Posts by narc

    Another way to look at uranium's power output is to consider that the maximum efficiency of a reactor is 7, and that you can get 8 uranium cells out of a single ingot if you have a breeder available (and it's not unreasonable to have one, if you're serious about nuclear). Thus, the maximum theoretical amount of power a single uranium ore can give you is 56,000,000 EU. I think 100kEU is about right for fuel. You could configure it, of course, if you really wanted to.

    Bigger? I was just thinking literally two splitter cables between your main power bus and the two machines. The splitters will connect to each other if they're next to each other, but they'll still act correctly. Power doesn't travel through machines, after all.



    Where the minuses represent the main power bus, the pipes are splitter cables and Ms are the two machines.

    I'm not sure if the cables will trigger from levers on the faces of the machines, though I suspect not... so redstoning the cables will be a little trial-and-error, but not too bad. Maybe torches underneath turned on and off by levers to the sides.

    If that was for me then no, those don't really work when the highest EU outputting thing in your entire base is capable of just 128 EU :)

    Eh, you might be able to get away with it, the loss is only 0.5 EU/block, and it rounds down. As long as you don't have loss in the other cables leading up to the machines, it should work and allow you to power just one of the machines at a time.

    Okay, thanks for that translation. Still not really seeing a point to it, but it might be fun as its own mod, independent of IC2. Especially if you could make it actually be good for something aside from light.

    That would fit with the bug tracker being down, as well, wouldn't it? In the case of the errors on the forum, there's obviously no mail server at localhost:25, and so the forum can't send emails to people who are subscribed to threads (or any emails at all, most likely). Hoping someone has a chance to look at these problems soon.

    I just walked past this before, but coming back to it again... I really have no idea what OP is suggesting because I can't really read that. Looks like a nice, detailed suggestion of how something should work, though. It... also looks like a lot to add, and I haven't really found a *purpose* for it while skimming, but that may just be my inability to read it properly. Please, please, try reformatting that post.

    Induction Furnace drops from max energy to (max - 1) and then requests more energy, gets sent a large packet, and bam. Wasted energy.

    No, no. Induction Furnace drops from maxEnergy to (maxEnergy - 1), states that it can accept power, receives a 32 EU packet, and stores (maxEnergy + 31) EUs. Or, if it got a 128 EU packet, it stores (maxEnergy + 127). The furnace will not accept power anymore until it drops below maxEnergy again. All electric blocks that can accept power work this way, and this carries over correctly to machines with transformer upgrades (yes, maxEnergy + 511 is perfectly possible. I'm not sure if you can force EV into a machine, but if it were, it could go to maxEnergy + 2047).

    If there is a split in a cable and only one machine on one end requests power, does the packet that gets sent out in response get split in half, or does it all go down the 'right' path?

    The packet goes to the machine that flagged itself as accepting power. I'm not entirely sure what happens when there are multiple machines accepting power, but I think (from glancing at some nigh-unreadable decompiled source) that multiple packets get sent, as many as necessary to fulfill demand.

    Narc's got his own new project that I crystallized the idea for yesterday and will be heavily involved in (I'll let him give details on that one, if he likes).

    I do like, thank you. We were hashing around Buildcraft and RedPower in the context of LogisticsPipes and what LP doesn't do quite right for us, and we ended up breaking the idea down to something that looks more than just doable, it looks FUN (and not in the Dwarf Fortress sense!). Specifically, it turns out an LP-style system needs about three parts (and probably some ancillary stuff we haven't thought of yet): pipes (dumb pipes, no branches allowed), servos (these form the intersections and also do pretty much all the work in interacting with machines), and a routing system.

    The interesting part about that last one, the routing system, is it's not really anything that exists in the world proper -- it exists aside from the world. We could write a routing system in Java and basically reimplement LP or something of the sort, but... there's this very clever mod called ComputerCraft that implements Lua in Minecraft! And it would be interesting to write your own routing system (or just use someone else's, the CC forum has plenty of smart people willing to help).

    So, hey, another item transport mod. Because clearly, with Buildcraft, Redpower (eventually), Railcraft, GregTech, and the Minecraft 1.5 update soon, there aren't enough of those around. But it's promising to be fun. We'll see if people enjoy it or not.

    Isn't it possible to just dont register a "null" Container for the UUM? *Looks at Code* Yes it is, when using a try/catch around the Liquid Container Registration.

    But why should one supply Cells into the Assembler? Its like putting regular UUM into it, what would mean that it results in being very pointless to even add compatiblity. Btw. Thermal Expansion has an public API for the Liquid Transposer, where you can remove the Outputcell.

    What I was thinking is, if people put liquid UU into the assembler, why should they be able to pull solid UU back out at all? That said, I don't really play with GregTech and don't know your logic, so feel free to just ignore that.

    Other than that, I'm personally okay with having the empty cell be left over. I can spin it as "there's a little bit of UUM that doesn't quite liquify, but it's enough to make one cell. How fortuitous that you'd need a cell to resolidify the liquid UUM, if you wanted to do so." Ultimately, it's no more than a quarter of a tin ingot. If people are feeling a need to exploit interaction between GregTech and LiquidUU to get empty cells... that's not really something wrong with either mod.

    In other news, I think I've fixed that bug you ran into before. Basically just a localization thing, as Minecraft apparently never sets the Java default Locale so it defaults to something like your OS language -- which means String.format("%.2f", number) would output "1,23" instead of "1.23". So now I just ask Java what the decimal separator is and split by it. No real difficulty.

    And since I was at it, and I've been playing on a server with Liquid UU 0.7.3.xp for a while without breaking anything, I've gone ahead and numbered it 0.7.4 and made it an official release.