[MineTweaker-Scripts & Mod-Configs] Let's Greg other mods!
You sure ? In the syntax tutorial of modtweaker, they use capital letters, lemme recheck.
EDIT : Yup, was right, here : http://minetweaker3.powerofbyt…dTweaker:Mekanism_Support
Ohhhh, that's the operation type, my bad, thought it was trying to use Redstone.
Can you upload the crash it's getting you, that should help at least give an idea what's going wrong.
Sure, wait, lemme launch...
Here : http://paste.ee/p/I0a0v , I tried to delete line 374, and the last ones, still crash, even deleting the whole script makes crashes
Isn't that from your part of script ? It was working all perfectly and fine before :b , but gonna try
Yes it was, did you update Railcraft? It looks like there's something wrong with removing that recipe.
Nope still crashing ;/
Yeah, I updated to RC ? Or, don't remember, but you get it, 9.4.x
Is it crashing with the same thing? I expect I removed more things from the Rolling Machine.
Also, there's a RC!
Yes, if I'm correct, but I think it was a test version Chloe gave me to see if there was a bug on RC side ( an old bug, forget about it, it's fixed now ), but what I mean is that everything worked until I added the superconductor line ( the last ones ).
Are you sure you didn't change anything else? Normally if you add someone that breaks it, removing it should stop it. There must be something else you added presumably by accident.
I've reorganised the code 2 times, and it was working perfecly, until I tried to add a new recipe for the mekanism cable to have a superconductor like recipe.
I completely completed (Sounds just great, doesn't it ?) my Gendustry script. Over 100 new lines.
On my GCS github at the moment. Should be on the community Github soon.
Display More// ******** Created by Arch-Nihil for the ********// ******** Grind-Complex Supreme modpack ******** // *======= Variables =======* val IndustrialApiary = <gendustry:IndustrialApiary>;val MutagenProducer = <gendustry:MutagenProducer>;val Mutatron = <gendustry:Mutatron>;val GeneticImprinter = <gendustry:Imprinter>;val GeneticSampler = <gendustry:Sampler>;val AdvMutatron = <gendustry:MutatronAdv>;val Liquifier = <gendustry:Liquifier>;val DNAExtractor = <gendustry:Extractor>;val Transposer = <gendustry:Transposer>;val Replicator = <gendustry:Replicator>;val BlankGene = <gendustry:GeneSampleBlank>; val Labware = <gendustry:Labware>; val BeeReceptacle = <gendustry:BeeReceptacle>;val PowerModule = <gendustry:PowerModule>;val MutagenTank = <gendustry:MutagenTank>;val GeneticsProcessor = <gendustry:GeneticsProcessor>;val EnviroProcessor = <gendustry:EnvProcessor>;val ClimateModule = <gendustry:ClimateModule>; val UpFrame = <gendustry:UpgradeFrame>;val ProductionUp = <gendustry:ApiaryUpgrade>;val LifespanUp = <gendustry:ApiaryUpgrade:1>;val FlowerUp = <gendustry:ApiaryUpgrade:2>;val TerritoryUp = <gendustry:ApiaryUpgrade:3>;val HumidUp = <gendustry:ApiaryUpgrade:4>;val DryUp = <gendustry:ApiaryUpgrade:5>;val HeatUp = <gendustry:ApiaryUpgrade:6>;val CoolUp = <gendustry:ApiaryUpgrade:7>;val SealUp = <gendustry:ApiaryUpgrade:10>;val LightUp = <gendustry:ApiaryUpgrade:11>;val SkyUp = <gendustry:ApiaryUpgrade:12>;val HellUp = <gendustry:ApiaryUpgrade:13>;val AutoUp = <gendustry:ApiaryUpgrade:14>;val SieveUp = <gendustry:ApiaryUpgrade:15>;val DesertUp = <gendustry:ApiaryUpgrade:16>;val PlainsUp = <gendustry:ApiaryUpgrade:17>;val JungleUp = <gendustry:ApiaryUpgrade:18>;val GeneticUp = <gendustry:ApiaryUpgrade:19>;val