Somehow the recipe for the Coolant Cell doesn't work. Tried the Wiki and NEI doesn't helpt much either. Using the latest build for 1.7.10
[IC² Exp] Coolant
Any water containment thing in the center of the crafting table. Around it (the sides of the square, not the corners), four tin plates.
^Above - no. That's not the recipe any more
Describe doesn't work. And by latest build, do you mean 515?
Oops, sorry, I'm still bound to 1.6.4 due to mods not updating.
^Above - no. That's not the recipe any more
Describe doesn't work. And by latest build, do you mean 515?
As in I don't know the new recipe
And NEI is showing how to turn coolant cell into 10k coolant cell but not how to make the coolant cell itself.
And yes, I mean 515, sorry for not mentioning that -
Oops, sorry, I'm still bound to 1.6.4 due to mods not updating.
thanks for trying though
water + lapis dust in canning machine with fluid enrichment to make coolant fluid.
Coolant (Canning Maschine_Enrich: DistilleWater + Lapidust)
DistilleWater (Condenser + Steam )
Steam ( SteamGenerator + Water + heat)
water + lapis dust in canning machine with fluid enrichment to make coolant fluid.
thanks -
Coolant (Canning Maschine_Enrich: DistilleWater + Lapidust)
DistilleWater (Condenser + Steam )
Steam ( SteamGenerator + Water + heat)
Snap, so that's how they work. That makes working stuff out easier -
Coolant (Canning Maschine_Enrich: DistilleWater + Lapidust)
DistilleWater (Condenser + Steam )
Steam ( SteamGenerator + Water + heat)
maybe I'm just too stupid but how exactly do the steam generator and condenser work?
BTW: is there a guide to the new stuff and mechanics somewhere?
Snap, so that's how they work. That makes working stuff out easierproblem is getting the canning machine to use the right side for water.. but then i am using a build where i don't have the other items or have not risked getting yet
problem is getting the canning machine to use the right side for water.. but then i am using a build where i don't have the other items or have not risked getting yet
sec. canning machine and Fluid Ejector Upgrade in first
I think I would prefer BC pipes. I remember that by using the fluid ejector upgrade with 3 canning machines, half of the fluid went into the wrong machine.
I remember that by using the fluid ejector upgrade with 3 canning machines, half of the fluid went into the wrong machine.
then you're doing something very wrong... fluid ejector can define the output direction...
Really? I did not know (just to say, I'm still sticking to 1.6.4, I don't know if it is definable in that version).
Try shift-rightclick with fluid ejector in your hands to calibrate it.
I'll try.
Well, now, I can't since my main computer doesn't want to restart (it shut down yesterday and I cannot get any video signal since then (I mean, all the vents start, but nothing happens on the screen, stays definetely black in "no signal mode")). -
Sounds like either a loose connection or a blown (or otherwise broken) graphics card
Would a computer shut down because the graphic card is broken?
The thing is: I cannot test the graphic card on another machine since it is locked into the computer (well, locked on the chassis, so I might take it out by cutting off a part of the chassis).
Also: I used to have a remote mouse and keyboard (wireless) and the receiver is meant to have some diodes ligthing up when the computer is on. The fact is that it doesn't light up at all. I think the motherboard is broken, but I'm not quite sure (the RAM is okay (I removed each module, one after another (I replaced them after) and not any of the removals helped). Any way, I'm thinking about getting an upgrade, a really cool upgrade: I might buy another computer in the next months (September seems a good month).