For those who haven't seen, Direwolf20 made a spotlight on MFFS v3:
Posts by calclavia
Currently it has so much loss that it is not worth using fortron to teleport energy, but tesseracting for interdimensional fortron is, at least. 25 EU in -> 6-10 EU out.
Converting energy with it between different grids is also not good.About bugs :
Bug allowing infinite MJ when integrating fortron back into MJ.
Anti-passive module kills players.
Sometimes coercion derivers glitches taking ALL EU input for just the worth of 25 EU/t. This happens when multiple derivers are connected in one line of energy (MFSU and several derivers for example).
Fixed that and buffed Fortron generation. -
I managed to Figure it out mostly this morning, but how much Energy does it consume? I hooked up like 5 HV Solars and it still went down :O
Also, may i suggest removing that video, since its out of date
Also Also, are you aware of the Steel Ore Dictionary Fail thing? The Steel Ingots/Plates dont work with any other, did you change the Ore Dictionary name?I personally plan on funneling part of my excess energy to producing Fortron and storing them in a huge RailCraft Steel Tank. And make it accessible via Tesseracts.
Hmm, it does require some power if you don't have lapis fuel. You also might think about using multiple coercion derivers.Oh! Tesseracting it sounds like a nice idea
Interdimensional Fortron power
Has someone done a Tutorial on MFFS 3 yet?
If not, someone help me understand the crazy GUI's and i will do one :pWiki is under construction:
Does it still require BasicComponents? (I got a ClassNotFound when using 105)
And is it backwards-compatible with 1.5.1?
If Searge Obfuscator works, then this should also work. And no, it's not dependent on any mod. It works with UE, BC and IC2.
Not sure where to post this, but just going to announce that MFFS v3 has been released:
Okay, that is where all that donated Money goes. XD
It's actually more of a friend who casually helped me with a smaller favor, didn't pay anything lol. -
Focicium could act like an amplifier like scrap does for the Mass Fab. Force fields could be generated without forcicium at a much greater energy cost. That way, players can choose between the item processing infrastructure or a greater energy production infrastructure.
LOL! That's exactly what MFFS v3 does except I use lapis as amplifier hehe. I agree with you. Both MFFS should provide ways of generating without resource. -
It's quite simple. All versions that are not coming from Thunderdark are derivative versions of the mod. That's true for Cal's UE version of MFFS and for our classic version of the mod. Now I'd prefer to stop discussing this topic and focus on the next steps in bringing you a stable release of MFFS classic.
This is not true. My version, (if you even call it a version since it is independent) is not a derivative and is independent from the GPL license legally. It does not use any code or textures from the old MFFS and was coded from the ground up. It's a completely different mod, both in code and in terms of theme and style. The only thing similar are the ideas of the mod. Ideas cannot be called "derivative". I had a lawyer look through my code in comparison to the original as well as the development and this is pretty much confirmed. Debate if you want, but this is a fact. Anyway, this is the end of discussion. -
The main reason I came on this thread was to make peace. As I have said before, having derivatives and classic versions is perfectly fine with me. The only thing I don't like is all the hate that has come out of this. People thinking "Ohh this is a war/competition between MFFS 3 and MFFS 2 Classsic". No it isn't. It's just two different versions from two different visions of the mod. Like one version, play that version. I have my reasons on keeping away from GPL as i believe that license has its immoral side as well as a good side. Searge on the other hand might believe something else. We modders are already cool with that between each other. The only thing needed now is for players to calm down and understand this is not a hate war.
Get off his case. Kane has valid points and knows what he's talking about. What Calclvacia did with MFFS was considered a copyright troll with IC2 code, and an insult towards IC2 for whatever his selfish reasons may be. Hell, even his post in this thread
Is insulting, as he's saying that this add-on will be nothing but a small fraction of the original.
So don't come in this thread and attack someone who knows what they are talking about, when you don't even know the backstory behind this mod. If you want ideas, then fine, collect them and go. But don't belittle the people here who have their right to be offended by the actions of another person.
I think you're over thinking this. I'm fine with people making derivatives of MFFS 2.0 as they have all rights to. I'm not trying to attack anyone. It's cool that Searge and Mani. are making a derivative because they like the old version more. It's a matter of taste just like how Immibis made MFFS 1.0 as a derivative due to the fact he did not like Monazite ores and such. Why can't just everyone be happy! Also about the license thing, I don't want to repeat myself anymore. Read this. -
Good luck on your derivative version.
Calclavia made it independant on IC², by adding UE-Support and removing any need of having IC² installed. I'm wondering why Thunderdark didnt get kicked because of that.
I think he removed it cus me handling the project was very obvious that it was no longer a pure IC2-addon.Thread is right here:…dvanced-security-devices/
Please read the PDF at regarding permission to use your mod(s).
Any issues opening the document, drop me a note.Thanks!
Graham Campbell,
Lead Developer At MineUK,
Part Of The MineEU Network.
No problem. You have my permission to distribute my mod, MFFS in your mod pack given you link back to and NOT to this dead thread.-- Regards, Calclavia
It's a mod, which add something like 5 items, but it's provided with an API. So it's kind of useless in itself, but it become cooler with addons (but it's kindof bugged for now)
That's Basic Components which adds some basic recipes into MFFS. And no, that mod is not required for MFFS to run. Might've made a typo on the site about the dependency... -
Calclavia, if I recall correctly, has officially adopted MFFS as a Universal Electricity submod that has IC2 integration. The reason that his thread was deleted was that MFFS is no longer considered an IC2 add-on (that being a mod that REQUIRES IC2 to function), which to be honest, is rather dumb. I would go into a few reasons that I can think of, but I'd rather not go into it as I would like to see this thread die peacefully; which I'm not helping much... >__<
Slight correction there! MFFS is not a UE sub mod, it's not a sub mod of ANYTHING. It is an independent mod that can work with IC2 or UE power. Up to the player to choose what they like. There will also be vanilla compatibly in the future for the use of MFFS without even a power system. -
MFFS says there is an update, but I'm not seeing it. Is there a new thread somewhere that I'm not seeing?
Could someone update OP?
I wish I could update the OP, but it currently belongs to ThunderDark and he left for good so we need a forum admin to do it. -
Just to give you a bit of a head up of my progress!
MFFS 3.0 is about 75% done. Follow me on Twitter calclavia to see more images.
It's alright calclavia as long as you keep at least some compatibility with IC2(EU). I support you.
There will always be IC2 support as long as it is available.