I think I just found a way to turn tin and copper into lots of iron

  • Okay so check this out:

    Take 1 tin, 3 copper, and 1 iron (and 6 rubber and 4 glass, but those are all super-easy renewable with cobblestone and farming)

    That's enough to make a liquid heat exchanger.

    Place the exchanger and then mine it with a -pickaxe- and not a wrench.

    Turns into a basic machine casing... which you can then just craft straight up into 8 iron ingots. So you turn 3 copper and 1 tin into 7 iron (Keep one iron ingot on hand so you can do this again ;) )

    If you wanna go a step farther, you could even put the iron in a blast furnace and reprocess the slag in a thermal centrifuge. 2 cycles of this will give you 14 iron, giving you 14 slag, giving you 14 small gold dust and 70 coal dust. You can then take flint and obsidian, and get a diamond. So now you've turned 6 copper and 2 tin into 14 refined iron, a diamond, a gold ingot, and 20 coal dust and 5 small gold dust in change.

    Hell, technically you're only using 2/3'rds of a tin ingot each time, since you get an extra fluid cell each time. Do it 3 times, and you only need 9 copper and 2 tin.

    Innnteresting, mm?

    • Official Post

    Technically no, as 485 is out, but that changes nothing that the average end user would notice.

    Things like this just require what the blocks drop to be changed, which is simple, as long as the devs notice ;)

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.

  • Well then I'll enjoy this while I have it, since it's waaaayyy more efficient than the copper+tin dust recipe. I've even got it automated with buildcraft autotables and pipes now. It's realllly helping me get all the iron together for a galacticraft moon colony :P

  • I haven't really gotten into agriculture yet. I don't have the patience to keep on weeding, but the prospect of my carefully crossbred plants degrading with the use of weed-ex also just feels wrong

  • Once you've got your cropfarm going, you don't have to weed anymore. Though before that, you need quite a lot of patience, true.

    Native language german, please point out mistakes to me. forget it, my english is better than that of a good deal of people on the forums anyway.

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