The forum leaders give off a sense of what little power they have going to there heads. I would say second that if people want to know when you are going to release a version that is up to par let them know a estimated date instead of banning people that ask. I find it a little distressing when other people are coming up with hot fixes for 1.2.5 before the staff or ic2. I understand this mod is free and all but if you don't want to take it serious then maybe hand it off to someone who does.
horrable leadership for ic2
- keither1982
- Closed
I take it you're not a programmer.
The forum leaders give off a sense of what little power they have going to there heads. I would say second that if people want to know when you are going to release a version that is up to par let them know a estimated date instead of banning people that ask. I find it a little distressing when other people are coming up with hot fixes for 1.2.5 before the staff or ic2. I understand this mod is free and all but if you don't want to take it serious then maybe hand it off to someone who does.
Welcome to the forum.
Being you are relatively new i will be polite. (Our Certified asshole will not)
To start, you are posting in the wrong section.
Lately i have been seeing a lot of Flame post directed at the dev. team and this concerns me.Is there a specific issue that you are referring to that is not an opinion?
Really? You must be new to MC and mods in general for any game that doesn't have built in mod support.
I have no idea what you are even bitching about as there is nothing special in 1.2.5 that wasn't in 1.2.4.
I have been using IC as one of my primary mods for what over a year now in both SSP and SMP, and when IC upgrades I upgrade MC not the other way around. The same goes for the people on both of my servers.
1) The only horrible thing im seeing here its your grammar
2) Their forums their rules.
3) Their mod their rules.
4) FOLLOW THE DAMN RULES, its not really difficult to shut your mouth and wait patiently for the mod to update. I have been waiting since 1.2.3 for all my favorite mods to update and you don't see me screaming like a moron asking for a release date.
I'm guessing you've never seen a badly moderated thread on the Minecraft Forums. They are filled with 3 pages of "UPDATE NOW PLZ!" every single minecraft update. Mix that with a full sized forums and you have a giant mess that would leave the developers pruning the forums more than they are updating the mod if that ban rule wasn't in effect. To me it's nice to come here and read good conversations without all that spam.
Edit: Also as FenixR said, Their forums their rules. -
The forum leaders BLABLABLA
STFU team work fast and even have time too look on forum and fix all the bugs and answer our stupid questions!
Rule about release was because devs didn't wanted to get spams from people like you and didn't wanted to release untested versions only because of stupid promises -
I think this is one of the few threads in which I was hoping FenixR had posted in as I clicked it. Glad to see that I wasn't disappointed.
dont waste your time on forum, dont ask anyone, just do it.
ps. bugreports ignored 90% of the time, first version that actually reacted to bugreports was 190, all versions before my bugreports was ignored completely and most bugs still unfixed.
Dont annoy devs and ppl on forum use search/read forum and there are some usefull information like [url=] [/url ]
ps. bugreports ignored 90% of the time, first version that actually reacted to bugreports was 190, all versions before my bugreports was ignored completely and most bugs still unfixed.
Tell me which and I'll happily look into them. Except the miner one that is, I don't know jack about the miner code and Player is busy.
@ fenixR I impaled a n00b on a lightning rod for the sacrifice shall we cast the banishment ritual on this guy?
@ fenrix I impaled a n00b on a lightning rod for the sacrifice shall we cast the banishment ritual on this guy?
Which one? Do you mean the one, which was already eaten by Alblaka or THIS one.
And it's FenixR not fenrix, but its his Name, not mine, so you could ignore me.
Asking someone who develops something in their free time for the equivalent of FOXCONN wages when they are going to update is the equivalent of someone walking up to you on the street and asking this...
"Hey guy, when are you going to lose some weight, bathe, get a job, and get your shit together?"
Tell me what your response to that question might be and then you may understand why update questions are so obnoxious and annoying.
Which one? Do you mean the one, which was already eaten by Alblaka or THIS one.
And it's FenixR not fenrix, but its his Name, not mine, so you could ignore me.
the ritual is to powerful to waste on some all in one armor poster it should be saved for jerks, trolls, flamers, and those that offend the devs directly like this guy.
but seriously behavior like this is why asking for a release date is a bannable offence. because the vast majority of those who ask are horrible jerk face n00bs on an entitlement kick that think they can trash talk mod developers and get away with it.
Ah I see all his usual ass kissing minions have posted, throwing there best insults great job!!. I know name calling and insults really reflect and represent the community well. That don't stop the fact that a small percent of the ic2 community run around on these forums with impunity saying and acting however they want. The only condition would be your posts and comments must be in favor of the moderators or the ic2 team , then you talk like and act like "most" of the posters above me.