WinterUp = <gendustry:ApiaryUpgrade:20>;val AllUp = <gendustry:ApiaryUpgrade:*>; val Alveary = <Forestry:alveary>;val AlvearyFan = <Forestry:alveary:3>;val AlvearyHeater = <Forestry:alveary:4>;val SturdyCasing = <Forestry:sturdyMachine>;val HardCasing = <Forestry:hardenedMachine>;val Beeswax = <Forestry:beeswax>;val AnyPollen = <Forestry:pollen>;val RoyalJelly = <ore:dropRoyalJelly>; val ClearPane = <TConstruct:GlassPane>;val GlowstoneGlass = <ExtraUtilities:decorativeBlock2:7>;val SkyBlock = <OpenBlocks:sky:1>;val Netherrack = <ore:stoneNetherrack>;val Vines = <minecraft:vine>;val Sand = <ore:sand>;val Snow = <minecraft:snow>;val Grass = <minecraft:grass>;val IronBars = <minecraft:iron_bars>;val Clock = <minecraft:clock>;val FermentedEye = <minecraft:fermented_spider_eye>; val AlGear = <ore:gearAluminium>;val SmallAlGear = <ore:gearGtSmallAluminium>;val SSteelGear = <ore:gearStainlessSteel>;val SmallSSteelGear = <ore:gearGtSmallStainlessSteel>;val TitaniumGear = <ore:gearTitanium>;val SmallTiGear = <ore:gearGtSmallTitanium>; val AlRotor = <ore:rotorAluminium>;val SSteelRotor = <ore:rotorStainlessSteel>; val AlPlate = <ore:plateAluminium>;val RedAlloyPlate = <ore:plateRedAlloy>;val SSteelPlate = <ore:plateStainlessSteel>;val TitaniumPlate = <ore:plateTitanium>;val DiamondPlate = <ore:plateDiamond>;val TinPlate = <ore:plateTin>;val DenseSteelPlate = <ore:plateDenseSteel>;val EnderEyePlate = <ore:plateEnderEye>;val EnderPearlPlate = <ore:plateEnderPearl>; val DataCircuit = <ore:circuitData>;val AdvCircuit = <ore:circuitAdvanced>;val EngineerProcessor = <appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiMaterial:24>; val TitaniumScrew = <ore:screwTitanium>;val TitaniumRod = <ore:stickTitanium>;val DiamondRod = <ore:stickDiamond>;val TinRod = <ore:stickTin>;val RedAlloyDust = <ore:dustRedAlloy>; val SugarCell = <IC2:itemFluidCell>.withTag({Fluid:{FluidName:"sugar.molten", Amount:1000}});val WaterCell = <ore:cellWater>;val LavaCell = <ore:cellLava>;val IceCell = <ore:cellIce>; val MVPiston = <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:32641>;val EVPiston = <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:32643>;val EVMotor = <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:32603>;val HVBuffer = <gregtech:gt.blockmachines:9233>; val HHammer = <ore:craftingToolHardHammer>; // *======= Removing Recipes =======* // --- Climate Control Modulerecipes.remove(ClimateModule); // ||||| Upgrades ||||| // --- Upgrade Framerecipes.remove(UpFrame); // --- All Upgradesrecipes.remove(AllUp); // *======= Adding Back Recipes =======* // --- Climate Control Modulerecipes.addShaped(ClimateModule, [[SSteelPlate, SmallAlGear, SSteelPlate],[SmallAlGear, AdvCircuit, SmallAlGear],[SSteelPlate, AlGear, SSteelPlate]]); // ||||| Upgrades ||||| // --- Upgrade Framerecipes.addShaped(UpFrame, [[TitaniumRod, SSteelPlate, TitaniumRod],[SSteelPlate, ClearPane, SSteelPlate],[TitaniumRod, SSteelPlate, TitaniumRod]]); // --- Production Upgraderecipes.addShaped(ProductionUp, [ [SSteelPlate, RoyalJelly, SSteelPlate],[SmallTiGear, UpFrame, SmallTiGear],[SSteelPlate, SugarCell, SSteelPlate]]); // --- Lifespan Upgraderecipes.addShaped(LifespanUp, [[SSteelPlate, FermentedEye, SSteelPlate],[Clock, UpFrame, Clock],[SSteelPlate, SmallAlGear, SSteelPlate]]); // --- Flowering Upgraderecipes.addShaped(FlowerUp, [[AlPlate, AlRotor, AlPlate],[AnyPollen, UpFrame, AnyPollen],[AlPlate, SmallAlGear, AlPlate]]); // --- Territory