I have tried the new version of your IC2 Classic 1.6.4 and it works ver well with GraviSuite and Advanced Solar Panels.
I'm glad that I can play with some add-ons. I'm really welcome this new "IC2".
Although I found a graphical bug when I equip my character with IC2 Nano Suit and Quantum Suit.
I don't know, what causes it, but should fix this before the 1.8 Update.

[Remake][1.6.4|1.7.10|1.10.2][Patreon][IRC|#IC2-Classic|EsperNet] IC2 Classic by Speiger
I have tried the new version of your IC2 Classic 1.6.4 and it works ver well with GraviSuite and Advanced Solar Panels.
I'm glad that I can play with some add-ons. I'm really welcome this new "IC2".
Although I found a graphical bug when I equip my character with IC2 Nano Suit and Quantum Suit.
I don't know, what causes it, but should fix this before the 1.8 Update.Em that is not a graphical bug that is derp bug. A extreme derp bug. So extrem that i punsh myself now.
Quick fixing way. Copy the Armor folder from the normal IC2 Jar into the IC2 Classic Zip.
That should (can be the case that it is not) fix it temporary for you.
I will fix that and exchange the download files as soon as possibleSorry.
And thanks for the report^^" -
HotFix Update 1.4.1:
A quick hotfix just because of a bug i found and i wanted to remove it. It is nothing crashiiii or something like that.
Changed: Reranged the Armor Textures to the right point.
Added/Fixed: Armor Pieces know where their texture is now... (Model textures).
That is it. -
Amazing mod thanks a lot! <3
Small issue with (good old) Nuclear Control mod. Energy counter, avarage counter are not working or even connecting to your cables.Is it possible to fix?
IC2 Classic Test Version 1.4.1
IC2NuclearControl-1.6.2e-ic2-experimental (<- latest 1.6.4 possible)[EDIT]
Another big issue is that i cant change IDs. I want to swap IC2 for your working IC2 however all my things dissapear.
I see now. It seems that you decided to use some sort of smart-drastic-ID system instead. Well please try to think about us which need to sustain our small worlds with millions of cables and IC2 blocks or please, make it optional? -
Amazing mod thanks a lot! <3
Small issue with (good old) Nuclear Control mod. Energy counter, avarage counter are not working or even connecting to your cables.Is it possible to fix?
IC2 Classic Test Version 1.4.1
IC2NuclearControl-1.6.2e-ic2-experimental (<- latest 1.6.4 possible)[EDIT]
Another big issue is that i cant change IDs. I want to swap IC2 for your working IC2 however all my things dissapear.
I see now. It seems that you decided to use some sort of smart-drastic-ID system instead. Well please try to think about us which need to sustain our small worlds with millions of cables and IC2 blocks or please, make it optional?OK thanks good to know.
Little bugs i found:IC2 Drills Crash the game. if you break blocks that are not rock or iron from the game. Normal ores should work with that.
IC2 Crops loose their data at servers at least. Still tring to figuring it out.I will work on that as soon as possible...
Another big issue is that i cant change IDs. I want to swap IC2 for your working IC2 however all my things dissapear.
I see now. It seems that you decided to use some sort of smart-drastic-ID system instead. Well please try to think about us which need to sustain our small worlds with millions of cables and IC2 blocks or please, make it optional?Interesting. One little thing. I do not think that all IC2 Exp blocks are compatible to IC2 Classic blocks. I do not know what that is the reason...
A little help to upgrade would be use the 1.3... Version. Start your world with that and then update to the newest version.
But then again there is another problem which i can not fix anymore. I could but it would distroy every peoples world which used 1.4.0/1.4.1
The thing is IC2 Exp (and the old IC2 Classic versions without that new ID system) are mixing their blockIDs. Yeah it is a mess....
So i had to resort everything manually and install then my id System. There are still a couple missmatches..
The new System allows people to config everything really fast and they do not need to care about updates with new Blocks&Items because it automaticly assign them. Also it save a lot of time when you want to make your own modpack... I hated it to setup 200 IDs. So keep space after it (couple ids 20-50 depends)And to the second edit. Nope it is not a drastic ID Assignment or something. It is a ID system that ask for only the start id and then register from them. The only thing that you can not do anymore, which id not think which is nessesary you can not change single IDs. Everything else is still the same. But much more Compact and it increases a little bit the starting time because it does not have to read the file so long.
