Initial Release Checklist [I know it looks like TFC. My implementation and vision are quite different. Plus, this is a very minor part of the mod]:
Remove vanilla chests
Add log piles
Add dust piles
Add ingot piles
Add storage blocks for all items
Add shelving
Add jars/urns
Add Barrels. No, real barrels
Pressurized steam pipes
2nd Tier Furnace carts
Modular rails
IC2 Crop expansion
Aluminium Cropsticks
Multiblock generators
Steam Turbines
All IC2/GT machines as multiblocks
Different machine frames
Different Fuels
Rainwater collection
Pneumatic Tube system (like France, not Redpower)
More food
Multiblock mining operations
Multiblock power storage
I have an idea. This idea is where you have a modpack. IC2, with Gregtech around it (for difficulty, ore generation, (1.7) tools, machines, et cetera), and any IC2 addon you like. Then you have Multi. Multi is based off of Gregtech, Forestry, MFR, Railcraft, Ex Nihilo, and Terrafirmacraft. You start off in a world and must fight for survival. Bronze GT machines? You'll be aching for those lightning-quick buggers. Electricity is far, FAR off in the distance.
Multi nerfs chests. Got wood? Place it in a log pile. Charcoal? Coke ovens are late game. For now, bury logs under dirt and set those motherfuckers on fire! Chopping trees is easy... just chop the bottomost block... well except it takes forever. Furnaces are used only for food. And they require iron plates. For early game cooking, you use an open fire. For early game ore smelting you make an open fit, before moving on to a clay "oven" essentially (I'll put in realistic mechanics essentially). Dusts are place-able, and you pile them up. Stockpiling and surviving is the early game.
To come.