automated cobblestone to diamond factory

  • Here are some pictures of the cobblestone to diamond factory that I made.

    My whole factory

    Back of cobblestone Generator

    front of cobblestone generator

    power source (note would use repeator if it did not crash game)


    Automatic induction furnace

    produces 64 cobblestone per redstone tick
    8 stacks of 64 cobblestone diamond ore block which can be transformed into 2 diamonds
    when the cobblestone Generator was tested could be run at a redstone tick every 2 seconds

    To make this factory I used the following mods:
    Industrial Craft
    Build Craft
    Equivalence Exchange
    Better than wolves
    Eloraam's Red Power
    Pfaef allocator mod

  • Well if we are discussing our cobble stone gens, here's mine.
    16 rows of lava 9 long, = 144 lava sorce
    a row of water to turn to cobble.
    16 bridge blocks from better then blocks on a 1.750 tick.
    even if there is a 10% loss of cobble due to lava that's still 130 cobble per tick.
    I am using red power wiring here but it is not needed, its just prettier.
    On the EE front I have an alch chest with a GOED and a blackhole band.
    I have also done this with piping from BC and ran this into a MASS of macerators and furnaces.

  • Could you please explain the progress step by step? :)

    I am currently in the process of revamping the entire system to make it more efficient. During this process I will be taking pictures and explaining what I am doing. Here I give you a picture showing how an automatic cobblestone generator works.

    This automatic cobblestone generator design is significant because it generates cobblestone out of thin air and places it in a chest. In the glass surrounded case there holds two liquids, which when they meet create cobblestone. The cobblestone is directly then drawn into the block dispenser or the mossy cobblestone like block to the right of the liquids. The block dispenser, being a Better Than Wolves item, places a block when redstone is applied and sucks blocks back up into the machine's inventory, when it looses the current. So in order to enable the Block dispenser to efficiently suck up blocks one has to provide an alternating current, one with a short pulse every two seconds. The blocks are then taken out of the block dispenser's inventory, using the wooden pipes. The blocks are then transferred to a nearby chest in which the pipes are connected to.

  • mine, (except i never acctuly built it) uses glowstone agregators(from EE) and series of automatic crafting tables and macerators as you get the highest diamond gain if you macerate the iron and upgrade the ingots


    • Official Post

    mine, (except i never acctuly built it) uses glowstone agregators(from EE) and series of automatic crafting tables and macerators as you get the highest diamond gain if you macerate the iron and upgrade the ingots

    It's faster to just upgrade (lvl 2 SoED) it another level and just macerate the gold (half as many macerator operations and no loss. You get the same amount of diamonds)

  • And here's an idea to further improve efficiency: once IC2 and MCF are ready, use EE's lvl 5 Klein Star in a DM Locus or furnace as -infinite- fuel.

  • One thing you could do is have and automated production line of things that are used often in IC2 crafting
    circuits, Batteries and Cables
    also production of a low end resource for recycling (EX. 1 cobble = 4 dirt therefore recycling cobble now becomes a waste)
    if you can provide the infrastructure (lots of macerators and some compressors) Industrial diamonds are ~8 times cheaper (seen in material perspective) to produce than EE diamonds and Industrial diamonds can be converted.
    lets see some stuff being made here!

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    One fully automatic Charcoal Factory. No input required!

    The process is as follows:

    1 Cobblestone-->4 Dirt
    4 Dirt + 2 Seeds-->4 Saplings
    2 Saplings-->2 Seeds
    4 Saplings = 4 Wood
    4 Wood + Induction Furnace-->4 Charcoal
    1 Charcoal-->1 Cobblestone

    For this to work, half of the Saplings are converted into Seeds, and half of the Charcoal are converted into Cobble. The end result is that for every Cobblestone thrown through the system, the system will replenish it's own stocks, while producing a FREE Charcoal. The minimum required Cobblestone and Seeds for full operation are 2. This can be sent through Charcoal-->Redstone-->Coal conversion to fuel a diamond factory.