Ah I see all his usual ass kissing minions have posted, throwing there best insults great job!!.
why thank you I'm glad to see that despite how far they have fallen the tree-punching-dirthut-dwellers can still recognize talent when it presents its self
I know name calling and insults really reflect and represent the community well.
oh yes cause things would be so much better if we were all a bunch of squishy spineless worms that go along with what ever people tell them. and don't act all high and mighty yourself you started slinging insults and now your getting them back ten fold the ic2 devs are some of the best mod developers in the community not because they update on time or write the most reliable code. they are respected, loved, and defended because when treated with respect they interact with and respect the community back.
That don't stop the fact that a small percent of the ic2 community run around on these forums with impunity saying and acting however they want. The only condition would be your posts and comments must be in favor of the moderators or the ic2 team , then you talk like and act like "most" of the posters above me.
oh the grammer nazi's are going to have fun with this string
but I won't cause I'm not one of them. we don't oppose you cause we fear banning heck our flaming responses are probably frowned upon by alblaka himself. we oppose you cause your poorly written, loud, and offensive brain droppings reflect poorly on this community and (to put it nicely) we strongly want you to take up the practice of thinking before you post.
just reread the rules for the support subfoum http://forum.industrial-craft.…?page=Thread&threadID=224
they state that a thread will be deleted if you don'tQuote- Make a thread with the subject "Support Request: [Your problem]" or "Question: [Your question] in the forum IndustrialCraft|Support.
(Make sure that your problem isn't a bug or a suggestion)Quote- Please use proper grammar and write readable sentences, it's hard to help people you don't understand.
QuoteIgnoring any of these rules will usually cause instant deletion of your thread.
this thread violates the rules and should be cast into the void for the highest law of these forums is READ THE STICKIES FIRST!
its time "grabs Sledgehammer"
to hammer you to the ground!
first of all, it is THEIR forum, and not YOURS!
second, if you dont like THEIR rules then YOU should go cry in an corner! there is not an thing that you can do, i can verry wel imagine you getting banned for thistheir leadership is off? who are you to judge them? they code it for us, they test it for us. they MADE ALL OF IT for us. you have 0 right to speak like this, (freedom of speach ok)
if you think they dont do their "TASKS" right, first of all. its not an "task" its an HOBBY! they made this awesome mod for us.
i could go on like this forever, but il finish off here before i completely lose my mind.
go cry in an corner kid! -
Ah I see all his usual ass kissing minions have posted, throwing there best insults great job!!
If you're insulted by statements like "not a programmer" and "relatively new [to this forum]", I have to wonder what you're doing on the Internet.
Now, as to your original post, I'm not really seeing it. I have a feeling you misunderstand the reason behind the "don't ask for estimates" rule. You see, historically, when estimates are provided and then not met, the result is a circlejerk of bitching about how "you said it would be done yesterday and it isn't". To head that off, it's simpler not to give estimates and not respond to people asking for estimates. And if the people asking for them do that too much... what do you think should happen to them?
As for "distressing", have you actually looked (and understood) what a hack the hotfix for IC2 1.90 on Minecraft 1.2.5 is? The latest Forge dropped ModLoaderMP compatibility in favor of their own internal system that handles mostly the same thing. The correct solution to bringing a mod like IC2 up to the latest Forge version would be to make it start using that internal system, and drop anything that smells of MLMP. This is not a simple operation, and the person who made the hotfix didn't bother -- that's why that version also requires ModLoaderMP, in spite of Forge not using it anymore.
Next, I'm not sure how the IC2 devs are failing to "take it serious[ly]". They have consistently updated and improved IC2 for as long as it's been available, they have recently released a version with some new mechanics I haven't had a chance to even look at, and ultimately, I get the feeling they're as tired as I am of the Minecraft version fuckery that's been happening lately. None of which points to any failure to take anything seriously, as far as I'm concerned.
Finally, I'm wondering if you realize how whiny you sound. Here you are, just one more person who uses IC2, but the devs should bow and scrape to your every whim? If you want insults, you should look in the mirror -- your posts suggest someone who actively and happily sabotages himself and then looks to the outside world for reasons why everything is going wrong. "How do they not see my genius?" you ask yourself. Well, I hate to break it to you, but you're hiding it behind bad grammar, lazy spelling and typing in general, and a whiny attitude of maximum entitlement. And I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming you have some genius in the first place.
Ah I see all his usual ass kissing minions have posted, throwing there best insults great job!!. I know name calling and insults really reflect and represent the community well. That don't stop the fact that a small percent of the ic2 community run around on these forums with impunity saying and acting however they want. The only condition would be your posts and comments must be in favor of the moderators or the ic2 team , then you talk like and act like "most" of the posters above me.
oooh, so you want "best insults"
i could do that you kidyboy! grow an pair and accept that the rules are their for an reason!! i myself would be annoyed shitles if someone keeps asking me please when is it finished? and when it isnt. BUT YOU SAID U WOULD! grow an pair! (©FenixR)