I agree- we should make a new one.

The Minecraftian Chronicles Season 4: Aftershock
- Blaster
- Closed
I agree.
Does anybody have an idea about it? -
It looks like it's time for a complete reboot of the series.
Either that or go with a new timeline where the spambots won the first war, and mod tech from 1.4 onwards was developed in desperation to liberate us from spambots, not just taken from the spambots. -
We should actually probably just do something completely different. The first Spambot Wars story was made as sort of a satire of the spambot problems the site was having (as far as I can tell), but by the second season, it was just a collaborative storytelling work that didn't have much to do with spambots at all. It wouldn't make much sense to try to remain stuck with that outmoded association.