Lol. This is old news, but apparently I'm going to get arrested. By the way, Risugami is a terrible person. Or at-least his IRC chat is.

[Addon ?] (Minecraft Version: 1.7.10) Transformer Convertors 2
Well, when the cops show up... as if... don't resist, and make sure have coffee and donuts out for them.
Well, when the cops show up... as if... don't resist, and make sure have coffee and donuts out for them.
Got it. Don't leave the dead-bodies out, leave coffee, and donuts out for the pigs. You sure know what you're doing... what do you do for a living?
EDIT: Apparently I can check this thread out when I'm in Eclipse!
(Currently in it right now! :D)
I'm in construction, but when it comes to cops, yeah, I know what I'm doing. My great grandfather, grandfather, 2 uncles and an aunt is a cop and in my childhood days I tended to get into trouble and my aunt was always the one that basically came after me, hoping to turn my life around. She did, finally, granted it took a few.. many... tries, but she finally got through to me and I stopped getting into trouble... well, as much trouble anyways. So yeah, I know how cops work. If you treat them with respect and tell them the truth and don't act psychotic, they're usually quite reasonable and will treat you nicely.. even if they do have to arrest you. Now on the other hand, if you get hostile or confronting or you do something stupid like try to play dumb or deny you did anything wrong or even try to run, then pretty much all bets are off and they will use force if needed. Yes, I learned that lesson the hard way, but it only took once, after that it was, well duh they got called here cause you did something bad so don't play stupid cause they already knew what I did and that's why they were there. So it was just a waste of time and their patience by acting like I didn't do anything wrong, which really ticks them off quickly when you waste their time and lie to them. Otherwise, be civil, they'll do the same.
I'm in construction, but when it comes to cops, yeah, I know what I'm doing. My great grandfather, grandfather, 2 uncles and an aunt is a cop and in my childhood days I tended to get into trouble and my aunt was always the one that basically came after me, hoping to turn my life around. She did, finally, granted it took a few.. many... tries, but she finally got through to me and I stopped getting into trouble... well, as much trouble anyways. So yeah, I know how cops work. If you treat them with respect and tell them the truth and don't act psychotic, they're usually quite reasonable and will treat you nicely.. even if they do have to arrest you. Now on the other hand, if you get hostile or confronting or you do something stupid like try to play dumb or deny you did anything wrong or even try to run, then pretty much all bets are off and they will use force if needed. Yes, I learned that lesson the hard way, but it only took once, after that it was, well duh they got called here cause you did something bad so don't play stupid cause they already knew what I did and that's why they were there. So it was just a waste of time and their patience by acting like I didn't do anything wrong, which really ticks them off quickly when you waste their time and lie to them. Otherwise, be civil, they'll do the same.
You forgot this part.
"Only if the cops aren't crooked or corrupted, they'll be civil if you are."
But yeah, I understand what you're trying to say. -
Corruption is the reason why there is a general rule in the German Police that there ALWAYS have to be at least two Cops being together in order to do their work. Well that and it is much safer if they get attacked.
Corruption is the reason why there is a general rule in the German Police that there ALWAYS have to be at least two Cops being together in order to do their work. Well that and it is much safer if they get attacked.
You live in Germany?
You live in Germany?
You didn't know? xD
My welcoming gift to 1.7.10. If you can't figure this picture out, well... I'll post more info about it later when I'm not seeing things that aren't there.
From what i can get that seems to be a 3D rendered map of a skyblock world.
Almost looks like the camera mod.
It's a picture...
The picture was just a proof-of-concept of replacing the main-menu for Minecraft. I'm going to do more later on when I get the time to. Like, replacing everything in the menu like an old menu mod I've seen. (Congrats to you if you know what mod it was. :P) -
BTW, what's core.plugins.playerstaker.commands about?
BTW, what's core.plugins.playerstaker.commands about?
It's a command? The plugin playerstalker is just a plugin that does what it says? Al-though, it does have people (me) hard-coded in to not find them.
Making this stupid menu has been causing my computer some huge lag. Anyway, this looks* nicer than before I guess.
*This was before I deleted my code, and had to start all over again.
So, the only thing blocking my way of updating this mod, is the packet-handler setup. I don't know how adamRos did it, but I'm not sure I can recycle it for 1.7.10. :\
On another note:
Apparently the reason why my Minecraft laggs when testing the main-menu, is the way I bind my custom textures. I think I need to stop using Java Reflection... -
Someone telling me how to do Java. -.-; Apparently I don't know how static fields/methods work.
Damn it people! I need ideas!
Damn it people! I need ideas!
What kinda ideas? EU -> MJ (and back) ideas, random suggestions, mods we want updating? -
What kinda ideas? EU -> MJ (and back) ideas, random suggestions, mods we want updating?I don't even know anymore. :\ How about... the last, "... mods we want updating?" one?