[IC2 Exp][1.7.10|1.8.9|1.10.2] Uncomplication, IC2Classic E-Net, IC2Classic Recipes, Old UUMatter... And all of that for IC2Exp.

  • Well, actually I meant for that to be a config option, if it's not too difficult to implement.

    Well what you are asking for is simply a classic Exp EnergyNet which is not possible yet, because ever packet get handled by its own,
    for explaining:
    A transformer sends up to 4 packets. The EnergyNet see how much packets he wants to send an process them in a row (first packet 1 then packet 2 and so on).
    With that system we can not track how many eu did flow through a single cable each tick, because there is no actual tracking system for that installed...


    • Official Post

    They connect for a tick then reject the connection. Then next tick try again. Cheap strobe lighting but not good for your frame rate. Attaching them directly to storage units makes them not work at all.

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.

    • Official Post

    Luminators haven't changed since IC1, I expect the code hasn't much either.

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.

  • I'm curious: is this addon compatible and worthwhile when playing GT5u with IC2 cables disabled?

    Edit: to clarify, I mean the "IC2Classic E-Net" part. As you might guess from my interest in Gregtech, I'm not interested in the "uncomplication" of recipes.

  • I'm curious: is this addon compatible and worthwhile when playing GT5u with IC2 cables disabled?

    Edit: to clarify, I mean the "IC2Classic E-Net" part. As you might guess from my interest in Gregtech, I'm not interested in the "uncomplication" of recipes.

    If you test it, post your findings, I'm also curious.

  • I was originally planning on using it for my longer mod list (see Some questions, and looking for suggestions on which mods I should use now.), which I won't be starting for a week and a half at least (so I can gradually step down my texture sizes, and hopefully be able to endure 16x textures by then). However, since you asked, I tried it with an existing world after backing it up. I didn't test extensively, but here are my findings:
    1. an IC2 machine will explode when connected directly to a higher-voltage IC2 source, e.g. a CESU on the output of a kinetic wind setup with a carbon rotor, or an IC2 pump on the output of a different CESU. However, neither of those explosions broke any nearby blocks. Is that normal?
    2. an IC2 machine connected to a higher-voltage GT source will not explode. The IC2 pump I tested on the CESU was previously set up with two 4x annealed copper cables between it and an MV battery buffer, and even after removing the transformer upgrade I'd put in before as a precaution, it didn't explode. I also tried it on an output side of a GT MV transformer, and it didn't explode.

  • Ohh thats interesting...
    Normally it should explode also the Wires should melt... The thing is you have to check if the InputTiers of the Machines are higher then the Sended Energy... If the input tier is for example 128 eu but you transfering only 120 then it will not explode...
    It has also something todo with the energy which was already sended because that causes the energynet to send less energy to the Machine which comes next and the explosion is prevented.
    Also the Explosion happens only if the sended EU is greater then the save tier of the machine... Powerloss is also a thing... Keep that in mind...
    Anyway interesting thing i will check that as soon as i can / aroma if he can check that before i am aviable again...

    Edit: Config has a Easy mode... Dissables Explosions. Check that (should be deactive from what you are telling but that is just a savety check)

  • I deleted the configs and restored my backup save, but I had opened the config before to turn the machine and recipe changes, and when I saw the easy mode option, I made sure to leave it disabled. As far as powerloss, by my calculations that pump should have been getting 126 EU/t when connected to the annealed copper cables, and an IC2 pump without a transformer upgrade has a max input of 32 EU/t, right?

  • Those losses are for IC2 cables, which I had disabled. However, whichever cables I was using, 2 of them between the MV battery buffer and the pump should not have lost enough to be safe for a pump.