[MineTweaker-Scripts & Mod-Configs] Let's Greg other mods!

  • Jabba Recipes overhauled:

  • Imibis Micro Blocks overhauled:

  • Chisel overhauled:

  • Advanced Solar Panels overhauled: The assembler Recipes i put in a separate Assembler File:

  • Assember Recipes for Advanced Solar Panels :

  • Carpenters Blocks overhault:

    Compressor recipes:

  • Beginng to change all IC2 Stuff:

    Compressor Recipes:

    import mods.ic2.Compressor;
    //IC 2
    //Uranium Block
    Compressor.addRecipe(<IC2:blockMetal:3>, <IC2:itemUran238> * 9);
    • Official Post

    The annoying thing is that IC2 machine recipes can only be added. Being able to remove them would make life so much easier when trying to balance things.

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.

  • well now with newest buildcraft, HanakoCZ pipe tweaks doesn't work. unfortunately :( ( cause all pipes can now be made with colored glass! )

    any idea how to update nerfs for pipes now? cause doing every recipe by hand would take ages now. (again, mod that nerfs recipes, gregtech like, would be great!)

    EDIT : ok I did it, now only way to get colored pipes is to take 8 of them and put dye in the center, that means that the first way of crafting colored pipes got removed. it works fine but I can't put it here cause character limit...

  • The annoying thing is that IC2 machine recipes can only be added. Being able to remove them would make life so much easier when trying to balance things.

    It's very easy to remove all these Ic2 stuff but i don´t want. I like to make Power with different Machines ans Energy Types like Wind, Water, Solar,Steam and Nuclear look like in the real world. I try only to balancing things not be too much overpowered when using together with Gregtech .

    well now with newest buildcraft, HanakoCZ pipe tweaks doesn't work. unfortunately :( ( cause all pipes can now be made with colored glass! )

    any idea how to update nerfs for pipes now? cause doing every recipe by hand would take ages now. (again, mod that nerfs recipes, gregtech like, would be great!)

    EDIT : ok I did it, now only way to get colored pipes is to take 8 of them and put dye in the center, that means that the first way of crafting colored pipes got removed. it works fine but I can't put it here cause character limit...

    Split it in two Posts because i like it when other People sharing Stuff.
    If you don´t want using every typ of Glass you have to specified it.

    all Glass Types <minecraft:glass>
    Normal mc Glass <ore:blockGlassColorless>
    all Glastypes oredict <ore:blockGlass>

    • Official Post

    :O My life is a lie

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.

  • ahh I found it, it was called pastebin...

    so here is pastebin of the buildcraft pipes that I was talking earlier.

    it will nerf all normal (glass + 2blocks) recipes and make them give you less (without removing the convertation from fluid pipe to normal etc)

    (in newest buildcraft you can make colored glass pipes, this version of script allow you to do that but only after making the pipe (you just take your pipe and add dye)


  • Thank i add this to my Github.

    If you want to crafting only one item you not need to write *1

    I not have Buildcraft installed yet but what this Sign "| " mean?
    recipes.addShaped(<BuildCraft|Transport:item.buildcraftPipe.pipeitemsstripes> * 4, [[<ore:gearGold>, <ore:blockGlass>, <ore:gearGold>] ] );

  • Thank i add this to my Github.

    If you want to crafting only one item you not need to write *1

    I not have Buildcraft installed yet but what this Sign "| " mean?
    recipes.addShaped(|Transport:item.buildcraftPipe.pipeitemsstripes> * 4, [[, , ] ] );

    *1 doesn't matter when you coppy it anyway, it's there just in case

    it's just id/name of the item