[GT-5.09.** & Minetweaker/Crafttweaker Addon] Addon Version 1.7.5- Adding custom Recipes for all Gregtech 5 machines (Now with Fusion Reactor and Ordict support)

  • Not sure if it's bug or a feature, but when i add recipe into the machine and raw materials using ore dictionary (<ore:dustCopper> * 9), the recipe comes up, but without taking amount into calculation. Takes 1 instead of 9. But if i am using straight up name of the item (<gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:2345> * 9) - the amount is correct.

    I'd say that's a bug, and looking at https://github.com/GTNewHorizo…reDictEntryExpansion.java I see an additional bug: GTTweaker's ore dictionary support only targets GT items, but GT ore dictionary unification can be configured to output items from other mods. For example, with Railcraft installed, plates made of iron, copper, or steel default to unificating to the Railcraft versions, so that could cause some problems.

  • Ok i asking the dev Guy who changed the code about help. Which version do you using.

  • I'm trying to add a recipe for Quartz Glass from Applied Energistics 2 using Quartzite dust, but it doesn't seem to be working. Here is the script:

    # Adds a recipe for Quartz Glass using Quartzite dust.

    recipes.addShaped(<appliedenergistics2:tile.BlockQuartzGlass * 4>,
    [[<ore:dustQuartzite>, <ore:blockGlassColorless>, <ore:dustQuartzite>],
    [<ore:blockGlassColorless>, <ore:dustQuartzite>, <ore:blockGlassColorless>],
    [<ore:dustQuartzite>, <ore:blockGlassColorless>, <ore:dustQuartzite>]]);

    When I load the game, it says it cannot resolve appliedenergistics2:tile.BlockQuartzGlass * 4. What am I doing wrong?

  • using /mt hand and the copy it into your script. If you want to have 4 items the *4 is ouside the <> as *error user name found* write earlier.

  • Hey all,
    I recently started playing modded minecraft again after a 4 year hiatus, and I've found a lot has changed. I can not play without IC2 or GregTech ever since my world in 1.4. The problem I'm having now is that I'm using the FTB Inventions mod pack (with additional mods and customized configs) and I'm trying to re-enable the original IC2 machines and recipes that Gregtech disables. Since I know very little about going through the source for the version of gregtech I'm using and changing this behavior (if it's even possible) to recompile, I was glad to find Minetweaker and furthermore your GT addon for it.
    What I like to do is use IC2 early on(get the electric generator/macerator/compressor/extractor [as well as the advanced versions of each, which are added by Immibis's Advanced Machines or Tech Reborn] automated and powered by a solar array), then after I have reached the nether and got some mods set up and I have the means to begin, I like to dive into the more advanced machines that GT offers. I understand this process has changed quite a bit (bronze age, etc), but I still like to customize my experience, so I've decided to do one of the following via MineTweaker

    a) Add back in the ability to craft the disabled IC2 machines as well as edit some crafting recipes by:

    • Giving refined iron ingots a crafting recipe or allow steel dust to be crafted with iron dust + coal dustx2 and allow steel dust to be turned into ingots with any furnace (alternately use one of the induction furnaces to allow an Iron ingot and coal dust to yield a Steel Ingot)
    • Change any IC2 recipes changed by GT (but still useable) to = their original crafting recipes


    b) Edit all GT machines/items that replace the original IC2 machines with the IC2 recipes:

    • Pulverizer/Grinder/etc.
    • GT Circuit = IC2 Basic Circuit (circuitBasic) = Redstonex2 + Iron Plate + Insulated Copper Cablex6
    • and so on...

    I will start configuring the Minetweaker script soon if needed, but I will need some help. Firstly, is it even possible to re-add the disabled IC2 machines using this script (even with GT loaded)? Secondly, is there a syntax for replacing one machine block or item with another? I know it is possible to add crafting recipes to mods, so I'm assuming it's possible to do this with things other than items from the ore dictionary?

    If this has already been made or someone has created some part of what I'm trying to accomplish or did something similar with another mod, I would greatly love any help/input to help me write this script. I am using some of the scripts examples from the github to answer the previous questions, but any contributions to what I expect to be a time consuming task is welcome :D

  • Some of what you request can be done with GregTech configs, without even needing Minetweaker scripts:
    1. Re-enabling IC2 machines can be done in the "disabledrecipes" section of GregTech/Recipes.cfg by setting their entries false (so they're no longer disabled)
    2. Changing "B:steel_true=true" to "B:steel_true=false" in the "blastfurnacerequirements" of GregTech/MaterialProperties.cfg will allow steel dust to be smelted to ingots in a regular furnace. iirc, the IC2 induction furnace just uses vanilla furnace recipes, which takes single inputs, so combining iron and coal dust wouldn't work in it. The GT alloy smelter should be able to handle such a recipe, though.
    3. A few of the IC2 machines that aren't disabled by default have harder recipes that can be turned off in the "harderrecipes" section of GregTech/Recipes.cfg, but some components like the IC2 basic circuit would still need a Minetweaker script to restore the original IC2 recipe.

