[MineTweaker-Scripts & Mod-Configs] Let's Greg other mods!

  • Yep it is the whole config, but for it to work (and to override the standard cfg) you have to put it into: config/PressurePipes/overrides/settings.cfg
    settings.cfg is the config name :) Maybe that we use the config folder structur so anyone can really grab and drop it and it does work

  • I saw the new Github structure folder. Nice. Pressure Pipes are indeed nice if they're tiered this way. =O

    There's a way to nerf every mod, I'm sure. Or almost every...

    Thanks by the way, Mine_Sasha. ;P I do my best to make them feel similar. ;P So that's what I wanted to hear. Except for that Kid's toy...

    [1.7.10][Kirara] New administrator of Kirara servers. A serie of well-made hardmode GregTech server. Come join the fun. ;]

    Edited once, last by Arch ().

  • I now have my own version of Gravisuite. Complete.

    Available soon on the community Github. (Available on mine if you're in a hurry

    [1.7.10][Kirara] New administrator of Kirara servers. A serie of well-made hardmode GregTech server. Come join the fun. ;]

  • New Nuclear Control 2 Script. Complete.

    And while it's on the Github, it's also at my place.

    [1.7.10][Kirara] New administrator of Kirara servers. A serie of well-made hardmode GregTech server. Come join the fun. ;]

  • Some Thaumcraft work:


  • Hi, sorry for my english) just use translayte
    Tell me how to remove one of the recipes in gregtech.Assembler.
    If any example you can!

  • You cannot use minetweaker for that.
    You need to go to GregTech recipe config(Location GregTech/Recipe.cfg) and find recipe you want to remove.
    You need to find section for assembler, then item in that section which is produced and place 0 after it.

    What item you plan to remove?
    And what your first language?

  • Still crashing, I even deleted the whole script... Should I redownload MineTweaker and modTweaker ?

  • Still crashing, I even deleted the whole script... Should I redownload MineTweaker and modTweaker ?

    About what script you talking exactly?
    I think if you crash dont need to download Mod/Minetweaker again.
    You posted the Crashlog inside the Minetweaker forum or on Github already?
    You can post it here to and i will do.

  • Why you using this instead of this?

    var pulveriser = <ThermalExpansion:Machine:1>.withTag({Level: 0 as byte, Augments: [{id: 4757 as short, Damage: 0 as short, Count: 1 as byte, Slot: 0}, {id: 4757 as short, Damage: 32 as short, Count: 1 as byte, Slot: 1}, {id: 4757 as short, Damage: 16 as short, Count: 1 as byte, Slot: 2}]});
    var pulveriser = <ThermalExpansion:Machine:1>;

    What this code add?


    i know this are the Plates from Railcraft.

    Dosen´t work because you can´t use Ordict for the machines.

    #Macerator.addRecipe(<IC2:itemCrushedOre:1> * 3, <ore:oreCopper>); Doesn't work
    #Macerator.addRecipe(<IC2:itemCrushedOre:3> * 3, <ore:oreTin>); due to API limitations

    What this code do ?

    for item in <ore:gearIron>.items {
    for item in <ore:gearGold>.items {

    On the beginning using val instead of var:

    var mill = <IC2:blockGenerator:2>;


    val mill = <IC2:blockGenerator:2>;
    • Official Post


    1. TE stores all it's machines in the same value, meaning you need the NBT to get the right tier
    2. That code adds the iron and steel plates to the ore dictionary
    3. That's why it's commented out
    4. Iterates over the iron and gold gear ore dictionary entries, and blanks it
    5. Doesn't make a huge difference really.

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.

  • This code was originally made by Chocohead, I later re-organised it, and added a lot of different stuff/tweaked some existing stuff, but now, the main problem, is that I crash every time I try to reload the script, and it happens even when there is no scripts, so I need help for 2 things : 1 : FIX the crash, that's my main issue, I will be very thankful if anybody can give me a hand to fix my problem :D , 2 : try to see if some things that didn't worked before works now ^^

  • The crash started when I added the last 2 lines ( about superconductor ), but now, even when I remove it, it still crash :/