What's the range trigger do again?
I should know, but I've never needed to touch that part of the code much. Going to look into the remote monitor.
you put a eu monitor card in and set two values in the gui, as it goes above the first higher values it emits redstone, and only stops when it goes below the second lower value, and visa versa, it can also be reversed to emit when below the second low value and stop once it goes back above the first higher value
id basically like to be able to read a tanks value in the same way
atm i use 2 with my AFSU to stop my reactor when it gets above 960mil eu and start the reactor again when it dips below 800mil, same for my massfabs, stops them when it gets under 40mil and starts them again once it gets over 160mil
i was wanting to use it with the buffer drums for my reactor, stopping the reactor once the buffer drum gets below 64,000mB and start again once it goes over 128,000mB, for now i use comparators from project red but the range trigger has far more control, im sure theres plenty of other uses to measure and control fluid levels in any tank the liquid sensor kit is compatible with.
also while you're there. the range trigger gui messes up as you invert its function. one of the values goes negative and you have to set it positive again using the +- buttons.