there was some discussion on the server about adding microblocks and extra utils (if only for the magnum torches, disabling the pipes and such) to kiara 4. I hate that I either have to light up my mountain, which melts the snow and makes it look ugly, or let zombies and spiders ambush me constantly. also, I feel my decorative options are limited without microblocks. I know there are some others on the server who would like this as well. would you consider adding them to the server invultri?

[1.7.10] Gregtech Hardmode Server (aka Kirara 2.0)
invultri, you might want as well disable IHL oregen in config, because GT6 provide all necessary ores to it.
Like this?
B:generateTrona=false -
the redlogic problem was fixed we need immibiscore update
Will try to update todaythere was some discussion on the server about adding microblocks and extra utils (if only for the magnum torches, disabling the pipes and such) to kiara 4. I hate that I either have to light up my mountain, which melts the snow and makes it look ugly, or let zombies and spiders ambush me constantly. also, I feel my decorative options are limited without microblocks. I know there are some others on the server who would like this as well. would you consider adding them to the server invultri?
Microblocks, if you can find me one that will not lag everything to death then yes.
Extra utils would be a no. -
Like this?
Yes. Saltwater btw can be replaced with salt ore. Saltwater is a pink fluid, that is generated at surface of desert biomes. -
I had some paranoia about saltwater we had a chunk problem where someone found it and i thought that there was a bug caused by the pink fluid, i didnt know that it was natural gen at this point.
Why is the Saltwater Pink? Do you like pretending to Bath in UUM?
Why is the Saltwater Pink? Do you like pretending to Bath in UUM?
In a honor of lake Retba. -
It looks like the last gt update had some ore id missmatches.
This gigant hole was full with Apatite. -
It looks like the last gt update had some ore id missmatches.
This gigant hole was full with Apatite.Why GT Update? Don't you mean IHL Config Update? The GT Ores are all still there and they also don't generate in that Shape.
Oh that sorry about that i thougt it because of the another ores that was nearby
Don't you mean IHL Config Update?
Config affects only at new block generation, but don't affects block registration. All generated blocks will remain on their places. -
So it was Forestry Apatite then?
So i looked at the Apatite ore in Nei what is on Kirara and found only textures from gt and forestr.
I can say it was not GT but im not sure about the Forestry texturs too.
I look abit with the older mod version. -
Found it ist from Underground biomes.
Somethink strange happend we didnt update Undergroind biomes. -
Found it ist from Underground biomes.
Somethink strange happend we didnt update Undergroind biomes. -
That is it probably, that would explain those messages without having my entire underground disapear -
I request a GT update in order to allow us to make the monkey wrenches that would allow us to set the molds to auto input
(once the server reboots)
You know that the Crucibles only really work in the latest Version?