And that dissapearing bug could be something else which i nodest with my texturer as we played on our server.
Its a extrem bug on Server Side only which i already fixed and will udpate soon that TileEntities get only Registered on the Client Side. That was weird. Maybe that is your Bug. If that fixes it then luck else i am then really sorry but i do not want to make the work back what i already did.Speiger
Amazing mod thanks a lot! <3
Small issue with (good old) Nuclear Control mod. Energy counter, avarage counter are not working or even connecting to your cables.Is it possible to fix?
IC2 Classic Test Version 1.4.1
IC2NuclearControl-1.6.2e-ic2-experimental (<- latest 1.6.4 possible)[EDIT]
Another big issue is that i cant change IDs. I want to swap IC2 for your working IC2 however all my things dissapear.
I see now. It seems that you decided to use some sort of smart-drastic-ID system instead. Well please try to think about us which need to sustain our small worlds with millions of cables and IC2 blocks or please, make it optional?Ok Two things. I Checked it twiche to get sure. You are right cables do not connect to the Nuclear controll counter. That bug is fixed.
The other thing is a little bit weird and nope its not a energy net bug from IC2 It is a bug from Nuclear Controll. You connected the things wrong.
The Side with the Point is the input and the other sides are the output. Do not ask me why but this is the case. And even if the cables are not connecting everything else does connect to it.
Try it out! -
Ok Two things. I Checked it twiche to get sure. You are right cables do not connect to the Nuclear controll counter. That bug is fixed.
The other thing is a little bit weird and nope its not a energy net bug from IC2 It is a bug from Nuclear Controll. You connected the things wrong.
The Side with the Point is the input and the other sides are the output. Do not ask me why but this is the case. And even if the cables are not connecting everything else does connect to it.
Try it out!I will test it. However about that 1.3 version... i am unable to load it even with no other mods. I get this client crash: http://pastebin.com/HEXSftcH
(Sorry that it isnt a proper crash-log as there wasnt any generated. Posted log is from MultiMC console.) -
I will test it. However about that 1.3 version... i am unable to load it even with no other mods. I get this client crash: http://pastebin.com/HEXSftcH
(Sorry that it isnt a proper crash-log as there wasnt any generated. Posted log is from MultiMC console.)this is a texture bug. But i will exchange files.
You can fix it yourself. Just put the sprites folder from the newest version to the 1.3 version then everything should work. -
This update is for Servers Important! Because every tileEntity (simply almost every block from IC2 classic) is fixed with that update.
I do not know why it was like that if it was immibis or someone else i can not tell it.Fixed: TileEntities do get only loaded on Clients. (Means on Chunk Unload the loose all their data... MFSU = 0 EU automaticly)
Fixed: Cables connect now to other Cables... they can vissualy connect but that does not mean that they transfer energy keep that in mind. But all block that say i am a cable will work now. That was a bugreport with nuclear controll.
Fixed: Some recipes with electric items did not work how they should be. (Diamond drill were not craftable when you charged the Basic Drill. So you had to upgrade it.) If you find more of these bugs then tell it to me. They will be covered as bug if the recipe is there.
Fixed: Drills crash game when you break something else that has a material of iron or rock.
Changed/Fixed: Energy Tooltips do no longer require NotEnough Items.
Fixed: Tool Damage will be now showen how it should be.I know that there are still more potential bugs in this version. Nothing crashy at the moment but i have to test them in a ingame world to say if its a bug or if it is working.
Please help to finalize this mod at the 1.6.4 MC version so it is stable enough for an update.
Update: 1.3.1:
Fixed the crashi version of 1.3.0. That missed a texture File. No other Changes at all. (Added a missing file no code changes).
Forestry calls Thread.halt() method, if they detect mismatches in mods checksumms.
This ugly "security" algorithm prevents any attempts of patched mods launching, but member of Rubukkit.org (big russian community) Yalter writed that small mod - http://my-files.ru/Download/y4pueh/ForestryFix.jar which disable Forestry checks (you can decompile it, if you paranoid)
I dont test this mod with IC2 Classic for 1.6.4, but it work perfectly for my patched version of IC2
Sorry for my bad english, i russian -
Forestry calls Thread.halt() method, if they detect mismatches in mods checksumms.
