Both Advanced Solars and GraviSuite have items that can't be crafted when on a server, because of IC2 changes so that all reactor components are crafting with a damage value of 1. Until SeNtiMeL comes back, you can use the following to fix them.
Because I'm nice, there are multiple options to achieve the same thing:
- IC2 Only Method
- Uncomplication Method
- Minetweaker Method
- Fixer Mod Method
You only need to copy the\assets\ic2\config\shaped_recipes.ini file, and put it in a folder called "ic2" in the normal mod config folder. You can then put the lines below anywhere of the file, but putting them at either right at the top or the bottom is best, because everytime you update IC2, if the update contains any recipe changes, you'll have to do the process again with the new shaped_recipes.ini file. A little imperfect, but for most builds you won't have to, and you can always use another one of the methods instead if you really don't want to bother.
Advanced Solars
Only the MT Core needs a recipe changing:
; Fixing Avanced Solar Panels
AdvancedSolarPanel:asp_crafting_items@12 = "GRG|G G|GRG" G:AdvancedSolarPanel:asp_crafting_items@5 R:IC2:reactorReflectorThick@1
Both the Engine Booster and the Cooling Core need their recipes changing:
; Fixing Gravisuite
GraviSuite:itemSimpleItem@6 = "GPG|COC|PVP" G:minecraft:glowstone_dust P:IC2:itemPartAlloy C:IC2:itemPartCircuitAdv O:IC2:upgradeModule V:IC2:reactorVentDiamond@1
GraviSuite:itemSimpleItem@2 = "CHC|PIP|CHC" C:IC2:reactorCoolantSix@1 H:IC2:reactorHeatSwitchDiamond@1 P:IC2:reactorPlatingHeat I:IC2:itemPartIridium
You need to get the Uncomplication Addon. To be warned, this addon does lots of other things, such as replacing plates/item casings with ingots, and restoring the old E-net. For the sake of this, I'll show you how to disable all the other changes, so you can just use it to fix the recipes.
In the
Uncomplication.cfg file:
# Configuration file
classic-e-net {
# This enables the custom classic-like E-Net. This also disables IC2's own E-Net! [default: true]
# If this is set to true, it will instead of exploding, a machine will just stop accepting energy. [default: false]
general {
# This will enable the recipe overrider. This means, you can use Ingots instead of plates in crafting recipes. See Uncomplication-Replacement.ini for more information. [default: true]
# This will enable the MachineRecipeOverrider, so you can use Ingots instead of Plates in machines. [default: true]
# If you set this to true, Uncomplication will add its blocks and items. [default: true]
# This will hide the recipes that are overridden from NEI, so you can't see them anymore. [default: true]
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Now, go to the Uncomplication-Replacement.ini file, and remove everything from it apart from the top 3 lines. For each mod, add the lines in this file.
Advanced Solars
Only the MT Core needs a recipe changing:
Both the Engine Booster and the Cooling Core need their recipes changing:
You need to have Minetweaker for this method. You need to make a file in the scripts folder it will make when it's first run, then you need to make a Fix.zs file. The name doesn't especially matter, but the extension does, make sure it's zs, and Notepad doesn't turn it into .zs.txt For each mod, add the lines to this file.
Advanced Solars
Only the MT Core needs a recipe changing:
# Fix Advanced Solars
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Both the Engine Booster and the Cooling Core need their recipes changing:
# Fix Gravisuite
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