Posts by RichardG
We don't have a sprite for it yet. Fallen has a sprite for his treetap addon, but he disappeared :\
Yeah, a NotEnoughItems mob spawner.
Download and run this tool:…craftError/MCErrorV25.jar
It will open the launcher - log in and connect to your server, and post the error log here.
Those submodule errors can be safely ignored, it's trying to load the BuildCraft compatibility addon but since BuildCraft is not installed, the addon won't load.
Update to ModLoaderMP Server v2.1. Did you read the errors at the end?
v1.64 fixes SMP issues, lever placement and redstone on CF walls.
Redownload Forestry.
We'll probably get a hotfix out to fix that and the SMP crops issue.
It's a CraftGuide bug, you need this version:…
Lazy author didn't do a bugfix release yet.
The smelting recipes: CraftGuide NEVER shows smelting recipes from other mods for some reason.
Machines: Pending proper sprites -
Addon merged into IC... almost. I'm locking this.
Addon merged into IC
Started playing in v6.00 for 1.4_01
Congrats for the tester status!
Endgame Paradise is triggered by placing cultivation on a terraformer in the end. CCC, Like a Boss and Crazy Ivan are pending Eloraam's entity death hook.
I kind of fixed the coaldiamond achievement. On the crafting machine ones, did you build the storage upgrades shown in the middle?
I changed the submodule loader so it doesn't print a full stack trace when a module fails to load.
The CraftGuide bug has been fixed, ask Player for a git version or wait for the next update.
Edit: Deprecated, will replace with a newer Thread ~Greg
HTML Documentation:
The documentation for the latest API (development version) classes is available at changes
Mod access:
- Added Mass Fabricator amplifier and Scrap Box drop APIs, see Ic2Recipes1.7x changes
New features:
- The NetworkHelper class has been added to allow addons to access the features of our internal SMP data/event synchronization framework.
- Various interfaces for Network Events and Data handling have been added to the API1.6x changes
Mod access:
- Items are now ItemStacks in an API class called Items. If you want to reference an IC2 item, just do it by its itemstack.
- Macerator/Compressor/Extractor recipes are now added through Ic2Recipes. Ic2Recipes.addMaceratorRecipe(ItemStack,ItemStack), Ic2Recipes.addCompressorRecipe(ItemStack,ItemStack) and Ic2Recipes.addExtractorRecipe(ItemStack,ItemStack) will add a macerator, compressor or extractor recipe respectively, the first ItemStack being the input and the second one the output.
- Dynamic recipe support. For example, when crafting a Mining Laser, the output EU charge of the mining laser will be the sum of the EU currently stored on both crystals. The code below is an example on how to use the dynamic crafting system, explaining would be kinda complex:CodeIc2Recipes.addCraftingRecipe(Ic2Items.miningLaser, "Rcc", "AAC", " AA", 'A', Ic2Items.advancedAlloy, 'C', Ic2Items.advancedCircuit, 'c', Ic2Items.energyCrystal, 'R',; Ic2Recipes.addShapelessCraftingRecipe(Ic2Items.insulatedCopperCableItem, Ic2Items.rubber, Ic2Items.copperCableItem);
New features:
- Recycler blacklist: Ic2Recipes.addRecyclerBlacklistItem(ItemStack/Item/Block) will add an item to the recycler's blacklist. Blacklisted items will not produce scrap no matter what.
- Agriculture: You can make your own crops by extending CropCard and overriding the methods to your heart's content. -
The only time I ever used unetbootin was to try to boot my old PC which got its Windows partition corrupted by a failed resize. It failed since the old BIOS hates USB drives in HDD mode - either finds nothing or hangs and frantically beeps.
Yes, this needs to be updated to BC 3.1.1.
Bundled cable is finite at 255. Someone back in the RP1 days complained about that when building a gigantic city, and Eloraam showed a screenshot of a Bundle Transceiver, which when configured right, could work as a repeater. She never mentioned the transceiver after that though...