This ugly "security" algorithm prevents any attempts of patched mods launching, but member of Rubukkit.org (big russian community) Yalter writed that small mod - http://my-files.ru/Download/y4pueh/ForestryFix.jar which disable Forestry checks (you can decompile it, if you paranoid)
I dont test this mod with IC2 Classic for 1.6.4, but it work perfectly for my patched version of IC2
Sorry for my bad english, i russianThanks for that thing i will put it to the Download area... But before that i will test it.
(Little note: I look always into the classes before i install something. ^^") -
Update 1.4.2:
Changelog:Added: SilverIngot, since it is a dust exsisting there...
Fixed: Gui Textures are in the Right paths now (compact solars and other stuff had trouble with it).
Tested: Forestry Fix with this Mod and forestry. Works fine.So i did not much here because i did work on other stuff more. And there is still a lot of thing todo.
If you play this version of IC2 with forestry then i highly recommend to install it. You find the things at the first post.Little note: Since i am really lazy. Extreme lazy. You can run on servers a differend version then on your client. That is not a bug that is simply my lazyness of updating version numbers in the ModInfo... I think that i will maybe change the version in a year or two. So do not wonder if there is no saying you do not have the same mod stats in the serverlogin state!
Update 1.5.0:
-Added: Advanced Solar Helmet. Produce 5 EU Per tick. Works fine and is not that op.
-Added: A lot of Support for IBoxable Items. For Quantum Pack. So now you can put in a lot of Tools and Weapons into the Box.
-Fixed: Network Problems that crashes clients.
-Fixed: Uranium Ingot Recipe works fine.
-Fixed: Densed CopperPlate Recipes.
-Fixed: Reactor Components calculations work now a little bit finer. Even if it does not look like it but Reactor Planer setups work now in IC2 Classic Reacots.
-Added/Fixed: Missing TileEntities to Register (Immibis -.-"), Detector Cable, Splitter Cable.
-Fixed: Energy Net Bug that could crash Worlds sometimes every now and then... Made a catch function for it so it should not crash anymore.
-Added: IC2 Tools are now Enchantable, (on Drills you can only apply Fortune & Silktouch), Chainsaw & NanoSabel are equal to Diamond Swords,
only these types are only enchantable: "Diamond Drill", "Drill", "Chainsaw", "NanoSabel". Also only enchantable with books in the Anvil.I hope you like the Changes.
Little Update Information of what is going on at IC2 Classic.
Update will come soon until i have added stuff.-I made the IC2 Classic Textures now ResourcePack Compatible (the big sprite sheets are now loaded through the Minecraft Engine instead of a custom file loader).
-Bugfixes on EnergyStorage, Nuclear Reactors and some more stuff
-Added: Upgrade for magnetizer, and more options for EnergyStorage redstone modes.I hope you like the changes. But that will be not everything yet so wait for the next update
-Added: Upgrade for magnetizer, and more options for EnergyStorage redstone modes.
What would you possibly need to upgrade the magnetiser for? -
Is it 1.7.10 now ?
Is it 1.7.10 now ?
Nope. When i update the sourcecode i will stream that so people (like you) can see what i am doing^^".
What would you possibly need to upgrade the magnetiser for?
Magnetizer is limited to 20 Blocks, up or down (or both). The Upgrade is removing the 20 blocks limit and make it up and down unlimited. (Servers can increase the world height so its usefull) also it increase the PowerUsage times 10 and also increase the PowerStorage 10 times and also make it from LV to MV so you can fill enough energy into it. Why adding that? If you use the magnetizer as elevator you can use the OpenBlocks elevator blocks and that is faster at the same range. So i decided if you want to make a flying island with a really quick elevator you can use the magnetizer (its twice as fast as Electric/Fuel Jetpack, 20-40 blocks per sec or something)
Another question, I want to work with you, do you wanna team up, I have awesome ideas for this mod
Another question, I want to work with you, do you wanna team up, I have awesome ideas for this mod
I did already think about to make a IC2 Classic dev team ^^"
A thing that you have to think of and what will pain you into the ass. You are limited by the API Files. You can not change the API you can not remove something. You can add something but if it get in use is something completly differend.