Posts by Shadowclaimer

    I'm quite saddened by Elo doing this truthfully. Squashing addon development is no way to treat your fans, whether it contained your source or not. It was done to foster development and cross-play between mods, not to cause any harm.

    True words.

    Thank you <3

    After learning Java and studying Notch code, even as an amateur I can say that in theory, design, and practice this system is a nightmare. It was a cop out to his originally planned leveling system, implemented near last minute as a launch "feature", with no regard for modders or anyone. Its just a mess.

    That's why i consider enchantments imbalanced.

    Yep, I'm hitting the same fun with my mod, the infinite arrow enchant luckily only counts Notch arrows, so for me to implement my bows/arrows I have to make them unenchantable to prevent infinite ammo and make them refuse to use Notch arrows. I get tons of people complaining because my mod's veins drop ore "items" instead of themselves as blocks, yet they get no bonus from fortune. I basically just told them all tough luck.

    Enchants are a nifty feature, but Notch went about it the worst way possible and made some of the worst enchant ideas possible.

    There doesn't seem to be much sense in "updating" a mod that you know is going to be updated anyhow.
    Alblaka had already specifically stated his intentions - it's not as if it's a dead mod that hasn't been updated in months.
    I wasn't aware that pointing this out made someone a "dick", and it's terribly unfair to classify "most" of the participants in the thread that way (IMO, there's only been one... until now)
    I'm not sure why reason indicates "problems at home". I'd be more likely to conclude that passing judgment in that fashion is indicative of underlying problem... but I'm sure you meant well.
    After all, you're such a nice guy to compliment one person at everyone else's expense. :rolleyes:

    Doesn't help that truthfully porting to 1.1 (and 1.1 SMP) isn't a difficult task, what's taking all the development time on 1.1 IC2 is that he's trying to implement extra bug fixes/features as well. No point in doing multiple updates per Minecraft patch unless its bug fixes.

    I appreciate the work the OP did, but I can see why it shouldn't be posted. It just encourages others to crack IC2's code and such, which the fewer people toying around inside of the code the better. There's an API for those wanting to expand it.

    Yeah, I know which mod you're talking about. Set the world up so that it was (in order, top down):
    - Aether (if installed)
    - Notch's Sky Dimension
    - Overworld
    - Nether

    I would assume in this case the chunks for all four are loaded, but at the same time I would assume, to cut down on lag, there is a sort of barrier between the "worlds" that transfer you and load the proper chunks. But... eh. I don't think it's going to be updated to 1.0 or 1.1 now.

    That's digging up, and from what I can tell it doesn't transport you dimensions it just uses the generation code mixed with a height increase to spawn them all in one world.

    RP2 did that. It's a wee bit annoying not to have a use for Tungsten... Or Gems, beyond tools and blocks.

    You're speaking to the man who's mod is 14 new metals solely made for tools/armor/blocks ;) but that's off topic.

    I can understand the issues with having too many ores with too few uses, but you have to remember, for the longest time Gold was only used for Golden Apples at most (before that it was just tools/armor). It took people suggesting good things to improve uses for the ore for them to come up with some interesting new things, and I assume the same can happen here over time. So even if Thermometers is all you can do with Mercury for the time being, I'm sure there will be more ideas that'll spring up later.

    Obvious statement, IC cannot and willnot, from OUR side, use the RP Cover system. It's very well possible (and much easier to do) if someone (f.e. even Eloraam) creates some sort of addon which bases on RPs source and provides this feature to IC cables.

    Currently i tinker with using the CF-Cable idea, it would require some minor coding effort and another blockID, though.

    Well hey now that next patch is compatible with BlockExtender is that such a bad thing ;)

    Probably taking something more simple then a centrifuge, but the idea of providing a "Advanced Brewing Stand" is on the IC todolist.
    At min it will provide a better ingrident-potion ratio. Eventually some more powerfulpotions. At max even new ingridents or a redone brewing system.

    Depends on the guy picking this point up for implementation.

    I figured such a thing is in the pipeline, personally I haven't touched brewing at all ingame. I never was a fan of it, just figured giving an industrial and modern take on it would be nice.

    Is This still in production.. or has the project been abandoned. Just curious.

    Grr thought my post went through.

    This texturepack is basically abandoned, all of my time now is consumed with working on my own mod, so I haven't had time to work on the texturepack. I thank you all for your support (its been amazing) but sadly I'm moving onto my own mod. If someone wants the rest of my files they're more than welcome to use them and such, just make sure to give credit where credit is due.

    Chunkloader doesnt load another Dimension ?

