like this? -XX:Xmx4G
[WIP|1.7.10] FastCraft 1.25 (Note: All Posts of new Members need to be approved first, so if you press the submit button but no new post appears here, it is in the folder of posts to be approved first, and Player will receive them a few hours later)
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when i try to do it it says jva cnat create the virtual crap i cant fix it no tutorial can fix it fing java
like this? -XX:Xmx4G
Like -Xmx4G
Fastcraft seems to crash my game whilst inistializing textures, When I remove the mod the game will load as expected, Could someone help me out?:)
Log: -
the pack actully have 280 mods not 145
Mynx: Can you reproduce it repeatedly? Does it happen with the latest 1.22 build as well? Please post a crash report from 1.22.
Sampler 1.61 for MC 1.8.9 is now available through the op.
Player, can you add dev builds on CurseForge?
I intend to use this mod in a private modpack called Brave New World on the FTB launcher (with the Third Party Pack). I was told to notify you of use and here I am
The 1.8.9 version of the sampler reports all tile entities as being ticking entities when using `/sampler counts X`, is this a oversight in the sampler or are for some reason all these blocks ticking for no real reason?
Just notifying you that we're using Fastcraft in the FTB version of Guude's Space Chickens pack.
Just notification of adding Fastcraft to a 3rd party pack called MSAT on the FTB launcher.
Tsyklop: They aren't intended for the general public, so probably not. I'll do a proper 1.22 pre-release in the upcoming days assuming nothing is severely broken.
Entoarox: It's a bug to be fixed shortly.
Sampler 1.62 should display ticking TEs properly.
The list of ticking TE's has indeed gone down quite a lot with the 1.62 version, but according to the sampler chests are still ticking, did you somehow miss those or are the chests actually ticking? (And if so, have you got any clue WHY? cause it seems pointless to me)
As far as I know, all Mojang tile entities tick, as it's Forge that adds the ability for a tile entity to not tick.
As far as I know, all Mojang tile entities tick, as it's Forge that adds the ability for a tile entity to not tick.
.... ..... Ok, I'm sorry, but if that is the case, why in the high heavens hasnt mojang made it possible for tile entities to not tick yet?
With how many there are in your average 'often played' world, it seems like a glaringly obvious and easy way to improve TPS at pretty much no cost.
In 1.8 no longer all vanilla TEs tick. The hopper is one that doesn't if you want to test.
Tsyklop: They aren't intended for the general public, so probably not. I'll do a proper 1.22 pre-release in the upcoming days assuming nothing is severely broken.
okay, And could you put on CurseForge - industrialcraft-2-2.2.817-experimental? -
In 1.8 no longer all vanilla TEs tick. The hopper is one that doesn't if you want to test.
So, then why in heavens name is the chest still a ticking TE?
I dont know much about java, but having a method called every tick for every TE must take SOME time! even if that method doesnt do anything...
In 1.8 no longer all vanilla TEs tick. The hopper is one that doesn't if you want to test.
The more you know. Although you'd expect the hopper would be one that would.