I want to keep things as simple as possible, good compatibility with IC2 ex, I've heard about Forestry having an "Electrical Engine" and the Red Power has something as well. Still, for now I'd like to get a good option for this while changing my current game as little as possible. Best option?

Best option for EU to MJ?
- CraftyFellow
- Closed
which mc version do you use?
It really depends. 1.7.10 has example no MJ anymore (that is dead)
and another thing, do you play on a server or client? -
I presume CraftyFellow is using 1.7.10 based on his other messages about setting up a fluid reactor. To further explain the part about MJ being dead, the mods that previously used MJ (e.g. Buildcraft, Forestry, Railcraft) now use RF instead.
Redpower 2 has not been updated for 1.7.10; there are two replacement mods: Project: Red and RedLogic. I'm not familiar with them, so I don't know if they have EU to RF converters. I like Forestry for the backpacks, and I've used saplings from a multifarm for biochaff (and am now using them as recycler fodder for helping a mass fabricator). Many of the machines added by Forestry can be made with materials that IC2 already adds (copper, tin, bronze), so you could turn off some of the features in the Forestry config. For changing your world as little as possible, I suggest the "Power Converters" mod (http://www.minecraftforum.net/…iginally-by-powercrystals) - iirc, it doesn't affect world generation at all, it just adds some craftable blocks, and as long as you already have a mod that involves generating or using a specific type of power, you should be able to find the materials needed to make the matching producer/consumer block for that power type.
I presume CraftyFellow is using 1.7.10 based on his other messages about setting up a fluid reactor. To further explain the part about MJ being dead, the mods that previously used MJ (e.g. Buildcraft, Forestry, Railcraft) now use RF instead.Redpower 2 has not been updated for 1.7.10; there are two replacement mods: Project: Red and RedLogic. I'm not familiar with them, so I don't know if they have EU to RF converters. I like Forestry for the backpacks, and I've used saplings from a multifarm for biochaff (and am now using them as recycler fodder for helping a mass fabricator). Many of the machines added by Forestry can be made with materials that IC2 already adds (copper, tin, bronze), so you could turn off some of the features in the Forestry config. For changing your world as little as possible, I suggest the "Power Converters" mod (http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/map…y-powercrystals) - iirc, it doesn't affect world generation at all, it just adds some craftable blocks, and as long as you already have a mod that involves generating or using a specific type of power, you should be able to find the materials needed to make the matching producer/consumer block for that power type.
Thats why i am asking what MC version he is using. Because he is talking about IC2 Exp and Redpower and MJ. That does not fit together. I think he could be in these four versions: 1.2.5, 1.4.7, 1.6.4, 1.7.10.
And PowerConverters is not the Best way. At least for servers thats why i am asking if he is playing on a server (because PC has a infinite power bug on servers because on derp sync code.).
Also there are a lot of mods that support better PowerGen then PowerConverterst between EU to MJ. It really depends on the MC Version.
Next time you need to get information before you throw out infos which can be invalid for him. (Think before you talk). -
It has to be IC2 experimental for 1.7.10 if we go by logic.
Also since the MJ to RF transition had to gameplay changes on BuildCraft chances are that he did not notice it.Well, I personally go with Forestry's electric engine, simple and does the job similar to BC or RC engines.
I mostly went using the Elctrical Engines from a IC2&BC addon which had a really much higher output then the forestry engines were able (even max upgraded), also it had a adjustable Engine which you could setup like insane xD
Thanks guys. Yes I had read about MJ, and failed to observe that the current version I'm using (6.3.6) is in fact running on RF not MJ.
I guess I'll go ahead and install the Forestry mod and trim it down. Thanks again
A little note here:
Forestry engines start with the ratio of 5 EU = 20 RF. And the balance start to move a little bit to more EU cost when you upgrade it (so less RF for more EU. Keep that in mind).
Note a way to transfer energy between RF and EU is MFR which keep the balance to 1 EU - 4 RF really good. (up to 10K RF). It is cheap and can convert really much. -
I'm really glad to have the forestry mod. Backpacks are cool and I LOVE the Workbench. Wish I had that while making tons of circuits and motors while leveling up in IC2EX. Crates seem pretty cool too. Do they work with ANYTHING?
The electrical engines are mostly good, but I'm having trouble when using them with lasers (for crafting buildcraft gates). I can't get the laser to stop stuttering, including when I followed the advice on this FTB page regarding Electrical Engines and lasers.
http://ftbwiki.org/LaserIt sure demonstrates how hard it is to know where to draw the line on mods. I don't want to do anything overpowered and unbalanced, but I don't know most of the mods well enough to know when they are that.