  • Some of what you request can be done with GregTech configs, without even needing Minetweaker scripts:
    1. Re-enabling IC2 machines can be done in the "disabledrecipes" section of GregTech/Recipes.cfg by setting their entries false (so they're no longer disabled)
    2. Changing "B:steel_true=true" to "B:steel_true=false" in the "blastfurnacerequirements" of GregTech/MaterialProperties.cfg will allow steel dust to be smelted to ingots in a regular furnace. iirc, the IC2 induction furnace just uses vanilla furnace recipes, which takes single inputs, so combining iron and coal dust wouldn't work in it. The GT alloy smelter should be able to handle such a recipe, though.
    3. A few of the IC2 machines that aren't disabled by default have harder recipes that can be turned off in the "harderrecipes" section of GregTech/Recipes.cfg, but some components like the IC2 basic circuit would still need a Minetweaker script to restore the original IC2 recipe.

    Yeah, was kind of hoping they would have deleted the first 3 posts because they were triple posts, the "quadruple" post had updated information saying that I had set up the config incorrectly for the basic machines. Should make the job much easier with those machines workings, just got to update the recipes for some things so no GT machines are needed in order to make the TI and T2 IC2 machines.

  • Yeah, was kind of hoping they would have deleted the first 3 posts because they were triple posts, the "quadruple" post had updated information saying that I had set up the config incorrectly for the basic machines. Should make the job much easier with those machines workings, just got to update the recipes for some things so no GT machines are needed in order to make the TI and T2 IC2 machines.

    I actually have a followup question. I have everything I need to write the script and have started writing val's for a number of the changed/added recipes. I was wondering if there is a syntax for something I'd like to do.
    Basically I'd like the IC² Macerator (as well as the advanced version added by Immibis Advanced Machines/Tech Reborn [forget which re-adds the tier 2 macerator]) to convert ore blocks from the crushed versions straight into the impure version with one line for each IC² ore instead of adding a recipe for oreCrushedTin = dustImpureTin and so on. Does anyone know if this is possible?

  • Hi everyone

    I'm trying to modify the recipe of titanium tetrachloride using the chemical reactor, but it seems the synthax is not the correct because the recipe doesn't show at all (or I'm missing something important). The same occurs with the electrolyzer recipe of the magnesium chloride dust. Using last version of the addon (1.4.1).

    Down here is the script in txt format.

  • Hi everyone
    I'm trying to modify the recipe of titanium tetrachloride using the chemical reactor, but it seems the synthax is not the correct because the recipe doesn't show at all (or I'm missing something important). The same occurs with the electrolyzer recipe of the magnesium chloride dust. Using last version of the addon (1.4.1).
    Down here is the script in txt format.

    Can i have the Minetweaker log?

    I using GT Tweaker 1.10. New GT Tweaker verion is remade by Techlone and maybe somethings not working well. If you can report this bug/issue to github maybe he can fix it if it is a bug.


  • Yep, the value of energy was a test, so I will modify it later :D . I think it would be great to add the eu field to the chemical reactor (and also for the rest of machines that do not have it, if possible).

  • So I'm mostly done with my "Old School IC2 and Gregtech Makeover" script, but I wanted to include a recipe for the Immibis Advanced Machines Rotary Macerator. The closest I've found to attempting to find out the syntax for it is from Immibis Microblocks, dreammaster's saw recipe:

    What I want to do is duplicate:
    Macerator.addRecipe(SteelDust * 2, <ore:oreSteel>);
    but instead of the IC2 macerator I need it to transfer over to the rotary macerator as well (for when I get to tier 2).

    I've looked through the Advanced Machine source and checked out the java file for the (rotary) macerator, but I have no idea how I'd implement it.
    My idea was to create a val RotaryMacerator = <*> where * is where the macerator would be set then just type RotaryMacerator.addRecipe etc.

    Please help. The recipe I included is not the only one. I've removed the recipes for crushed ores and have it so the macerator directly spits out the impure dust versions of whatever ore it macerates (to save me the step of macerating it a second time), and I would like to do the same for the Advanced version.

    Edit: Just looked at the java file again and it looks like it adopts the IC2 recipes for the machine, so this may not be necessary. However if anyone has some experience with this please let me know.

    Update: So after about 3 hours of troubleshooting I finally got all 155 lines of my "GregtechEasyMode.zs" ironed out. I'm currently waiting for the game to re-launch because after scratching out all the errors it was throwing I got it to just throw "13 Modifications Were Stuck" message which should be fixed after this restart. I was running into a handful of problems I shouldn't be having however, since I have GTTweaker for the the version of Gregtech and Minetweaker 3 I'm running. The issue was I was unable to use the ore dictionary for anything gregtech related. There were only a handful of things, mainly steel dust and the NAND chip. For whatever reason I couldn't use <ore:dustSteel> or <ore:circuitPrimitive> for these two things; instead I had to type out the full "<gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:#> for each gregtech specific item I was changing (which, based on the sample scripts, didn't seem like I should have to). I just updated GTTweaker from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1 but I still have to reference GT's metadata for the GT stuff to work for now. Everything worked properly now so if you want to be able to use IC² the way it worked in 1.4 (i.e. build T1 and then T2 [if you have the mods installed to add back in the rotary macerator, etc.] and then finally move to the advanced GregTech machines).

    For reference, here's my script. I added two (possibly) unnecessary import lines after errors were being thrown, so I'm not sure they are entirely necessary, so they may be redundant, but maybe someone with some experience can take a look and figure out why it isn't loading the GT oredict additions on its' own:
    GregTech 1.4 Mode

    Update: Added ExtraBiomesXL script that adds easier slab/double slab recipes as well as Natura integration (see below)
    ExtraBiomesXL Changes