    Chunk Loader (if that's the same mod I'm thinking of) does, but it does it in a very hackish way from what i heard that murders your CPU, it works in concept, but in actuality its a nightmare to implement properly.

    I think the way to go about it would be to introduce a "Signal" block that once constructed anything around it in an area is guaranteed to run regardless of player presence, but as with the previous note, it's a nightmare to implement properly and murders CPU.

    yes it would, it's been stated multiple times it's not doable because it *would* make IC2 dependent on RP2 core. Not to mention the whole Eloraam doesn't want addons for her mod right now.


    I'm saying if they did an addon for RP2 it would require both cores by default anyway, but unless you built the addon code directly into IC2 it wouldn't. Therefor if IC2 does its own system of cable obfuscation it would be fine, but if it allowed RP2's system it would more than likely require RP2 to run (however there are ways to where you can have the code disabled unless you're running both addons, but such methods are obnoxious and complicated).

    Whether or not she wants addons doesn't necessarily mean its impossible to make one regardless. I'm sure the community could make one that allows her cable covers to work with IC2.

    Regardless, its off topic, the idea of obfuscating cables is a good one. Implementing RP2 to do such is not. Using CF to cover cables is a very nice starting point.

    So wait, you want centrifuge as it will do stimpacks from all those potions?
    I seem to miss that idea in your post, and thats a good idea. Still i would think of much more uses for centrifuge. Like cleaning wool from dye for example. Cant think of more, but anyways, that would add a good base for new suggestions.

    Yes, Stimpacks would be upgraded versions of the base potions using a Needle to construct instead of the potion bottle, Grenades would be the Splash Potion equivalent, being upgraded AOE potions you can throw.

    Other recipes in the Centrifuge would be awesome as well.

    Its not just about magic, its about that magic didn't fit industralcraft. So ppl who like IC mostly think you don't need those things in the game at all.

    Also, i suggested chemistry very very many times, and haven't received any answer, i hope your thread will do, cause these seems a very good start.

    As much as I'm inclined to agree, excluding the capabilities of the machine to be used as an improved base minecraft machine seems kinda absurd. Every machine in base Minecraft has an IC2 equivalent, and then some (save for the Enchanting Table), don't see why this couldn't double as a base alchemy table.

    I'm also fine with the same ingredients being reduced into "compounds" or something then put into the Centrifuge to make the Stimpacks that provide greater versions of the effects, I don't think that's particularly unfitting for IC2.

    For once somebody suggest an ore an actually an array of possible uses instead of a single one.
    Kudos for that, but unless we run out of ideas, this is low priority still ^^'
    As well, strongly dislike adding new ores, as they would require people to start new maps / explore distant regions to be obtained.

    Not going to argue, that does suck usually (my mod is prone to it just about every update) but truthfully, how many people currently can say they've had the same version of their world for the past x versions of IC2? And if you run SMP, you can simply "delete" a chunk to respawn it anyway, so you could actually reform your wilderness with the updated ores.

    I can see why you wouldn't want to do it frequently, but maybe its about time to wrap up a bunch of ores you want to add and do them all in one push perhaps? This idea is fantastic and I can safely say IC2 really really needs a thermometer.. especially for Reactors.

    Why the removal of potions? Their "magical" aspects being irrelevant, it is a fantasy world and you are mixing ingredients found innately in that world. The creation of potions using them might be chemically sound in this world and not "magic" based. Therefor removing them from the chemistry equation to make Stimpacks/Grenades kinda defeats the purpose.

    But I do agree, other uses are always awesome.

    Stupidly, nope.
    Kinda sucks, because it takes ~10 min in best case to resetup IC within MCP's source. Complex mod is complex.

    Yea was afraid of this, I've gotta weed through and get all my 3 tons of files out of my src and server src, decompile a new MCP (the third folder for MCP on my desktop now), copy the files into it, and hope I got everything..


    Sad part is I haven't updated Forge since the original release for MC 1.0, I assume I've missed some important things.

    Yeah, for recyclers, it doesn't really matter what goes where... just loop some adv. insertion pipes. For other stuff, I use a hybrid, so I can still get an even distribution without any out-poppage. The group of extractors in this pic has both an adv. insertion pipe ring, and distribution pipes to even the initial load.

    Wow I just noticed this, I love the fact you're using a mini-Recyclonator layout, the Advanced Insertion Pipe ring system I found works very very well, however it is prone to overloading your CPU with too many items in there, but I can't say I really ever hit that point (if you can load enough items to overload that many recyclers you need to reconsider your life anyway)