The problem is that lasers require a tone of power constantly.
Each laser require at least 10RF per tick to run (and if they do not removed it they have powerloss(correct me if i am wrong)) and the Forestry engines produce only 20 RF per tick. That is only enough to run a laser at 50% speed (if the powerloss is away) so you need per laser at 40RF per tick to run them at 100% speed and at least 10RF to let them run. -
You can, if flush with EU and short on space, upgrade the electrical engine quite a lot. It's lossy, but assuming nothing has changed (beyond switch to RF) you should be able to get as much as 140RF/t for 50EU.
Or just use more engines, I've had giant banks of them in the past for nuclear quarries.
I gave it upgrades that should put it at 40. Still stutters. I'll try more power next time.
I mostly went using the Elctrical Engines from a IC2&BC addon which had a really much higher output then the forestry engines were able (even max upgraded), also it had a adjustable Engine which you could setup like insane xD
What's the name of this thing?
What's the name of this thing?
When i used it last time..... let me think which mc version that was... hmmmm. i think 1.2.5 or 1.4.7. It was called IC2&BC Crossover mod, adjustable Engines or something like that. I know Crossovermod is dead since 1.2.5, but there was a mod that was close to that i do know the name but it had a adjustable engine. xD ^^" Sorry my mind in that not that good. But i will support it to 1.6.4 when it is not updated.
Boosting the laser with two bronze and two tin didn't stop the stutter, even when not over heating.
When boosting an electrical it will claim to have an increased output, but won't be able to stop stuttering.
The RF storage and the heat numbers climb, and seem to matter though.
There seems to be a problem (bug)? With the electrical engines ACTUAL output (not production), because two engines that are choked will run a single laser fine, even though their "storage" keeps fluctuating between 0 and a few hundred.
Yet a healthy one producing over 100 and claiming high output can't keep from stuttering.
So for now, I'm using two choked electricals (with choke to prevent overheat) per laser. May break down and start using the combustion engine for lasers.
What I'm actually doing now is power each laser with two electrical engines, which have the copper (choke).
The reason for that is that engines send every second a energy packet.
Try use BC Pipes they do not try to send the Full Energy Instant,
RF Pipes (it is a pipe for me) try to send as much power as possible, and if you send only every second a packet then it will shutter. (Note: With combustion engines you may have the same problems)
BC Pipes are not transfering that much power at the same time but adjustet to the current input,
If you create 20 RF per tick and send 400RF packets it will not send 400RF instant, it will send first 31RF per tick and will go down as the internal powerstorage goes done.
^^" That is the difference. -
I am using BC pipes. Specifically a Wooden Kinesis into a golden Kinesis
The RF storage and the heat numbers climb, and seem to matter though.
Oh I think i know what's happening. I haven't played with the RF electric engines, but with the new railcraft ones, they seem to only output the full rating once they have a certain internal storage. Since they're constantly outputting, it takes a while to reach that.
See if the stutter stops once the engine turns red.
(incidentally, I'd like to say i hate absolutely everything about the RF change, the main effect seems to be that engines no longer overheat and explode, what fun is that?).
I'm afraid it does not stop. Whatever the problem is here, one electrical with way more power than it needs stutters, but 2 per laser works better. Meanwhile they're "running" and building large amounts of storage. There seems to be an unintended bottleneck in the excretion of RF from electrical engines.
I ran a laser on a combustion engine, which was producing far less than an upgraded electrical engine, combustion runs perfectly smooth.
I've begun my galacticraft space exploration. Maybe I'll just delay any heavy duty laser work until I get myself a carbon/hydrogen>methane>fuel factory going, and set up a grid of combustion engines by the shore. Then my EU can power Electrolysis to make hydrogen production, and it can power carbon extraction from mars atmosphere....that's a form of EU to RF, and it seems like the coolest reason to automate those cargo rockets that go from planet to planet. Should be very fun to set up it's complete automation.
And the electric engines haven't been useless. I got some advice about a good sugar farm to generate scrap, and a redstone engine wasn't quite sufficient to pump out all the scrap from the recycler.
Note you should remove the lasers after you build your gates/everything that you want to build because they are quite tickrate heavy. They have to check a huge area and the current BC coder did not make it more efficent at the moment.
Only a info. (I have custom bc version where i fixed that bug)