Posts by zippinus

    Here is a little update for you guys.

    So as far as I can tell the IC2 team have basically made (The bases for every IC2 block) useless to extend for modders because they now have changed the return value of getGui to an integer. This means I would have to modify the IC2 base files and every other modder would have to too to add their own unique blocks to the file. This would the basically make all addons incompatible with each other. Not the ideal solution for any of you or for me which forces me to take more drastic measures.

    This means that now I have to implement everything that BlockMultiID used to do for me which is going to be a PITA. :cursing: So it is going to be slow going. ;(

    Good to hear it's not just my noobishness causing these problems. There's hope for addons yet!

    I'm working on it. I've got to correct that pesky 'block parameter can not be null' error before I can properly test it for bugs. On SMP, I'll begin work on it once I've solved the SSP version. As a note though, I'll reiterate the fact that I'm a noob in java coding, so the problem is probably staring me in the face, and I've yet to notice. Until then though, this mod is for Minecraft 1.7.3 ONLY! Hope this clears up some things, and prove that I haven't disappeared. Thank you for your continued patience, and if anyone has any ideas as to the problem, please don't hesitate to share.

    You'll need a chest next to the Pump like this:

    If you're willing to use Equivalent Exchange, you could produce infinite cells using this:

    Using a Fully Automatic Charcoal Factory(See Here), you can fuel my new Empty Cell Factory. The conversions are:

    8 Cobblestone-->1 Redstone Ore
    4 Redstone Ore-->1 Iron ore
    1 Iron ore + 1 Tin ore-->2 Tin Ore

    Here's the tricky bit. The newly created Tin Ore MUST be placed in a chest. The chest has 2 outputs. 1 feeds back into the tin conversion chest, while the other continues along. After that:

    1 Tin Ore + Macerator-->2 Tin Dust
    2 Tin Dust-->2 Tin
    4 Tin-->16 Empty Cell

    I recommend using a chest after this and pumping them from there into the top of the Pumps using Insertion Pipes. FYI, the top is for the top slot, and the sides are for the bottom slot in a Pump.

    Then simply compress the Water Cells into Snowballs, and then into Ice.

    Hope you enjoy.

    @ above yes I did this and showed it in the Factories thread but I also converted the charcoal into coal and automatically macerated them and crafted them into coalballs for Industrial diamond production :P

    I'll one-up that. I've created this setup to create the Coal, Flint, and Bricks infinitely in such a way as to prevent backlog anywhere. The required mods are:

    • IndustrialCraft 2
    • BuildCraft
    • RedPower
    • Redstone Pipes
    • Equivalent Exchange

    This picture shows my Charcoal Factory, the core of the machine and identical to the one in my last post.

    This picture shows my Flint Factory. The Charcoal Factory feeds this. The setup is like this:

    1 Charcoal-->1 Cobblestone
    1 Cobblestone-->4 Dirt
    2 Dirt-->2 Sand
    2 Dirt + 2 Sand-->2 Gravel
    2 Gravel + Rotary Macerator-->2 Flint

    The Flint then travels to the Diamond Factory.

    This is the Brick Factory. The Charcoal Factory feeds this. The setup is this:

    1 Charcoal-->1 Cobblestone
    1 Cobblestone-->4 Dirt
    4 Dirt-->2 Clay(Block)
    2 Clay(Block)-->8 Clay(Item)
    8 Clay(Item)-->8 Brick(Item)
    8 Brick(Item)-->2 Brick(Block)

    This is again shipped off to the Diamond Factory.

    The Diamond Factory. Uses the IndustrialCraft 2 method to create Industrial Diamonds. These are converted into Diamonds. Recieves input from the other three Factories.

    And finally, the Sorting Machine. This is similar in design to the Toggle Latch method, except using a Counter Circuit.

