile(). Because it's handy that way.

    Also, yes, Buildcraft is doing it wrong.

    How? Well, I'd guess at Forge ID Resolver. I strongly suspect it only resolves conflicts when the config files generate, which for the most part is equivalent to "when the mod is first installed".

    So if on one computer you install mod A first and then mod B, and on the other computer you install mod B first and then mod A (and run minecraft between each install, so that the older mod gets a chance to write its config), then you could potentially get a situation where the first computer would've given priority to mod A and shuffled B's block IDs around, and on the second computer the opposite happened and A's block IDs were shuffled.

    The easiest solution is not letting Forge ID Resolver have anything to do in the first place -- once you have working config files on one computer, copy them to the other one, which ensures both have the same block IDs and other configuration settings.

    All of this is pure guesswork, of course, I'm not even sure that you really mean "block IDs" when you say "slots".

    ^ Now that's odd, I looked at the patch where Buildcraft got Forge ID Resolver and it looked exactly like I was doing it -- just Configuration.getBlock("key", default_value). Mind, I haven't checked for any changes to that since, but yeah.

    Hey, Greg, would you write a short thread in Addon Discussion explaining the use of Forge ID Resolver, as well as a few common mistakes in implementing it? I'd really appreciate your knowledge on the subject.

    Linux based OSes [load] things in date order, not by alphabetical order

    If only it were as simple as that! The default order for reading the files in a directory is something like inode number, or some other purely internal order (do 'ls -U' to see it). If it were dates, it'd be simple to just change the timestamp of each file to make it work correctly, that's what touch(1) is for.

    On the other hand, as Greg has said, there are ways for mods to explicitly request that they be loaded before or after other mods, so the order Forge finds them in should never matter unless a mod author is being forgetful.

    Eff 7 is a lie...the max eff is the same as before: 4 because reflectors and dual/quad-cells cost copper and tin...they actually decrease eff.
    the best i can make that can actually run a full cycle is eff 3.85

    Reactor efficiency ONLY counts uranium in vs. power out. Copper and tin costs and, in fact, any other costs, are irrelevant. If you put a quad cell into a reactor and surround it with reflectors on all four sides, you get 28,000,000 = 7 * 4 * 1,000,000 EU out of it, compared to 4 pieces of uranium that went in. Ergo, efficiency 7.

    You also get a reactor that's ready to explode in about 19 seconds, because I didn't say anything about cooling, did I?

    EMC valuation right now is just up in the air, though, as there's no current EE to check it against. Looking at the proposals, though, I think #1 makes perfect sense, but consider adding a cell to it (or two, or three) so that it's not a 2x1 recipe -- it seems odd somehow to be able to make a generator in the inventory crafting station. Cells are nice and cheap, even in EMC, and they make sense compared to other IC2 generators.

    The reason it isn't working is the forum was moved to a new server and some of the attachments got lost along the way. Your computer is reporting the error the server gives it.

    A re-upload should fix it, or hosting the files elsewhere (or both).

    Sorry, I don't have a copy of this mod, else I'd try attaching it here until Snyke got a chance to look at the thread again.

    Looks like your server and client are really just not agreeing with each other. I don't know what you did there, but I'd advise deleting the configs and letting them all regenerate.

    ...and making sure they're identical between client and server.

    Although, either way, this is not an issue with IC2.

    Hi, I'm just starting with IC2 and I have some issue with IDs. Conflict is probably between buildcraft and ic2. I changed conflicted IDs manually and it works good in single player.[...]

    Strange... I've been running IC2 and Buildcraft together for a good long time now and have never had a block or item ID conflict between them. As far as I can tell, IC2 takes 216-250 and Buildcraft takes 150-172. Likewise IC2's item IDs are in the 29xxx range (unshifted), and Buildcraft hangs out around 3800-ish (unshifted). Not a conflict to speak of between them.

    As for your error, IC2 says earlier in the log


    [WARNING] [IC2] Error while trying to access configuration! java.lang.RuntimeException: unknown character :

    , which presumably means you have a : in there where it shouldn't be. Really, the only ones in the whole file should be on the "Generated on" line and the valuableOres setting.

    It works, but you can also update to 397, if you want. Like, three posts above yours someone mentions Forge > 397 made some API changes that break this version of the beta (1.109.113, for future reference).