Posts by TheBoy2795
just a thought...
have the jetpack change modes wen you press "m"
hover-- press "m" while flying to hover, while hovering press shift or space to rise and fall.
I don't care if this were to be implemented in Vanilla IC² or added as an addon. I WANT THIS.
Full support. +infinity
I like the recipes.
which recipes? lol
well, now that there are gasses, there are gas dangers. Suffocation, asphyxiation etc.
gas mask:
= reinforced glass
consumes o2 cells
pump recipe (idea)
and a gas container recipe (alternate ideas)
is reinforced glass.
gas detector, detects presence of gasses and amounts(ppm).
Reactors should have a cooling tank/tower, so as long as water is pumped in, you won't blow up
crafted like so
is carbon plate,
is reactor chamber and
is a pump
pulls source blocks of water beneath it into the reactor, offers cooling similar to water bucket.
if it runs out of water, it will continue pumping for 5 minutes before it turns into a machine block(drops?).
I like the idea of Nuclear batterys per se. The issue is, why would you want to use your Uranium on a battery, if you can use it in a well-setup reactor, given, for balance reasons, the battery would need to be MUCH more inefficient then a simple reactor.
then give it like 40% effiency, to retain balance.
Awww... now then, looking forward to your implementation :3
I hope that this gets added + BC-Fuelcompatiblity, but RichardG denied it due to impossibility, even if there were already Lavapiped Geothermals (dunno what Alblaka thinks).
If it's impossible, then how do BC engines have it?
and btw GregoriusT, nice base tutorial
Get used to it, we use red a lot here... A LOT.
Not as much as redpower
There is no need to PM me to notify about your Post, i generally read EVERYTHING what is not in the Addonsection.
@Generatorpacks: Why do we need that, if we can carry 64 of them in one Slot?
convenient, and doesn't lose power by breaking it
i'm still not in favour for a peltier unit. as long as it's safe to stand right next to a working nuclear reactor, I feel that it is not necessary to implement the 'hot generator burns my back if I don't use a peltier unit' thingie. plus, it makes it expensive for the trouble you throw yourself in. usually you have the resources to make a lappack quite fast.
But in survival, this items looks like its not needed. in the upcoming adventure mode, I could see a few uses though
sorry for not being clear, the peltier is only for the react-o-pack
The regular generator pack is a good idea, but the react-o-pack is basically another "Nuclear Battery/Portable Nuclear Reactor/Pre-Fueled Nuclear Reactor" suggestion. In other words, it's going to get denied.
can't blame a guy for trying ;D
Sorry i think the memo saying i was supposed to act as a pokemon never reached my hands :/.
Also Greg has the whole code of the miner ask him to post it here too.
For everything else, USE THE FUDGING CONFIG FILE!
That is all, FenixR Out.
lol i am colorblind (red-blue defiency), i cannot read that text without highlighting it
As far as the sled, I think perhaps not, since then it wouldn't be nearly that much better than a minecart rail system. This is designed so you don't have to carry minecarts around to go places; you just hop in and off you shoot. Another advantage of this system is that you can go straight up and down without pesky slopes and such. Otherwise, your recipes sound quite good - I'm generally not very good at coming up with machine recipes, only features.
Also, I would argue that the tube NOT be able to branch; since the tube will have to carry air pressure and a direction, branching might be difficult/laggy to code. Then again, cables are actually quite similar in some respects, where air pressure = EU/tick and direction depends on sources and sinks. For now, I'd suggest that tubes connect to other tubes only in a straight line or a bend, so you can run lines adjacent to one another.
well, the sled was just an idea,
but what do you think of my recipes?<< wow i need to read closer -
first i saw tubes and went "oh no, not again", then i saw personal transport, which is awesome!, 2 thumbs up :D. I like this, A lot. But i think the recipes would be better more like this maybe. Take a look.
i would suggest the recipe be something like this for the blower
=mv trans, not mfe
and an advanced one (faster?)
=blower, not mill
and maybe
= reinforced glass,
= reinforced stone,
= alloy plate,
=carbon plate,
=open space
makes eight transport tubes
makes 4 hatches
I would also suggest a "sled" for it.
:Uranium Ore:
:Refined Iron: :Refined Iron: :Refined Iron:
where MinecraftNotch = minecart, :Uranium Ore: =reinforced glasswell, those are my thoughts, do with them what you will
I don't really see the point in a reactorpack. My lappack provides me with (literal) days of mining happily and no way my lappack is empty before I run out of space.
In the case of a mining laser, i suspect 128eu/t will provide you with a longer lasting time than a lappack but then again, your inventory space will run out rather soon.Also, why do you start from a T4 genpack? Wouldn't it be more logical if you start from a lower tier? (as in generator + 2 leather = genpackT1)
And you might be wanting to change the recipes, the general rule here is that no new item construction items or resources are implemented unless it has a ton of uses.You make 3 new items for only 1 in-game useful item. Depleted uranium ingot, uran-triferrite, peltier unit...
I think this best gets some rework. (and you might take a look at the archieves just in case something like this already got denied, saves you a headache later)I like depleted uranium ingots though, they make excellent armour penetrating bullets
Thanks for the constructive criticism, im gonna rework this suggestion
Done! -
you have a better idea? please share instead of bitching about my post. be CONSTRUCTIVE.
No mentioned amounts of energy storage nor amount of energy production when functioning as a reactor.
its a working idea, with time... but the storage should be about 90% of lappack, and energy production, idk probably about 128 eu/t
could also charge mfsu/mfe/batbox while you access their gui's -
Tier 4 lappack, ten new recipies without any other use and no actual values from someone with one post, no.
what do you mean by "no actual values from someone with one post"?