    This is the basic design. The Counter is designed to increment up as each Charcoal goes by. When the counter reaches it's max, the torch on the right will light up. This will swich the Iron Pipe and send the coal to other factories. When the Charcoal reaches the Redstone Pipe in the off-branch, the Counter is reset. To prevent backlog, the first Counter increments to 137 in 1 unit steps. The second Counter increments to 17 in one unit steps. The math:

    1 Charcoal = 1 Coal Dust
    1 Charcoal = 2 Flint
    1 Charcoal = 2 Brick(Block)
    1 Coalball = 8 Coal Dust + 1 Flint
    1 Coal Chunk = 8 Coalball + 1 Brick(Block)
    16 Charcoal (Coal Dust) + 1 Charcoal (Flint) = 17 Charcoal = 2 Coalball
    128 Charcoal (Coal Dust) + 8 Charcoal (Flint) + 1 Charcoal (Brick{Block}) = 2 Coal Chunk

    Essentially, I'll need to use 1 Charcoal as flint per 16 as Coal Dust, meaning that the 17th Charcoal will be sent to make the required Flint. Then you'll only need 1 Charcoal as Brick(Block) per 128 as Coal Dust, meaning 8 as flint as well. This means you need the 137th Charcoal to be sent off to become Brick.

    And that is my Fully Automatic Diamond Factory. Enjoy.

    One fully automatic Charcoal Factory. No input required!

    The process is as follows:

    1 Cobblestone-->4 Dirt
    4 Dirt + 2 Seeds-->4 Saplings
    2 Saplings-->2 Seeds
    4 Saplings = 4 Wood
    4 Wood + Induction Furnace-->4 Charcoal
    1 Charcoal-->1 Cobblestone

    For this to work, half of the Saplings are converted into Seeds, and half of the Charcoal are converted into Cobble. The end result is that for every Cobblestone thrown through the system, the system will replenish it's own stocks, while producing a FREE Charcoal. The minimum required Cobblestone and Seeds for full operation are 2. This can be sent through Charcoal-->Redstone-->Coal conversion to fuel a diamond factory.

    Wait a minute, i just remembered that someone made a buildcraft fix to fix wooden pipes to work with the induction furnace, which also has two output/inputs, couldnt someone just rework that code to make one for this addon. It seems possible.Just someone has to do it.

    I'm attempting to make use of the ISpecialInventory class, but I can't seem to figure out how to set it up. If anyone has any ideas or information on the coding setup, I'd really appreciate it.

    NVM I didnt install the latest version of this addon.:whistling: Stupid mistake. Going to try the compressor now. Wish me luck. I do have a suggestion though. Maybe you should have the zips of all the versions in case of any problem. thanks again for this wonderful addon and lets hope that it gets added to a future patch of IC2

    I really should keep the different versions, especially because of my scatterbrainedness. I will attempt to do so in the future. No promises though. :P

    A one-way version of this currently available is the teleport pipe. Use one of them alongside an obsidian one, and whenever you're full, you plop it down and unload. Once done mine up the 2 pipes and move on.

    Teleport pipes: Link

    Yes to an upgraded version of the extractor: make it have 3 out slots so i can put a stack of Resin in and leave it
    also change the compressor to GIbbl you need to!

    I have been considering doing an advanced extractor. Sadly, the multiple outputs would not work with Buildcraft, so until I can remedy the problem, it'd only have one output like the others.

    As to the Gibbl, I've changed that and hopefully fixed the config problems. New download in OP.

    This is the error i get when i tried to run it with the original id 199

    If you're getting this error, Please use the file below for now. The config should look like this:


    No compressor

    Just downloaded and installed! The Rotary Macerator works just fine but there is no sCompressor. I checked the download file and it doesn't contain anything titled "compressor.class" or anything like that. It only has the files for the new macerator. Am I missing a file or am I doing something else wrong? If you need more info let me know. Also, I'm doing a fresh install so there wont be any compatibility issues. Thanks.


    I have the same problem as the guy above me.

    Woops. I forgot to change the .zip to the new folder. Sorry about that. Fixed in OP.