  • @ above yes I did this and showed it in the Factories thread but I also converted the charcoal into coal and automatically macerated them and crafted them into coalballs for Industrial diamond production :P

    • Official Post

    @ above yes I did this and showed it in the Factories thread but I also converted the charcoal into coal and automatically macerated them and crafted them into coalballs for Industrial diamond production :P

    I'll one-up that. I've created this setup to create the Coal, Flint, and Bricks infinitely in such a way as to prevent backlog anywhere. The required mods are:

    • IndustrialCraft 2
    • BuildCraft
    • RedPower
    • Redstone Pipes
    • Equivalent Exchange

    This picture shows my Charcoal Factory, the core of the machine and identical to the one in my last post.

    This picture shows my Flint Factory. The Charcoal Factory feeds this. The setup is like this:

    1 Charcoal-->1 Cobblestone
    1 Cobblestone-->4 Dirt
    2 Dirt-->2 Sand
    2 Dirt + 2 Sand-->2 Gravel
    2 Gravel + Rotary Macerator-->2 Flint

    The Flint then travels to the Diamond Factory.

    This is the Brick Factory. The Charcoal Factory feeds this. The setup is this:

    1 Charcoal-->1 Cobblestone
    1 Cobblestone-->4 Dirt
    4 Dirt-->2 Clay(Block)
    2 Clay(Block)-->8 Clay(Item)
    8 Clay(Item)-->8 Brick(Item)
    8 Brick(Item)-->2 Brick(Block)

    This is again shipped off to the Diamond Factory.

    The Diamond Factory. Uses the IndustrialCraft 2 method to create Industrial Diamonds. These are converted into Diamonds. Recieves input from the other three Factories.

    And finally, the Sorting Machine. This is similar in design to the Toggle Latch method, except using a Counter Circuit.

    This is the basic design. The Counter is designed to increment up as each Charcoal goes by. When the counter reaches it's max, the torch on the right will light up. This will swich the Iron Pipe and send the coal to other factories. When the Charcoal reaches the Redstone Pipe in the off-branch, the Counter is reset. To prevent backlog, the first Counter increments to 137 in 1 unit steps. The second Counter increments to 17 in one unit steps. The math:

    1 Charcoal = 1 Coal Dust
    1 Charcoal = 2 Flint
    1 Charcoal = 2 Brick(Block)
    1 Coalball = 8 Coal Dust + 1 Flint
    1 Coal Chunk = 8 Coalball + 1 Brick(Block)
    16 Charcoal (Coal Dust) + 1 Charcoal (Flint) = 17 Charcoal = 2 Coalball
    128 Charcoal (Coal Dust) + 8 Charcoal (Flint) + 1 Charcoal (Brick{Block}) = 2 Coal Chunk

    Essentially, I'll need to use 1 Charcoal as flint per 16 as Coal Dust, meaning that the 17th Charcoal will be sent to make the required Flint. Then you'll only need 1 Charcoal as Brick(Block) per 128 as Coal Dust, meaning 8 as flint as well. This means you need the 137th Charcoal to be sent off to become Brick.

    And that is my Fully Automatic Diamond Factory. Enjoy.

  • * applauds*

    Im afraind that I cannot top that dear chappy
    But I may be able to do something with something else...

  • I would jizz if someone uploaded their save. I don't care which one, I just get lost when it comes to auto factories like this.

    • Official Post

    I would jizz if someone uploaded their save. I don't care which one, I just get lost when it comes to auto factories like this.

    I would, if not for 2 problems. First, I accidentally deleted my save while clearing my minecraft folder, as something in there was causing SMP to hate me, and second, I am unsure as to the new redpower mod, and would need to test it first. Also, thinking on it, There'll need to be an update to the EE + IC addon also. Updating that *should* be easy, but I never trust anything to be easy.