In vanilla IC2, you can't actually macerate (silk touched) diamond ore into diamonds. Pretty sure there should be some kinda of benefit to silk touching the ore and macerating it compared to just mining with a drill.

Diamond Ore
if you want magic, you shoud try other mod instead.
as far as i know IC2e strongly against any use of magic\enchantments or potions.
Except that the iridium drill has a silk touch mode, so diamond ore can be legitimately acquired without using magic. He's got a good point here.
Although it would make much more sense with redstone and lapis though. And coal to coal dust.
Maybe add ore washing recipes for them as well? And diamond ore macerates to diamond dust instead.
maybe crushed diamond ore which yields diamond dust when centrifuged?
some sort of laser cutter for gems instead of macerating
maybe crushed diamond ore which yields diamond dust when centrifuged?
Or just OreDict it with dustDiamond, but you can further refine that with the washer and centrifuge.