Well, I just tried building a DDOS reactor, but I noticed a problem. I have a filter pulling hot coolant cells out of the reactor, with hot collant cells in the filter's inventory. However, I noticed it now pulls out ALL coolant cells, regardless of whether or not they have a damage value. This definitely wasn't happening before, where only cells with damage values were pulled out. Does anyone know what i'm doing wrong?
EDIT: By the way, can I just ask: how do you calculate the number of cooling chambers necessary for each reactor? Do you just divide the excess heat by the cooling per chamber? Or do you have to take into account the micro-cycle time as well? I asked because I want to use the 5440eu/t design on the 1st page, but I am unsure how many coolers I need. It produces 16416 excess heat, which should mean 16416/568 = 29 coolers required. Or is there more to it then that? (In case you're wondering about my fascination with that particular design, I decided I wanted this ridiculous energy setup to be as HAYO-ish as possible).
Well, here's the thing. I don't know what you are talking about with a 5440 EU/t design, because I certainly don't have any reactors capable of that. The most I can manage is 3840 EU/t and that's with GregTech components. However, you're looking at the wrong numbers, and some obsolete designs.
You might want to head over to the CRCS For Newbies discussion, which will give you some pointers. The big numbers you are looking for are a) micro-cycle time (how long before components start melting), and b) cooling-cycle time (how long it takes to cool a cell). Current cooling towers can only hold six cells at a time, but provide 95 cooling per tick.
For example, the linked reactor has a micro-cycle time of 80 seconds and contains sixteen cells. Therefore, the cooling cycle per cell comes out to about 632 seconds, meaning you're going to need 8 micro-cycles per cooling cycle. Which means you need 8 * (16/6) = 22 cooling towers to be effecitve. However, do keep in mind that with an 80 second micro-cycle time, you're going to be loosing a fair amount of effective EU/t output with constant downtimes. Using GregTech cooling components will significantly increase both micro-cycle and cooldown times, but will overall reduce the number of transfers necessary by a factor of six.
If you are wanting a particularly HAYOish setup, you may wish to consider multiple reactors in tandem. For example, the Pocket Reactor only needs a single chamber, produces a respectable 720 EU/t, and can be set up in serial. The important thing about this pocket reactor is that it only has six cooling cells in it, meaning one cooling tower has enough capacity to handle all the cells it provides.
So, it's got a micro-cycle time of 179, the C00ld0wn tower again has 632, which means 4 towers ought to keep each one going. You can either build them as independent units, or you can make them share cooling towers, either way works out well as long as you have enough cooling towers to keep all of your reactors running optimally.
Also, did your filter have damaged or undamaged cells? If you had both, then it will pull both out. The filter pulling the cells out of the reactor needs to have damaged cells in it, and the retriever pulling clean cells into the reactor must have only undamaged cells.