Upgraderecipes.addShaped(TerritoryUp, [[AlPlate, AlPlate, AlPlate],[AlPlate, UpFrame, AlPlate],[AlPlate, AlPlate, AlPlate]]); // --- Humidifier Upgraderecipes.addShaped(HumidUp, [[SSteelPlate, AlRotor, SSteelPlate],[AlRotor, UpFrame, AlRotor],[SSteelPlate, WaterCell, SSteelPlate]]); // --- Dryer Upgraderecipes.addShaped(DryUp, [[SSteelPlate, AlRotor, SSteelPlate],[AlRotor, UpFrame, AlRotor],[SSteelPlate, LavaCell, SSteelPlate]]); // --- Heater Upgraderecipes.addShaped(HeatUp, [[SSteelPlate, SSteelRotor, SSteelPlate],[LavaCell, UpFrame, LavaCell],[SSteelPlate, LavaCell, SSteelPlate]]); // --- Cooler Upgraderecipes.addShaped(CoolUp, [[SSteelPlate, SSteelRotor, SSteelPlate],[IceCell, UpFrame, IceCell],[SSteelPlate, IceCell, SSteelPlate]]); // --- Seal Upgraderecipes.addShaped(SealUp, [[Beeswax, SSteelPlate, Beeswax],[AlPlate, UpFrame, AlPlate],[Beeswax, AlPlate, Beeswax]]); // --- Light Upgraderecipes.addShaped(LightUp, [[SSteelPlate, GlowstoneGlass, SSteelPlate],[GlowstoneGlass, UpFrame, GlowstoneGlass],[SSteelPlate, GlowstoneGlass, SSteelPlate]]); // --- Sky Upgraderecipes.addShaped(SkyUp, [[AlPlate, SkyBlock, AlPlate],[SkyBlock, UpFrame, SkyBlock],[SSteelPlate, SSteelPlate, SSteelPlate]]); // --- Hell Upgraderecipes.addShaped(HellUp, [[SSteelGear, ClimateModule, SSteelGear],[Netherrack, UpFrame, Netherrack],[SSteelGear, EnviroProcessor, SSteelGear]]); // --- Automation Upgraderecipes.addShaped(AutoUp, [[AlPlate, AlGear, AlPlate],[SmallAlGear, UpFrame, SmallAlGear],[SSteelPlate, MVPiston, SSteelPlate]]); // --- Sieve Upgraderecipes.addShaped(SieveUp, [[SSteelPlate, AlGear, SSteelPlate],[IronBars, UpFrame, IronBars],[SmallSSteelGear, IronBars, SmallSSteelGear]]); // --- Desert Upgraderecipes.addShaped(DesertUp, [[SSteelGear, ClimateModule, SSteelGear],[Sand, UpFrame, Sand],[SSteelGear, EnviroProcessor, SSteelGear]]); // --- Plains Upgraderecipes.addShaped(PlainsUp, [[SSteelGear, ClimateModule, SSteelGear],[Grass, UpFrame, Grass],[SSteelGear, EnviroProcessor, SSteelGear]]); // --- Jungle Upgraderecipes.addShaped(JungleUp, [[SSteelGear, ClimateModule, SSteelGear],[Vines, UpFrame, Vines],[SSteelGear, EnviroProcessor, SSteelGear]]); // --- Genetic Stabilizer Upgraderecipes.addShaped(GeneticUp, [[AlPlate, GeneticsProcessor, AlPlate],[AlPlate, UpFrame, AlPlate],[AlPlate, AlPlate, AlPlate]]);// - Alternative Reciperecipes.addShaped(GeneticUp, [[AlPlate, AlPlate, AlPlate],[AlPlate, UpFrame, AlPlate],[AlPlate, GeneticsProcessor, AlPlate]]); // --- Winter Upgraderecipes.addShaped(WinterUp, [[SSteelGear, ClimateModule, SSteelGear],[Snow, UpFrame, Snow],[SSteelGear, EnviroProcessor, SSteelGear]]);
@ Arch
Now on Github.
Did a few lines in my LP script. Also did over 300 lines on my Red-Logic script.
Available on my GCS repository and soon on the community one.
Guys, I got to work some recipes, and now it seems that I found the crash problem, I forgot to write import.mod.Railcraft.Rolling or something, now it should work, but I still get a crash, but a lil'different, also, the first 2 lines looks weird...
Also, HYPE for the new GT recipes
Guys, I got to work some recipes, and now it seems that I found the crash problem, I forgot to write import.mod.Railcraft.Rolling or something, now it should work, but I still get a crash, but a lil'different, also, the first 2 lines looks weird...
Also, HYPE for the new GT recipes
Can you post here what error you've got ? Or the whole script ?
Sure, gonna post it right now ( script ), as for the crash, dunno, maybe gonna post it now, maybe this week-end.