[AddOn v1.43/v1.64] Advanced Machines V3.2 Beta 2

  • http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12798730/AdvM_3.2b2_IC2_1.70.zip

    Decompiled 3.2b2 against Forge and IC2 1.70b, fixed API changes. Seems to work. I did not change anything about the source itself [ Short of moving the GUI classes into the main advancedmachines package ]
    I'm also not including that source in the download ... it's not needed for a port to Bukkit. Which i dont want to do. Its late.


    Updated to use ModsLoaded() instead of load(), should fix the empty recipe Rotary Macerators once and for all. Also, split off just the Machines. In any case, that rewrite is probably your best bet.

  • http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12798730/AdvM_3.2b2_IC2_1.70.zip

    Decompiled 3.2b2 against Forge and IC2 1.70b, fixed API changes. Seems to work. I did not change anything about the source itself [ Short of moving the GUI classes into the main advancedmachines package ]
    I'm also not including that source in the download ... it's not needed for a port to Bukkit. Which i dont want to do. Its late.

    Thank you, I am wondering if you could seperate this mod into 2 parts (machines, and solar panels) - and also if you can take it over official.

    BTW - Thanks for your finder compass, I love that thing.

    20kb for a signature? who has pictures that small??

  • The guis still don't work for me and shift+clicking still produces strange effects.

    I noticed the workbench thing also, glad I'm not the only one, thought I was going crazy. :P

  • Thank you, I am wondering if you could seperate this mod into 2 parts (machines, and solar panels) - and also if you can take it over official.

    BTW - Thanks for your finder compass, I love that thing.

    Try my updated version. It's not separated download but the config have the settings to disable the parts. It may have a chance to have a NullPointerException though if you turn off one of the parts.

  • So, I'm rewriting advanced machines from scratch as promised. Phase 1 is nearing completion- it's the bit that's really critical for servers- the compact solars. Check my other thread for more details.

  • So, I'm rewriting advanced machines from scratch as promised. Phase 1 is nearing completion- it's the bit that's really critical for servers- the compact solars. Check my other thread for more details.

    This is awesome news, thanks for working on this =)

  • EDIT:

    Updated to use ModsLoaded() instead of load(), should fix the empty recipe Rotary Macerators once and for all. Also, split off just the Machines. In any case, that rewrite is probably your best bet.

    Just so no broken version remains online

    Also, i did try and add the Macerator sound effect - just to find not only one cannot decompile IC2, but also cannot compile anything against it, to make use of their sound system. GG

  • I tried your update, but sadly I just bet a big weird gui with MISSING in big letters and it refuses to work :(
    Running mc 1.1, IC2 1.70b with charcoal dust, ic2 therm, Computercraft,
    BC2.whateverthelatestBC2is, Modular Force Field systems and a few other
    smaller mods. Is there anything I might be doing majorly wrong to cause
    this? If not, no sweat, I'll just wait it out for cpw to finish his

  • Hey Great Mod but when I try to install this I get this error.

    Thanks Jaq007

  • IS there a way to change the crafting recipe for Hv solar cells to use regular 8 ic2 cells instead of making 8 Mv cells? i love the mod but the amount of resources it takes to make a high voltage solar cell is taking its toll on me

  • IS there a way to change the crafting recipe for Hv solar cells to use regular 8 ic2 cells instead of making 8 Mv cells? i love the mod but the amount of resources it takes to make a high voltage solar cell is taking its toll on me

    That would be too overpowered.

  • i know i just don't have as much time to make them the way there are now. i just need to know if there is a way to change the config file or is it harder than just changing some files around

  • Compact Solars is now done. Hopefully...

    Brilliant! was spewing when i saw that Tekkit 2.0 doesnt include Advanced Machines. managed to get your Compact Solar going, but is there any way to get the other advanced machines? eg Compressor, extractor..

    If this has already been answered i humbly apologise.. ive gone through the forum but cant find anything


  • ... If someone think that HV arrays are overpowered, so what about 1800EU/t Mark I nuclear reactor? ...

    It's just opinion some people feel the space an otherwise legitimate solar panel array would take up means more than even the cabling. I'm indifferent to either personally (except for the SMP benefit), but I do think large solar panel arrays can look kind of nice. Also about nuclear reactors they still take up a significant amount of space by comparison with the HV solar panels, you could fit 5 in just the space required for a maxed out reactor, not to mention all of the extra equipment/shielding needed. In the end I'm just happy people have options as to how to want to play.

  • It's just opinion some people feel the space an otherwise legitimate solar panel array would take up means more than even the cabling. I'm indifferent to either personally (except for the SMP benefit), but I do think large solar panel arrays can look kind of nice. Also about nuclear reactors they still take up a significant amount of space by comparison with the HV solar panels, you could fit 5 in just the space required for a maxed out reactor, not to mention all of the extra equipment/shielding needed. In the end I'm just happy people have options as to how to want to play.

    if you feel guilty - then do some math and make extra cables and throw them in the damn lava - done.

    God blesses the child that can hold its own.

  • if you feel guilty - then do some math and make extra cables and throw them in the damn lava - done.

    While I don't particularly want to perpetuate these lines of "arguments", if one can call them that, I don't see how anything I said could have been construed as me feeling "guilty" about anything. Maybe you mean if *anyone*, not just me, somehow feels guilty about "having it too easy" I suppose could understand that. I'm simply stating that people have their individual reasons for and against using or doing any number of things. Be thankful for options and good defaults (official IC2 solar panels are a nice baseline I'd say). Maybe people that think it is overpowered for whatever reasons shouldn't say anything at all since they obviously have the option to not use it, but if they at least express why they aren't planning to use it themselves I don't see the harm. Whether they feel that much power generation should take up considerable space or risk (reactors), or maybe they just feel they'd be missing out on something they consider aesthetically pleasing.

    How ever you or anyone else intends to interpret this or otherwise lead this line of consideration I'm more interested and excited to see what cpw or anyone else does to implement the rest of the advanced machines mod.

    (Sorry for the awkward use of language, I don't communicate with people often enough to know how to express myself better.)