Hardened Glass from Thermal Expansion can stop a reactor and a nuke exploding, with just one layer thick. Since things like water, lava and obsidian were nerfed to stop such things, shouldn't this be too?

Thermal Expansion Hardened Glass
It's not IC place to nerf other mods.
That's what GT is for.
nerf yourself...
its impossible for ic2e to check all mods and adapt for them.
Yeah because one block from a popular mod which is not balanced for this mod means adapting to every mod there is.
You only complain for the sake of complaining, do you?
a popular mod
i never heard about that mod, if you know(play\like) some mod this does not make that mod popular.
Currently popular mods are Buildcraft with forks (foresty,railcraft), Project Red and IC2, everything else is not popular or is not about tech (ars magica\thaumcraft are popular but about magic).
i know only one "popular" mod that not "very balanced" - soul shards, everything else is perfectly balanced compared to it.
If you've never heard of Thermal Expansion, you must have really been living under a rock. It's existed since 1.4.x and started out as an expansion (hence the name) to Buildcraft, which you apparently do play. Nowadays it's stand-alone, and yes - it is one of the most popular mods around. Maybe more popular than IC2 by now. Entire modpacks have ditched IC2 completely in favor of it, and some threw out Buildcraft in addition as well.
It is- in the barest description- IC2-like machines with manageable input/output sides, great transport options (fluid and item ducts, tesseracts), several cool liquids and portable hard boxes and tanks.
i never heard about that mod, if you know(play\like) some mod this does not make that mod popular.
Currently popular mods are Buildcraft with forks (foresty,railcraft), Project Red and IC2, everything else is not popular or is not about tech (ars magica\thaumcraft are popular but about magic).
i know only one "popular" mod that not "very balanced" - soul shards, everything else is perfectly balanced compared to it.
In addition to what Omicron said - you seem to have missed out on many other mods that are becoming very popular these days:
- Applied Energistics
- Thaumcraft 4
- Tinker's ConstructSome other honourable mentions include:
- Ars Magica
- ComputerCraft and addons
- Extra Utilities
- IC2's other addons
- Minefactory Reloaded
- Modular Powersuits
- MystcraftProject Red is not really that popular, and most people have shifted to other replacements (which are not direct ports) for RedPower features. Additionally, RedPower also started to weaken in popularity ever since its brief and buggy return in 1.4.7, because of Eloraam's long absences punctuated with a few short announcements.
Project red isn't by eloraam, and is fairly new
Project red isn't by eloraam, and is fairly new
I know. However, in the interim between Project Red and RedPower, many people have seeked for other alternatives to RedPower so any RedPower-based mods don't really have a lot of followers. -
You only complain for the sake of complaining, do you?
It seemed silly how annoying and expensive multiple layers of reinforced stone you need to replicate the same effects. -
It seemed silly how annoying and expensive multiple layers of reinforced stone you need to replicate the same effects.I meant the post directly above me, not you. I see the logic in how it doesnt make sense
ok then.
IC2e feature custom explosion that ignore blocks with resistance over 999, also it shoud treat any resistance over 100 as 100, this will make all types of armored stone as effective as reinforced stone in terms of nuke explosion resistance.
ps. never got reactor exploded by error, not ever shield them, just place 20 long cable under base and set reactor here without any protection.
ever in case of explosion, base wont take any damage.
I meant the post directly above me, not you. I see the logic in how it doesnt make sense
Oh ok thenIC2e feature custom explosion that ignore blocks with resistance over 999, also it shoud treat any resistance over 100 as 100, this will make all types of armored stone as effective as reinforced stone in terms of nuke explosion resistance.
That'd do it. -
Oh ok then
That'd do it.
You forget bedrock with 18 million. But who encases reactors in that anyway. -
Quotethat ignore blocks with resistance over 999
IS 18kk MORE THEN 999 ?
IS 18kk MORE THEN 999 ?
So the nuke will just ignores bedrock entirely? That was what I meant. -
you can test this youself in 5 seconds, ever faster that you get this reply on forum!
So the nuke will just ignores bedrock entirely? That was what I meant.well... it used to... I think they patched that though...