Well i readed the IC2Exp source because i was bored and wanted something to laugh about... Yes i am that mean...
Then i was remembered a mail i got that IC2Exp has a very bad performance.... and i started checking why...
I mean to be fair... IC2Exp is a very overcomplexed mod that could have less complex systems but its normally not very laggy...
(Lets exclude the enet because thats WIP since 1.6.4 and earlier)
After some randomly rooking around in the Components area i noticed something that was weird to me...
Every Machine that uses the energy component is registered As sink&Source... Which is not a bad thing... When you just do not go in detail. As soon as you think in a Server range you notice one thing... THIS IS A HUGE LAG SOURCE.
Now you may think: Hey its not a big deal because its just a machine gets added that means its just another null call...
But if you think in a server range: Every machine gets added it tries to get some detailed information & try to reset data every tick for every machine... So this is a huge lag source...
So here is a huge bugreport that is deep in IC2Exp...
You are creating a huge lagsource by making every generator&machine to a IEnergySink&IEnergySource...
Even if they do not emit energy they get still used & processed...
I suggest that you do case based classes instead a "All can use it class" because you creating a lot of lag the more machines (not generators) get placed... (That use EU)