when is it updating ?
[1.6.4] Gregtech hardmode server
Update is already done
Hey guys : Bored? Random IC2/Forum chat (one message from me, inactivity for a long period)
Hey guys : Bored? Random IC2/Forum chat (one message from me, inactivity for a long period)
Enjoy the trip!
Mars base :
Industrial craft to build #335
The server in fact runs build #336 -
Has Galacticraft finally updated to IC2 experimental now?
Has Galacticraft finally updated to IC2 experimental now?
Hello Chocohead!
Well there are some small issues at the moment (like solar panels blowing everything up) but yes its functional with ic2exp. Do note that on this server I have redone most recipes to fall in line with ic2 / gt (mostly using the plates of gt and removing some machines).
RIP the LinushiSpwnCommando base facade. Firestone OP.
Hey Invultri, you figure out how to make Hive breakable yet? I did find this, and I'm not sure if you've already tried or not. http://forestry.sengir.net/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=873
I'm setting up a single player with the same rules as the server.
*Edit: Yeah I think this isn't what we're looking for.
Server crashed :o
Mining laser works at breaking hives pretty reliably. Think of it as a nerf to forestry
EDIT> On the next update day, could you make endstone, sedimentary UB rocks, and GT granites go into backpacks?
Hey Invultri, you figure out how to make Hive breakable yet? I did find this, and I'm not sure if you've already tried or not. http://forestry.sengir.net/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=873
I'm setting up a single player with the same rules as the server.
For now its mining laser or dynamite to open beehives. However, next minetweaker update should have that forge method exposed so I can add scoops to beehives.
Server crashed :o
Server is rebooted. It seems that me toggling on CH autobackup made the disk run out of diskspace. Removed the backup data and restarted the server.
Quote from Nonotan
EDIT> On the next update day, could you make endstone, sedimentary UB rocks, and GT granites go into backpacks?Maybe, I think I might use a different backpack tho. Granites I will add to the diggers backpack.
Hello Players,
It seems that reactor chambers can not be crafted or picked up. I am trying to find out why this is happening, but no luck so far. We have removed the minetweaker config as a test and that did not help.
I think it is time for me to find out where to post bug reports on ic2exp
we broke the server again D:
Server appears to have crashed after I tried to export into a tesseract terminal connected to an unpowered tesseract. Without server logs, hard to say, I suspect ticking tile entity however.
Hi Folks,
Nono was indeed correct it was a ticking tile entity issue with extra cells. Updating extra cells to 1.6.2 seems to have resolved the problem. I checked your base and nothing seems to be wrong (There were 2 internal id conflicts in extra cells after the update).
Extracells to build #138 (version 1.6.2)Also, Congratulations on completing the pack!
Family visits interrupted the regular update schedule but here is the list of updates.
Update completed
Bibliocraft to 1.5.4 (I just noticed that the addon is 1.5.0+)
Carpenters blocks to 1.9.8
Extra cells to build #139 (1.6.2b)
Gregtech to 4.06i
Ironchest to build #659
Forestry to build #700 (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.…orestry-A- )New:
Unidye 1.3.1 (as promised :)) ([Addon][1.6.2+] Unidye - Getting your Dyes to the next level! ) -
Just a reminder to all players: Please don't touch what isn't yours without asking! One of the users lost all of his progress on crops due to someone harvesting them without permission and causing weeds to run rampant.
Just a reminder to all players: Please don't touch what isn't yours without asking! One of the users lost all of his progress on crops due to someone harvesting them without permission and causing weeds to run rampant.
I second this, also because it is violating rule #2 out of 3.